
Research Papers & Conference Presentations

PEER REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS: (selected papers can be downloaded---click on [PDF])

[1] B. Zeks, T. Carlsson, C. Filipic, B. Urbanc, Thermodynamic model of ferroelectric liquid crystals and its microscopic basis, Ferroelectrics 84, 3-14 (1988).

[2] B. Urbanc, B. Zeks, Microscopic model of the spontaneous polarization in ferroelectric liquid crystals, Liq. Cryst. 5, 1075-1082 (1989).

[3] B. Urbanc, B. Zeks, T. Carlsson, Nonlinear effects in the dielectric response of ferroelectric liquid crystals, Ferroelectrics 113, 219-230 (1991).

[4] B. Zeks, B. Urbanc, The microscopic model of polar and quadrupolar ordering in ferroelectric smectic C* liquid crystals, Ferroelectrics 113, 151-162 (1991).

[5] B. Kutnjak-Urbanc, B. Zeks, in Phase transitions in Liquid Crystals, edited by S. Martellucci and A. N. Chester, The phase transition from the SmC* to the SmC phase induced by an external magnetic field (Plenum, New York, 1992), Chap.23.

[6] B. Kutnjak-Urbanc, B. Zeks, Theoretical investigation of the behavior of ferroelectric liquid crystals in a magnetic or in a high-frequency electric field, Phys. Rev. E 48, 455-464 (1993). [PDF]

[7] B. Kutnjak-Urbanc, B. Zeks, B. Rovsek, The influence of finite dimensions on the static ordering of the SmC* phase in an electric field, Liq. Cryst. 14, 999-1005 (1993).

[8] B. Zeks, T. Carlsson, I. Musevic, B. Kutnjak-Urbanc, Dielectric response of ferroelectric liquid crystals in bias electric field, Liq. Cryst. 15, 103-111 (1993).

[9] B. Kutnjak-Urbanc, B. Zeks, Microscopic origin of spontaneous polarization in ferroelectric SmC* liquid crystals, Liq. Cryst. 18, 483-488 (1995).

[10] B. Kutnjak-Urbanc, B. Zeks, Behavior of ferroelectric liquid crystals in external fields, Phys. Rev. E 51, 1569-1572 (1995). [PDF]

[11] B. Kutnjak-Urbanc, B. Zeks, Phase excitation spectrum of ferroelectric liquid crystals in an external static electric field, Phys. Rev. E 52, 3892-3903 (1995). [PDF]

[12] B. Kutnjak-Urbanc, S. Zapperi, S. Milosevic, H. E. Stanley, Sandpile model on the Sierpinski gasket fractal, Phys. Rev. E 54, 272-277 (1996). [PDF]

[13] B. Kutnjak-Urbanc, S. Havlin, H. E. Stanley, Temporal correlations in a one-dimensional sandpile model, Phys. Rev. E 54, 6109-6113 (1996). [PDF]

[14] L. Cruz, B. Urbanc, S. V. Buldyrev, R. Christie, T. Gomez-Isla, S. Havlin, M. McNamara, H. E. Stanley, and B. T. Hyman, Aggregation and disaggregation of Senile Plaques in Alzheimer Disease, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 94, 7612-7616 (1997). [PDF]

[15] B. Urbanc and L. Cruz, Order Parameter and Segregated Phases in a Sandpile Model with Two Particle Sizes, Phys. Rev. E 56, 1571-1579 (1997). [PDF]

[16] H. E. Stanley, S. V. Buldyrev, L. Cruz, T. Gomez-Isla, S. Havlin, B. T. Hyman, R. Knowles, B. Urbanc and C. Wyart, Statistical Physics and Alzheimer's Disease [Proc. Bar-Ilan Conf], Physica A 249, 460-471 (1998). [PDF]

[17] B. Urbanc, L. Cruz, S. V. Buldyrev, S. Havlin, M. C. Irizarry, H. E. Stanley, and B. T. Hyman, Dynamics of Plaque Formation in Alzheimer Disease, Biophys. J. 76, 1330-1334, (1999). [PDF]

[18] B. Urbanc, L. Cruz, S. V. Buldyrev, S. Havlin, B. T. Hyman, and H. E. Stanley, Dynamic Feedback in an Aggregation-Disaggregation Model, Phys. Rev. E 60, 2120-2126 (1999). [PDF]

[19] R. B. Knowles, C. Wyart, S. V. Buldyrev, L. Cruz, B. Urbanc, M. E. Hasselmo, H. E. Stanley, and B. T. Hyman, Plaque-Induced Neural Network Disruption in Alzheimer's Disease Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 96, 5274-5279 (1999). [PDF]

[20] S. V. Buldyrev, L. Cruz, T. Gomez-Isla, E. Gomez-Tortosa, S. Havlin, R. Le, H. E. Stanley, B. Urbanc and B. T. Hyman, Description of microcolumnar ensembles in association cortex and their disruption in Alzheimer and Lewy body dementias, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 97, 5039-5043 (2000). [PDF]

[20a] E. G. Jones, ``Microcolumns in the cerebral cortex'' Proc. Natl. Acad. of Sci. 97, 5019-5021 (2000) [3 page ``Invited Commentary" accompanying Ref. 20]. [PDF]

[21] R. Le, L. Cruz, B. Urbanc, R. B. Knowles, K. Hsiao-Ashe, K. Duff, M. Irizarry H. E. Stanley,and B. T. Hyman, Plaque-induced abnormailities in neurite geometry in transgenic models of Alzheiemr's diseasae: implications for neural system disruption, J. Neuropath. Exp. Neurol. 60, 763-758 (2001). [PDF]

[22] B. Urbanc, L. Cruz, R. Le, J. Sanders, K. Hsiao-Ashe, K. Duff, H. E. Stanley, M. C. Irrizarry and B. T. Hyman, Neurotoxic Effects of Thioflavin S Positive Amyloid Deposits, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 99, 13990-13995 (2002). [PDF]

[23] S. Peng, B. Urbanc, L. Cruz, B. T. Hyman, and H. E. Stanley, Neuron Recognition by Parallel Potts Segmentation, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 100, 3847-3852 (2003). [PDF]

[24] S. Peng, F. Ding, B. Urbanc, S. V. Buldyrev, L. Cruz, H. E. Stanley, and N. V. Dokholyan, Discrete molecular dynamics simulations of peptide aggregation, Phys. Rev. E 69, 041908 (2004). [PDF]

[25] B. Urbanc, L. Cruz, F. Ding, D. Sammond, S. Khare, S. V. Buldyrev, H. E. Stanley, and N. V. Dokholyan, Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Amyloid-Beta Dimer Formation, Biophys. J. 87, 2310-2321 (2004). [PDF]

[26] L. Cruz, D. L. Roe, B. Urbanc, H. Cabral, H. E. Stanley, and D. L. Rosene, Age-related reduction in microcolumnar structure in area 46 of the rhesus monkey correlates with behavioral decline, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 101, 15846-15851 (2004). [PDF]

[27] B. Urbanc, L. Cruz, S. Yun, S. V. Buldyrev, G. Bitan, D. B. Teplow, and H. E. Stanley, In silico study of amyloid beta-protein folding and oligomerization, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 101, 17345-17350 (2004). [PDF]

[28] L. Cruz, S. V. Buldyrev, S. Peng, D. L. Roe, B. Urbanc, H. E. Stanley, and D. L. Rosene, A Statistically Based Density Map Method for Identification and Quantification of Regional Differences in Microcolumnarity in the Monkey Brain, J. Neurosci. Methods 141, 321-332 (2005). [PDF]

[29] J. M. Borreguero, B. Urbanc, N. D. Lazo, S. V. Buldyrev, D. B. Teplow, and H. E. Stanley, Folding events in the 21-30 region of amyloid beta-protein studied in silico, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 102, 6015-6020 (2005). [PDF]

[30] B. Urbanc, J. M. Borreguero, L. Cruz, and H. E. Stanley, Ab initio discrete molecular dynamics approach to protein folding and aggregation, Methods in Enzymology 412, Ch.19, 314-338 (2006). [PDF]

[31] S. Peng, B. Urbanc, S. V. Buldyrev, L. Cruz, S. Yun, and H. E. Stanley, Discrete Molecular Dynamics Study of A beta16-22 Folding and Aggregation, in preparation.

[32] L. Cruz, B. Urbanc, J. M. Borreguero, N. D. Lazo, D. B. Teplow, and H. E. Stanley, Molecular dynamics study of Abeta21-30: Solvent-Dependent Effects and Dutch Mutation Dynamics, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 102, 18258-18263 (2005). [PDF]

[33] B. Urbanc and M. Cepic, Possible Isostructural Transitions in the Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals in High External Electric Fields , presented at the 20th International Liquid Crystal Conference, 4-9 July, 2004, Ljubljana (Slovenia), Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 438 , 41(1605)-46(1610) (2005). [PDF]

[34] B. Urbanc, L. Cruz, D. B. Teplow, and H. E. Stanley, Computer simulations of Alzheimer's amyloid beta-protein folding and assembly , invited review, Current Alzheimer Research, 3, 493-504 (2006). [PDF]
[35] A. Lam, B. Urbanc, J. M. Borreguero, N. D. Lazo, D. B. Teplow, and H. E. Stanley, Discrete Molecular Dynamics Study of Alzheimer Amyloid Beta-Protein (A$\beta$) Folding, Proceedings of The 2006 International Conference on Bioinformatics & Computational Biology, 322-328 (2006). [PDF]

[36] D.B. Teplow, N.D. Lazo, G. Bitan, S. Bernstein, T. Wyttenbach, M.T. Bowers, A. Baumketner, J.-E. Shea, B. Urbanc, L. Cruz, J.M. Borreguero, and H.E. Stanley, Elucidating Amyloid beta-protein Folding and Assembly: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Account of Chemical Research 39, 635-645 (2006). [PDF]

[37] S. Yun, B. Urbanc, L. Cruz, G. Bitan, D.B. Teplow, and H.E. Stanley, Role of electrostatic interactions in amyloid beta-protein oligomer formation: A discrete molecular dynamics study. Biophys. J., in press (2007). [PDF]

CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS AND TALKS: (selected talks can be downloaded---click on [PDF])

[1] B. Kutnjak-Urbanc, B. Zeks, The Microscopic Origin of the Polarization in Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals, oral presentation, ``The Molecular Dynamics of Liquid Crystals'', NATO Advanced Study Institute, Il Ciocco 1989, Italy.

[2] B. Kutnjak-Urbanc, B. Zeks, Influence of Static Electric and Magnetic Fields on Optical Properties of Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals, III. International Topical Meeting on Optics of Liquid Crystals, Cetraro 1990, Italy.

[3] B. Kutnjak-Urbanc, B. Zeks, The Phase Diagram of Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals in the External Magnetic Field, poster presentation, European Conference on Liquid Crystals, Courmayeur 1991, Italy.

[4] B. Kutnjak-Urbanc, B. Zeks, B. Rovsek, Unwinding of the helical structure of the SmC* phase in external magnetic and electric fields, poster presentation, 14th International Liquid Crystal Conference, Pisa 1992, Italy.

[5] I. Drevensek, M. Copic, B. Kutnjak-Urbanc, B. Zeks: Nonlinear optical susceptibility of ferroelectric liquid crystals, poster presentation, 14th International Liquid Crystal Conference, Pisa 1992, Italy.

[6] B. Kutnjak-Urbanc, B. Zeks, Phason Spectrum of Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals in an External Electric Field, poster presentation, European Conference on Liquid Crystals, Flims 1993, Switzerland.

[7] B. Kutnjak-Urbanc, B. Zeks, Phase Transition in Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals Induced by an Electric Field, poster presentation, NATO Advanced Study Institute ``Phase Transitions and Relaxation in Systems with Competing Energy Scales'', Geilo 1993, Norway.

[8] B. Kutnjak-Urbanc, B. Zeks, Microscopic origin of spontaneous polarization in ferroelectric SmC* liquid crystals, poster presentation, 15th International Conference on Liquid Crystals, Budapest 1994, Hungary.

[9] B. Kutnjak-Urbanc, S. Zapperi, S. Milosevic and H. E. Stanley, Sandpile model on Sierpinski gasket fractal, oral presentation, Gordon Conference ``Condensed Matter Physics'', Brewster Academy, New Hampshire, 9. - 14. 7. 1995, U.S.A.

[10] B. Kutnjak-Urbanc, S. Havlin and H. E. Stanley, Temporal correlations in a one-dimensional sandpile model, 20-minute talk on Material Research Science (MRS) Fall Meeting 1995, 27 Nov.---1 Dec. 1995, Boston (Abstract M11.8).

[11] Brigita Urbanc, Microscopic model for spontaneous polarization in ferroelectric liquid crystals, invited talk at Rio Piedras, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 5 May, 1997.

[12] R. B. Knowles, L. Cruz, B. Kutnjak-Urbanc, R. H. Christie, H. E. Stanley, and B. T. Hyman, meeting abstract, sl The effect of senile plaques and neuropil threads on neurite morphology in Alzheimer's disease, Neurology 48, 3045-3045 Suppl. 2, 1997.

[13] B. T. Hyman, R. B. Knowles, C. Wyart, S. V. Buldyrev, L. Cruz, B. Urbanc, M. E. Hasselmo, and H. E. Stanley, meeting abstract Plaque-induced neurite abnormalities: Implications for disruption of neural networks in Alzheimer's disease, J. Neuropath. Exp. Neurol. 58 557-557, 1999.

[14] Brigita Urbanc, Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Amyloid-Beta Dimer Formation, invited talk, Second ICAM Workshop on Physical Principles of Amyloid Diseases: ``PROTEIN MISAGGREGATION: FROM MOLECULES TO NEURODEGENERATION'', Feb. 9-11 2004, Lenox Hotel, Boston, Massachusetts.

[15] Brigita Urbanc, In silico study of amyloid-beta folding and oligomer formation, invited talk at the session ``Biophysical Aspects of Protein and Peptide Aggregation: Experiment and Theory,'' Americal Chemical Society Meeting, Mar. 13-17 2005, Convention Center, San Diego, California.

[16] S. M. Spring, S. L. Bernstein, N. D. Lazo, B. Urbanc, H. E. Stanley, M. T. Bowers, D. B. Teplow, and G. Bitan, Towards inhibition of amyloid-beta protein inhibition, poster presentation, 19th American Peptide Symposium, 2005, San Diego, California.

[17] B. Urbanc, Statistical Physics Approach to Understanding Alzheimer's Disease, invited seminar, 12 December 2005, California State University Northridge, Physics Department, Los Angeles, California.

[18] B. Urbanc, In vitro driven computer simulations of relevance to Alzheimer's disease, an invited talk at A Society for Neuroscience 2006 Satellite Symposium (13 October, 2006), Atlanta.

[19] B. Urbanc, L. Cruz, E. Fradinger, G. Bitan, D.B. Teplow, and H.E. Stanley, Computational study of amyloid beta-protein oligomerization in the presence of C-terminal fragments, a poster presentation 168.15 at A Society for Neuroscience 2006 Annual Meeting (15 October, 2006), Atlanta.

[20] B. Urbanc, In vitro driven computer simulations of relevance to Alzheimer's disease, an invited talk at Biophysical Society Meeting (6 March, 2007), Baltimore.