This chapter presents a potpourri of awk
programs for your reading
There are two sections. The first presents awk
versions of several common POSIX utilities.
The second is a grab-bag of interesting programs.
Many of these programs use the library functions presented in
section A Library of awk
This section presents a number of POSIX utilities that are implemented in
. Re-inventing these programs in awk
is often enjoyable,
since the algorithms can be very clearly expressed, and usually the code is
very concise and simple. This is true because awk
does so much for you.
It should be noted that these programs are not necessarily intended to
replace the installed versions on your system. Instead, their
purpose is to illustrate awk
language programming for "real world"
The programs are presented in alphabetical order.
The cut
utility selects, or "cuts," either characters or fields
from its standard
input and sends them to its standard output. cut
can cut out either
a list of characters, or a list of fields. By default, fields are separated
by tabs, but you may supply a command line option to change the field
delimiter, i.e. the field separator character. cut
's definition
of fields is less general than awk
A common use of cut
might be to pull out just the login name of
logged-on users from the output of who
. For example, the following
pipeline generates a sorted, unique list of the logged on users:
who | cut -c1-8 | sort | uniq
The options for cut
-c list
-f list
-d delim
The awk
implementation of cut
uses the getopt
function (see section Processing Command Line Options),
and the join
library function
(see section Merging an Array Into a String).
The program begins with a comment describing the options and a usage
function which prints out a usage message and exits. usage
is called
if invalid arguments are supplied.
# cut.awk -- implement cut in awk # Arnold Robbins,, Public Domain # May 1993 # Options: # -f list Cut fields # -d c Field delimiter character # -c list Cut characters # # -s Suppress lines without the delimiter character function usage( e1, e2) { e1 = "usage: cut [-f list] [-d c] [-s] [files...]" e2 = "usage: cut [-c list] [files...]" print e1 > "/dev/stderr" print e2 > "/dev/stderr" exit 1 }
The variables e1
and e2
are used so that the function
fits nicely on the
Next comes a BEGIN
rule that parses the command line options.
It sets FS
to a single tab character, since that is cut
default field separator. The output field separator is also set to be the
same as the input field separator. Then getopt
is used to step
through the command line options. One or the other of the variables
or by_chars
is set to true, to indicate that
processing should be done by fields or by characters respectively.
When cutting by characters, the output field separator is set to the null
BEGIN \ { FS = "\t" # default OFS = FS while ((c = getopt(ARGC, ARGV, "sf:c:d:")) != -1) { if (c == "f") { by_fields = 1 fieldlist = Optarg } else if (c == "c") { by_chars = 1 fieldlist = Optarg OFS = "" } else if (c == "d") { if (length(Optarg) > 1) { printf("Using first character of %s" \ " for delimiter\n", Optarg) > "/dev/stderr" Optarg = substr(Optarg, 1, 1) } FS = Optarg OFS = FS if (FS == " ") # defeat awk semantics FS = "[ ]" } else if (c == "s") suppress++ else usage() } for (i = 1; i < Optind; i++) ARGV[i] = ""
Special care is taken when the field delimiter is a space. Using
" "
(a single space) for the value of FS
separate fields with runs of spaces, tabs and/or newlines, and we want them to be
separated with individual spaces. Also, note that after getopt
through, we have to clear out all the elements of ARGV
from one to
, so that awk
will not try to process the command line
options as file names.
After dealing with the command line options, the program verifies that the
options make sense. Only one or the other of `-c' and `-f' should
be used, and both require a field list. Then either set_fieldlist
is called to pull apart the list of fields or
if (by_fields && by_chars) usage() if (by_fields == 0 && by_chars == 0) by_fields = 1 # default if (fieldlist == "") { print "cut: needs list for -c or -f" > "/dev/stderr" exit 1 } if (by_fields) set_fieldlist() else set_charlist() }
Here is set_fieldlist
. It first splits the field list apart
at the commas, into an array. Then, for each element of the array, it
looks to see if it is actually a range, and if so splits it apart. The range
is verified to make sure the first number is smaller than the second.
Each number in the list is added to the flist
array, which simply
lists the fields that will be printed.
Normal field splitting is used.
The program lets awk
handle the job of doing the field splitting.
function set_fieldlist( n, m, i, j, k, f, g) { n = split(fieldlist, f, ",") j = 1 # index in flist for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { if (index(f[i], "-") != 0) { # a range m = split(f[i], g, "-") if (m != 2 || g[1] >= g[2]) { printf("bad field list: %s\n", f[i]) > "/dev/stderr" exit 1 } for (k = g[1]; k <= g[2]; k++) flist[j++] = k } else flist[j++] = f[i] } nfields = j - 1 }
The set_charlist
function is more complicated than set_fieldlist
The idea here is to use gawk
(see section Reading Fixed-width Data),
which describes constant width input. When using a character list, that is
exactly what we have.
is more complicated than simply listing the
fields that need to be printed. We have to keep track of the fields to be
printed, and also the intervening characters that have to be skipped.
For example, suppose you wanted characters one through eight, 15, and
22 through 35. You would use `-c 1-8,15,22-35'. The necessary value
would be "8 6 1 6 14"
. This gives us five
fields, and what should be printed are $1
, $3
, and $5
The intermediate fields are "filler," stuff in between the desired data.
lists the fields to be printed, and t
tracks the
complete field list, including filler fields.
function set_charlist( field, i, j, f, g, t, filler, last, len) { field = 1 # count total fields n = split(fieldlist, f, ",") j = 1 # index in flist for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { if (index(f[i], "-") != 0) { # range m = split(f[i], g, "-") if (m != 2 || g[1] >= g[2]) { printf("bad character list: %s\n", f[i]) > "/dev/stderr" exit 1 } len = g[2] - g[1] + 1 if (g[1] > 1) # compute length of filler filler = g[1] - last - 1 else filler = 0 if (filler) t[field++] = filler t[field++] = len # length of field last = g[2] flist[j++] = field - 1 } else { if (f[i] > 1) filler = f[i] - last - 1 else filler = 0 if (filler) t[field++] = filler t[field++] = 1 last = f[i] flist[j++] = field - 1 } } FIELDWIDTHS = join(t, 1, field - 1) nfields = j - 1 }
Here is the rule that actually processes the data. If the `-s' option
was given, then suppress
will be true. The first if
makes sure that the input record does have the field separator. If
is processing fields, suppress
is true, and the field
separator character is not in the record, then the record is skipped.
If the record is valid, then at this point, gawk
has split the data
into fields, either using the character in FS
or using fixed-length
fields and FIELDWIDTHS
. The loop goes through the list of fields
that should be printed. If the corresponding field has data in it, it is
printed. If the next field also has data, then the separator character is
written out in between the fields.
{ if (by_fields && suppress && $0 !~ FS) next for (i = 1; i <= nfields; i++) { if ($flist[i] != "") { printf "%s", $flist[i] if (i < nfields && $flist[i+1] != "") printf "%s", OFS } } print "" }
This version of cut
relies on gawk
variable to do the character-based cutting. While it would be possible in
other awk
implementations to use substr
(see section Built-in Functions for String Manipulation),
it would also be extremely painful to do so.
variable supplies an elegant solution to the problem
of picking the input line apart by characters.
The egrep
utility searches files for patterns. It uses regular
expressions that are almost identical to those available in awk
(see section Regular Expression Constants). It is used this way:
egrep [ options ] 'pattern' files ...
The pattern is a regexp.
In typical usage, the regexp is quoted to prevent the shell from expanding
any of the special characters as file name wildcards.
Normally, egrep
prints the
lines that matched. If multiple file names are provided on the command
line, each output line is preceded by the name of the file and a colon.
The options are:
prints the lines that do
not match the pattern, and exits successfully if the pattern was not
-e pattern
This version uses the getopt
library function
(see section Processing Command Line Options),
and the file transition library program
(see section Noting Data File Boundaries).
The program begins with a descriptive comment, and then a BEGIN
that processes the command line arguments with getopt
. The `-i'
(ignore case) option is particularly easy with gawk
; we just use the
built in variable
(see section Built-in Variables).
# egrep.awk -- simulate egrep in awk # Arnold Robbins,, Public Domain # May 1993 # Options: # -c count of lines # -s silent - use exit value # -v invert test, success if no match # -i ignore case # -l print filenames only # -e argument is pattern BEGIN { while ((c = getopt(ARGC, ARGV, "ce:svil")) != -1) { if (c == "c") count_only++ else if (c == "s") no_print++ else if (c == "v") invert++ else if (c == "i") IGNORECASE = 1 else if (c == "l") filenames_only++ else if (c == "e") pattern = Optarg else usage() }
Next comes the code that handles the egrep
specific behavior. If no
pattern was supplied with `-e', the first non-option on the command
line is used. The awk
command line arguments up to ARGV[Optind]
are cleared, so that awk
won't try to process them as files. If no
files were specified, the standard input is used, and if multiple files were
specified, we make sure to note this so that the file names can precede the
matched lines in the output.
The last two lines are commented out, since they are not needed in
. They should be uncommented if you have to use another version
of awk
if (pattern == "") pattern = ARGV[Optind++] for (i = 1; i < Optind; i++) ARGV[i] = "" if (Optind >= ARGC) { ARGV[1] = "-" ARGC = 2 } else if (ARGC - Optind > 1) do_filenames++ # if (IGNORECASE) # pattern = tolower(pattern) }
The next set of lines should be uncommented if you are not using
. This rule translates all the characters in the input line
into lower-case if the `-i' option was specified. The rule is
commented out since it is not necessary with gawk
#{ # if (IGNORECASE) # $0 = tolower($0) #}
The beginfile
function is called by the rule in `ftrans.awk'
when each new file is processed. In this case, it is very simple; all it
does is initialize a variable fcount
to zero. fcount
how many lines in the current file matched the pattern.
function beginfile(junk) { fcount = 0 }
The endfile
function is called after each file has been processed.
It is used only when the user wants a count of the number of lines that
matched. no_print
will be true only if the exit status is desired.
will be true if line counts are desired. egrep
will therefore only print line counts if printing and counting are enabled.
The output format must be adjusted depending upon the number of files to be
processed. Finally, fcount
is added to total
, so that we
know how many lines altogether matched the pattern.
function endfile(file) { if (! no_print && count_only) if (do_filenames) print file ":" fcount else print fcount total += fcount }
This rule does most of the work of matching lines. The variable
will be true if the line matched the pattern. If the user
wants lines that did not match, the sense of the matches
is inverted
using the `!' operator. fcount
is incremented with the value of
, which will be either one or zero, depending upon a
successful or unsuccessful match. If the line did not match, the
statement just moves on to the next record.
There are several optimizations for performance in the following few lines
of code. If the user only wants exit status (no_print
is true), and
we don't have to count lines, then it is enough to know that one line in
this file matched, and we can skip on to the next file with nextfile
Along similar lines, if we are only printing file names, and we
don't need to count lines, we can print the file name, and then skip to the
next file with nextfile
Finally, each line is printed, with a leading filename and colon if necessary.
{ matches = ($0 ~ pattern) if (invert) matches = ! matches fcount += matches # 1 or 0 if (! matches) next if (no_print && ! count_only) nextfile if (filenames_only && ! count_only) { print FILENAME nextfile } if (do_filenames && ! count_only) print FILENAME ":" $0 else if (! count_only) print }
rule takes care of producing the correct exit status. If
there were no matches, the exit status is one, otherwise it is zero.
END \ { if (total == 0) exit 1 exit 0 }
The usage
function prints a usage message in case of invalid options
and then exits.
function usage( e) { e = "Usage: egrep [-csvil] [-e pat] [files ...]" print e > "/dev/stderr" exit 1 }
The variable e
is used so that the function fits nicely
on the printed page.
Just a note on programming style. You may have noticed that the END
rule uses backslash continuation, with the open brace on a line by
itself. This is so that it more closely resembles the way functions
are written. Many of the examples
in this chapter
use this style. You can decide for yourself if you like writing
your BEGIN
and END
rules this way,
or not.
The id
utility lists a user's real and effective user-id numbers,
real and effective group-id numbers, and the user's group set, if any.
will only print the effective user-id and group-id if they are
different from the real ones. If possible, id
will also supply the
corresponding user and group names. The output might look like this:
$ id -| uid=2076(arnold) gid=10(staff) groups=10(staff),4(tty)
This information is exactly what is provided by gawk
`/dev/user' special file (see section Special File Names in gawk
However, the id
utility provides a more palatable output than just a
string of numbers.
Here is a simple version of id
written in awk
It uses the user database library functions
(see section Reading the User Database),
and the group database library functions
(see section Reading the Group Database).
The program is fairly straightforward. All the work is done in the
rule. The user and group id numbers are obtained from
`/dev/user'. If there is no support for `/dev/user', the program
gives up.
The code is repetitive. The entry in the user database for the real user-id number is split into parts at the `:'. The name is the first field. Similar code is used for the effective user-id number, and the group numbers.
# id.awk -- implement id in awk # Arnold Robbins,, Public Domain # May 1993 # output is: # uid=12(foo) euid=34(bar) gid=3(baz) \ # egid=5(blat) groups=9(nine),2(two),1(one) BEGIN \ { if ((getline < "/dev/user") < 0) { err = "id: no /dev/user support - cannot run" print err > "/dev/stderr" exit 1 } close("/dev/user") uid = $1 euid = $2 gid = $3 egid = $4 printf("uid=%d", uid) pw = getpwuid(uid) if (pw != "") { split(pw, a, ":") printf("(%s)", a[1]) } if (euid != uid) { printf(" euid=%d", euid) pw = getpwuid(euid) if (pw != "") { split(pw, a, ":") printf("(%s)", a[1]) } } printf(" gid=%d", gid) pw = getgrgid(gid) if (pw != "") { split(pw, a, ":") printf("(%s)", a[1]) } if (egid != gid) { printf(" egid=%d", egid) pw = getgrgid(egid) if (pw != "") { split(pw, a, ":") printf("(%s)", a[1]) } } if (NF > 4) { printf(" groups="); for (i = 5; i <= NF; i++) { printf("%d", $i) pw = getgrgid($i) if (pw != "") { split(pw, a, ":") printf("(%s)", a[1]) } if (i < NF) printf(",") } } print "" }
The split
program splits large text files into smaller pieces. By default,
the output files are named `xaa', `xab', and so on. Each file has
1000 lines in it, with the likely exception of the last file. To change the
number of lines in each file, you supply a number on the command line
preceded with a minus, e.g., `-500' for files with 500 lines in them
instead of 1000. To change the name of the output files to something like
`myfileaa', `myfileab', and so on, you supply an additional
argument that specifies the filename.
Here is a version of split
in awk
. It uses the ord
functions presented in
section Translating Between Characters and Numbers.
The program first sets its defaults, and then tests to make sure there are not too many arguments. It then looks at each argument in turn. The first argument could be a minus followed by a number. If it is, this happens to look like a negative number, so it is made positive, and that is the count of lines. The data file name is skipped over, and the final argument is used as the prefix for the output file names.
# split.awk -- do split in awk # Arnold Robbins,, Public Domain # May 1993 # usage: split [-num] [file] [outname] BEGIN { outfile = "x" # default count = 1000 if (ARGC > 4) usage() i = 1 if (ARGV[i] ~ /^-[0-9]+$/) { count = -ARGV[i] ARGV[i] = "" i++ } # test argv in case reading from stdin instead of file if (i in ARGV) i++ # skip data file name if (i in ARGV) { outfile = ARGV[i] ARGV[i] = "" } s1 = s2 = "a" out = (outfile s1 s2) }
The next rule does most of the work. tcount
(temporary count) tracks
how many lines have been printed to the output file so far. If it is greater
than count
, it is time to close the current file and start a new one.
and s2
track the current suffixes for the file name. If
they are both `z', the file is just too big. Otherwise, s1
moves to the next letter in the alphabet and s2
starts over again at
{ if (++tcount > count) { close(out) if (s2 == "z") { if (s1 == "z") { printf("split: %s is too large to split\n", \ FILENAME) > "/dev/stderr" exit 1 } s1 = chr(ord(s1) + 1) s2 = "a" } else s2 = chr(ord(s2) + 1) out = (outfile s1 s2) tcount = 1 } print > out }
The usage
function simply prints an error message and exits.
function usage( e) { e = "usage: split [-num] [file] [outname]" print e > "/dev/stderr" exit 1 }
The variable e
is used so that the function
fits nicely on the
This program is a bit sloppy; it relies on awk
to close the last file
for it automatically, instead of doing it in an END
The tee
program is known as a "pipe fitting." tee
its standard input to its standard output, and also duplicates it to the
files named on the command line. Its usage is:
tee [-a] file ...
The `-a' option tells tee
to append to the named files, instead of
truncating them and starting over.
rule first makes a copy of all the command line arguments,
into an array named copy
is not copied, since it is not needed.
cannot use ARGV
directly, since awk
will attempt to
process each file named in ARGV
as input data.
If the first argument is `-a', then the flag variable
is set to true, and both ARGV[1]
are deleted. If ARGC
is less than two, then no file
names were supplied, and tee
prints a usage message and exits.
Finally, awk
is forced to read the standard input by setting
to "-"
, and ARGC
to two.
# tee.awk -- tee in awk # Arnold Robbins,, Public Domain # May 1993 # Revised December 1995 BEGIN \ { for (i = 1; i < ARGC; i++) copy[i] = ARGV[i] if (ARGV[1] == "-a") { append = 1 delete ARGV[1] delete copy[1] ARGC-- } if (ARGC < 2) { print "usage: tee [-a] file ..." > "/dev/stderr" exit 1 } ARGV[1] = "-" ARGC = 2 }
The single rule does all the work. Since there is no pattern, it is executed for each line of input. The body of the rule simply prints the line into each file on the command line, and then to the standard output.
{ # moving the if outside the loop makes it run faster if (append) for (i in copy) print >> copy[i] else for (i in copy) print > copy[i] print }
It would have been possible to code the loop this way:
for (i in copy) if (append) print >> copy[i] else print > copy[i]
This is more concise, but it is also less efficient. The `if' is
tested for each record and for each output file. By duplicating the loop
body, the `if' is only tested once for each input record. If there are
N input records and M input files, the first method only
executes N `if' statements, while the second would execute
M `if' statements.
Finally, the END
rule cleans up, by closing all the output files.
END \ { for (i in copy) close(copy[i]) }
The uniq
utility reads sorted lines of data on its standard input,
and (by default) removes duplicate lines. In other words, only unique lines
are printed, hence the name. uniq
has a number of options. The usage is:
uniq [-udc [-n]] [+n] [ input file [ output file ]]
The option meanings are:
's default: non-whitespace characters separated
by runs of spaces and/or tabs.
input file
output file
Normally uniq
behaves as if both the `-d' and `-u' options
had been provided.
Here is an awk
implementation of uniq
. It uses the
library function
(see section Processing Command Line Options),
and the join
library function
(see section Merging an Array Into a String).
The program begins with a usage
function and then a brief outline of
the options and their meanings in a comment.
rule deals with the command line arguments and options. It
uses a trick to get getopt
to handle options of the form `-25',
treating such an option as the option letter `2' with an argument of
`5'. If indeed two or more digits were supplied (Optarg
like a number), Optarg
concatenated with the option digit, and then result is added to zero to make
it into a number. If there is only one digit in the option, then
is not needed, and Optind
must be decremented so that
will process it next time. This code is admittedly a bit
If no options were supplied, then the default is taken, to print both
repeated and non-repeated lines. The output file, if provided, is assigned
to outputfile
. Earlier, outputfile
was initialized to the
standard output, `/dev/stdout'.
# uniq.awk -- do uniq in awk # Arnold Robbins,, Public Domain # May 1993 function usage( e) { e = "Usage: uniq [-udc [-n]] [+n] [ in [ out ]]" print e > "/dev/stderr" exit 1 } # -c count lines. overrides -d and -u # -d only repeated lines # -u only non-repeated lines # -n skip n fields # +n skip n characters, skip fields first BEGIN \ { count = 1 outputfile = "/dev/stdout" opts = "udc0:1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:9:" while ((c = getopt(ARGC, ARGV, opts)) != -1) { if (c == "u") non_repeated_only++ else if (c == "d") repeated_only++ else if (c == "c") do_count++ else if (index("0123456789", c) != 0) { # getopt requires args to options # this messes us up for things like -5 if (Optarg ~ /^[0-9]+$/) fcount = (c Optarg) + 0 else { fcount = c + 0 Optind-- } } else usage() } if (ARGV[Optind] ~ /^\+[0-9]+$/) { charcount = substr(ARGV[Optind], 2) + 0 Optind++ } for (i = 1; i < Optind; i++) ARGV[i] = "" if (repeated_only == 0 && non_repeated_only == 0) repeated_only = non_repeated_only = 1 if (ARGC - Optind == 2) { outputfile = ARGV[ARGC - 1] ARGV[ARGC - 1] = "" } }
The following function, are_equal
, compares the current line,
, to the
previous line, last
. It handles skipping fields and characters.
If no field count and no character count were specified, are_equal
simply returns one or zero depending upon the result of a simple string
comparison of last
and $0
. Otherwise, things get more
If fields have to be skipped, each line is broken into an array using
(see section Built-in Functions for String Manipulation),
and then the desired fields are joined back into a line using join
The joined lines are stored in clast
and cline
If no fields are skipped, clast
and cline
are set to
and $0
Finally, if characters are skipped, substr
is used to strip off the
leading charcount
characters in clast
and cline
. The
two strings are then compared, and are_equal
returns the result.
function are_equal( n, m, clast, cline, alast, aline) { if (fcount == 0 && charcount == 0) return (last == $0) if (fcount > 0) { n = split(last, alast) m = split($0, aline) clast = join(alast, fcount+1, n) cline = join(aline, fcount+1, m) } else { clast = last cline = $0 } if (charcount) { clast = substr(clast, charcount + 1) cline = substr(cline, charcount + 1) } return (clast == cline) }
The following two rules are the body of the program. The first one is
executed only for the very first line of data. It sets last
equal to
, so that subsequent lines of text have something to be compared to.
The second rule does the work. The variable equal
will be one or zero
depending upon the results of are_equal
's comparison. If uniq
is counting repeated lines, then the count
variable is incremented if
the lines are equal. Otherwise the line is printed and count
reset, since the two lines are not equal.
If uniq
is not counting, count
is incremented if the lines are
equal. Otherwise, if uniq
is counting repeated lines, and more than
one line has been seen, or if uniq
is counting non-repeated lines,
and only one line has been seen, then the line is printed, and count
is reset.
Finally, similar logic is used in the END
rule to print the final
line of input data.
NR == 1 { last = $0 next } { equal = are_equal() if (do_count) { # overrides -d and -u if (equal) count++ else { printf("%4d %s\n", count, last) > outputfile last = $0 count = 1 # reset } next } if (equal) count++ else { if ((repeated_only && count > 1) || (non_repeated_only && count == 1)) print last > outputfile last = $0 count = 1 } } END { if (do_count) printf("%4d %s\n", count, last) > outputfile else if ((repeated_only && count > 1) || (non_repeated_only && count == 1)) print last > outputfile }
The wc
(word count) utility counts lines, words, and characters in
one or more input files. Its usage is:
wc [-lwc] [ files ... ]
If no files are specified on the command line, wc
reads its standard
input. If there are multiple files, it will also print total counts for all
the files. The options and their meanings are:
fields in its input data.
Implementing wc
in awk
is particularly elegant, since
does a lot of the work for us; it splits lines into words (i.e.
fields) and counts them, it counts lines (i.e. records) for us, and it can
easily tell us how long a line is.
This version uses the getopt
library function
(see section Processing Command Line Options),
and the file transition functions
(see section Noting Data File Boundaries).
This version has one major difference from traditional versions of wc
Our version always prints the counts in the order lines, words,
and characters. Traditional versions note the order of the `-l',
`-w', and `-c' options on the command line, and print the counts
in that order.
rule does the argument processing.
The variable print_total
be true if more than one file was named on the command line.
# wc.awk -- count lines, words, characters # Arnold Robbins,, Public Domain # May 1993 # Options: # -l only count lines # -w only count words # -c only count characters # # Default is to count lines, words, characters BEGIN { # let getopt print a message about # invalid options. we ignore them while ((c = getopt(ARGC, ARGV, "lwc")) != -1) { if (c == "l") do_lines = 1 else if (c == "w") do_words = 1 else if (c == "c") do_chars = 1 } for (i = 1; i < Optind; i++) ARGV[i] = "" # if no options, do all if (! do_lines && ! do_words && ! do_chars) do_lines = do_words = do_chars = 1 print_total = (ARGC - i > 2) }
The beginfile
function is simple; it just resets the counts of lines,
words, and characters to zero, and saves the current file name in
The endfile
function adds the current file's numbers to the running
totals of lines, words, and characters. It then prints out those numbers
for the file that was just read. It relies on beginfile
to reset the
numbers for the following data file.
function beginfile(file) { chars = lines = words = 0 fname = FILENAME } function endfile(file) { tchars += chars tlines += lines twords += words if (do_lines) printf "\t%d", lines if (do_words) printf "\t%d", words if (do_chars) printf "\t%d", chars printf "\t%s\n", fname }
There is one rule that is executed for each line. It adds the length of the
record to chars
. It has to add one, since the newline character
separating records (the value of RS
) is not part of the record
itself. lines
is incremented for each line read, and words
incremented by the value of NF
, the number of "words" on this
Finally, the END
rule simply prints the totals for all the files.
# do per line { chars += length($0) + 1 # get newline lines++ words += NF } END { if (print_total) { if (do_lines) printf "\t%d", tlines if (do_words) printf "\t%d", twords if (do_chars) printf "\t%d", tchars print "\ttotal" } }
ProgramsThis section is a large "grab bag" of miscellaneous programs. We hope you find them both interesting and enjoyable.
A common error when writing large amounts of prose is to accidentally duplicate words. Often you will see this in text as something like "the the program does the following ...." When the text is on-line, often the duplicated words occur at the end of one line and the beginning of another, making them very difficult to spot.
This program, `dupword.awk', scans through a file one line at a time,
and looks for adjacent occurrences of the same word. It also saves the last
word on a line (in the variable prev
) for comparison with the first
word on the next line.
The first two statements make sure that the line is all lower-case, so that, for example, "The" and "the" compare equal to each other. The second statement removes all non-alphanumeric and non-whitespace characters from the line, so that punctuation does not affect the comparison either. This sometimes leads to reports of duplicated words that really are different, but this is unusual.
# dupword -- find duplicate words in text # Arnold Robbins,, Public Domain # December 1991 { $0 = tolower($0) gsub(/[^A-Za-z0-9 \t]/, ""); if ($1 == prev) printf("%s:%d: duplicate %s\n", FILENAME, FNR, $1) for (i = 2; i <= NF; i++) if ($i == $(i-1)) printf("%s:%d: duplicate %s\n", FILENAME, FNR, $i) prev = $NF }
The following program is a simple "alarm clock" program. You give it a time of day, and an optional message. At the given time, it prints the message on the standard output. In addition, you can give it the number of times to repeat the message, and also a delay between repetitions.
This program uses the gettimeofday
function from
section Managing the Time of Day.
All the work is done in the BEGIN
rule. The first part is argument
checking and setting of defaults; the delay, the count, and the message to
print. If the user supplied a message, but it does not contain the ASCII BEL
character (known as the "alert" character, `\a'), then it is added to
the message. (On many systems, printing the ASCII BEL generates some sort
of audible alert. Thus, when the alarm goes off, the system calls attention
to itself, in case the user is not looking at their computer or terminal.)
# alarm -- set an alarm # Arnold Robbins,, Public Domain # May 1993 # usage: alarm time [ "message" [ count [ delay ] ] ] BEGIN \ { # Initial argument sanity checking usage1 = "usage: alarm time ['message' [count [delay]]]" usage2 = sprintf("\t(%s) time ::= hh:mm", ARGV[1]) if (ARGC < 2) { print usage > "/dev/stderr" exit 1 } else if (ARGC == 5) { delay = ARGV[4] + 0 count = ARGV[3] + 0 message = ARGV[2] } else if (ARGC == 4) { count = ARGV[3] + 0 message = ARGV[2] } else if (ARGC == 3) { message = ARGV[2] } else if (ARGV[1] !~ /[0-9]?[0-9]:[0-9][0-9]/) { print usage1 > "/dev/stderr" print usage2 > "/dev/stderr" exit 1 } # set defaults for once we reach the desired time if (delay == 0) delay = 180 # 3 minutes if (count == 0) count = 5 if (message == "") message = sprintf("\aIt is now %s!\a", ARGV[1]) else if (index(message, "\a") == 0) message = "\a" message "\a"
The next section of code turns the alarm time into hours and minutes, and converts it if necessary to a 24-hour clock. Then it turns that time into a count of the seconds since midnight. Next it turns the current time into a count of seconds since midnight. The difference between the two is how long to wait before setting off the alarm.
# split up dest time split(ARGV[1], atime, ":") hour = atime[1] + 0 # force numeric minute = atime[2] + 0 # force numeric # get current broken down time gettimeofday(now) # if time given is 12-hour hours and it's after that # hour, e.g., `alarm 5:30' at 9 a.m. means 5:30 p.m., # then add 12 to real hour if (hour < 12 && now["hour"] > hour) hour += 12 # set target time in seconds since midnight target = (hour * 60 * 60) + (minute * 60) # get current time in seconds since midnight current = (now["hour"] * 60 * 60) + \ (now["minute"] * 60) + now["second"] # how long to sleep for naptime = target - current if (naptime <= 0) { print "time is in the past!" > "/dev/stderr" exit 1 }
Finally, the program uses the system
(see section Built-in Functions for Input/Output)
to call the sleep
utility. The sleep
utility simply pauses
for the given number of seconds. If the exit status is not zero,
the program assumes that sleep
was interrupted, and exits. If
exited with an OK status (zero), then the program prints the
message in a loop, again using sleep
to delay for however many
seconds are necessary.
# zzzzzz..... go away if interrupted if (system(sprintf("sleep %d", naptime)) != 0) exit 1 # time to notify! command = sprintf("sleep %d", delay) for (i = 1; i <= count; i++) { print message # if sleep command interrupted, go away if (system(command) != 0) break } exit 0 }
The system tr
utility transliterates characters. For example, it is
often used to map upper-case letters into lower-case, for further
generate data | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' | process data ...
You give tr
two lists of characters enclosed in square brackets.
Usually, the lists are quoted to keep the shell from attempting to do a
filename expansion.(23) When processing the input, the
first character in the first list is replaced with the first character in the
second list, the second character in the first list is replaced with the
second character in the second list, and so on.
If there are more characters in the "from" list than in the "to" list,
the last character of the "to" list is used for the remaining characters
in the "from" list.
Some time ago,
a user proposed to us that we add a transliteration function to gawk
Being opposed to "creeping featurism," I wrote the following program to
prove that character transliteration could be done with a user-level
function. This program is not as complete as the system tr
but it will do most of the job.
The translate
program demonstrates one of the few weaknesses of
: dealing with individual characters is very painful, requiring
repeated use of the substr
, index
, and gsub
(see section Built-in Functions for String Manipulation).(24)
There are two functions. The first, stranslate
, takes three
Associative arrays make the translation part fairly easy. t_ar
the "to" characters, indexed by the "from" characters. Then a simple
loop goes through from
, one character at a time. For each character
in from
, if the character appears in target
, gsub
is used to change it to the corresponding to
The translate
function simply calls stranslate
using $0
as the target. The main program sets two global variables, FROM
, from the command line, and then changes ARGV
so that
will read from the standard input.
Finally, the processing rule simply calls translate
for each record.
# translate -- do tr like stuff # Arnold Robbins,, Public Domain # August 1989 # bugs: does not handle things like: tr A-Z a-z, it has # to be spelled out. However, if `to' is shorter than `from', # the last character in `to' is used for the rest of `from'. function stranslate(from, to, target, lf, lt, t_ar, i, c) { lf = length(from) lt = length(to) for (i = 1; i <= lt; i++) t_ar[substr(from, i, 1)] = substr(to, i, 1) if (lt < lf) for (; i <= lf; i++) t_ar[substr(from, i, 1)] = substr(to, lt, 1) for (i = 1; i <= lf; i++) { c = substr(from, i, 1) if (index(target, c) > 0) gsub(c, t_ar[c], target) } return target } function translate(from, to) { return $0 = stranslate(from, to, $0) } # main program BEGIN { if (ARGC < 3) { print "usage: translate from to" > "/dev/stderr" exit } FROM = ARGV[1] TO = ARGV[2] ARGC = 2 ARGV[1] = "-" } { translate(FROM, TO) print }
While it is possible to do character transliteration in a user-level
function, it is not necessarily efficient, and we started to consider adding
a built-in function. However, shortly after writing this program, we learned
that the System V Release 4 awk
had added the toupper
functions. These functions handle the vast majority of the
cases where character transliteration is necessary, and so we chose to
simply add those functions to gawk
as well, and then leave well
enough alone.
An obvious improvement to this program would be to set up the
array only once, in a BEGIN
rule. However, this
assumes that the "from" and "to" lists
will never change throughout the lifetime of the program.
Here is a "real world"(25) program. This script reads lists of names and addresses, and generates mailing labels. Each page of labels has 20 labels on it, two across and ten down. The addresses are guaranteed to be no more than five lines of data. Each address is separated from the next by a blank line.
The basic idea is to read 20 labels worth of data. Each line of each label
is stored in the line
array. The single rule takes care of filling
the line
array and printing the page when 20 labels have been read.
rule simply sets RS
to the empty string, so that
will split records at blank lines
(see section How Input is Split into Records).
to 100, since MAXLINE
is the maximum number
of lines on the page (20 * 5 = 100).
Most of the work is done in the printpage
The label lines are stored sequentially in the line
array. But they
have to be printed horizontally; line[1]
next to line[6]
next to line[7]
, and so on. Two loops are used to
accomplish this. The outer loop, controlled by i
, steps through
every 10 lines of data; this is each row of labels. The inner loop,
controlled by j
, goes through the lines within the row.
As j
goes from zero to four, `i+j' is the j
'th line in
the row, and `i+j+5' is the entry next to it. The output ends up
looking something like this:
line 1 line 6 line 2 line 7 line 3 line 8 line 4 line 9 line 5 line 10
As a final note, at lines 21 and 61, an extra blank line is printed, to keep the output lined up on the labels. This is dependent on the particular brand of labels in use when the program was written. You will also note that there are two blank lines at the top and two blank lines at the bottom.
rule arranges to flush the final page of labels; there may
not have been an even multiple of 20 labels in the data.
# labels.awk # Arnold Robbins,, Public Domain # June 1992 # Program to print labels. Each label is 5 lines of data # that may have blank lines. The label sheets have 2 # blank lines at the top and 2 at the bottom. BEGIN { RS = "" ; MAXLINES = 100 } function printpage( i, j) { if (Nlines <= 0) return printf "\n\n" # header for (i = 1; i <= Nlines; i += 10) { if (i == 21 || i == 61) print "" for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) { if (i + j > MAXLINES) break printf " %-41s %s\n", line[i+j], line[i+j+5] } print "" } printf "\n\n" # footer for (i in line) line[i] = "" } # main rule { if (Count >= 20) { printpage() Count = 0 Nlines = 0 } n = split($0, a, "\n") for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) line[++Nlines] = a[i] for (; i <= 5; i++) line[++Nlines] = "" Count++ } END \ { printpage() }
The following awk
program prints
the number of occurrences of each word in its input. It illustrates the
associative nature of awk
arrays by using strings as subscripts. It
also demonstrates the `for x in array' construction.
Finally, it shows how awk
can be used in conjunction with other
utility programs to do a useful task of some complexity with a minimum of
effort. Some explanations follow the program listing.
awk ' # Print list of word frequencies { for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) freq[$i]++ } END { for (word in freq) printf "%s\t%d\n", word, freq[word] }'
The first thing to notice about this program is that it has two rules. The
first rule, because it has an empty pattern, is executed on every line of
the input. It uses awk
's field-accessing mechanism
(see section Examining Fields) to pick out the individual words from
the line, and the built-in variable NF
(see section Built-in Variables)
to know how many fields are available.
For each input word, an element of the array freq
is incremented to
reflect that the word has been seen an additional time.
The second rule, because it has the pattern END
, is not executed
until the input has been exhausted. It prints out the contents of the
table that has been built up inside the first action.
This program has several problems that would prevent it from being useful by itself on real text files:
convention that fields are
separated by whitespace and that other characters in the input (except
newlines) don't have any special meaning to awk
. This means that
punctuation characters count as part of words.
language considers upper- and lower-case characters to be
distinct. Therefore, `bartender' and `Bartender' are not treated
as the same word. This is undesirable since, in normal text, words
are capitalized if they begin sentences, and a frequency analyzer should not
be sensitive to capitalization.
The way to solve these problems is to use some of the more advanced
features of the awk
language. First, we use tolower
to remove
case distinctions. Next, we use gsub
to remove punctuation
characters. Finally, we use the system sort
utility to process the
output of the awk
script. Here is the new version of
the program:
# Print list of word frequencies { $0 = tolower($0) # remove case distinctions gsub(/[^a-z0-9_ \t]/, "", $0) # remove punctuation for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) freq[$i]++ } END { for (word in freq) printf "%s\t%d\n", word, freq[word] }
Assuming we have saved this program in a file named `wordfreq.awk', and that the data is in `file1', the following pipeline
awk -f wordfreq.awk file1 | sort +1 -nr
produces a table of the words appearing in `file1' in order of decreasing frequency.
The awk
program suitably massages the data and produces a word
frequency table, which is not ordered.
The awk
script's output is then sorted by the sort
utility and
printed on the terminal. The options given to sort
in this example
specify to sort using the second field of each input line (skipping one field),
that the sort keys should be treated as numeric quantities (otherwise
`15' would come before `5'), and that the sorting should be done
in descending (reverse) order.
We could have even done the sort
from within the program, by
changing the END
action to:
END { sort = "sort +1 -nr" for (word in freq) printf "%s\t%d\n", word, freq[word] | sort close(sort) }
You would have to use this way of sorting on systems that do not have true pipes.
See the general operating system documentation for more information on how
to use the sort
The uniq
(see section Printing Non-duplicated Lines of Text),
removes duplicate lines from sorted data.
Suppose, however, you need to remove duplicate lines from a data file, but that you wish to preserve the order the lines are in? A good example of this might be a shell history file. The history file keeps a copy of all the commands you have entered, and it is not unusual to repeat a command several times in a row. Occasionally you might wish to compact the history by removing duplicate entries. Yet it is desirable to maintain the order of the original commands.
This simple program does the job. It uses two arrays. The data
array is indexed by the text of each line.
For each line, data[$0]
is incremented.
If a particular line has not
been seen before, then data[$0]
will be zero.
In that case, the text of the line is stored in lines[count]
Each element of lines
is a unique command, and the indices of
indicate the order in which those lines were encountered.
rule simply prints out the lines, in order.
# histsort.awk -- compact a shell history file # Arnold Robbins,, Public Domain # May 1993 # Thanks to Byron Rakitzis for the general idea { if (data[$0]++ == 0) lines[++count] = $0 } END { for (i = 1; i <= count; i++) print lines[i] }
This program also provides a foundation for generating other useful
information. For example, using the following print
satement in the
rule would indicate how often a particular command was used.
print data[lines[i]], lines[i]
This works because data[$0]
was incremented each time a line was
Both this chapter and the previous chapter
(section A Library of awk
present a large number of awk
If you wish to experiment with these programs, it is tedious to have to type
them in by hand. Here we present a program that can extract parts of a
Texinfo input file into separate files.
This book is written in Texinfo, the GNU project's document formatting language. A single Texinfo source file can be used to produce both printed and on-line documentation. Texinfo is fully documented in Texinfo--The GNU Documentation Format, available from the Free Software Foundation.
For our purposes, it is enough to know three things about Texinfo input files.
. Literal `@' symbols are represented in Texinfo source
files as `@@'.
The following program, `extract.awk', reads through a Texinfo source
file, and does two things, based on the special comments.
Upon seeing `@c system ...',
it runs a command, by extracting the command text from the
control line and passing it on to the system
(see section Built-in Functions for Input/Output).
Upon seeing `@c file filename', each subsequent line is sent to
the file filename, until `@c endfile' is encountered.
The rules in `extract.awk' will match either `@c' or
`@comment' by letting the `omment' part be optional.
Lines containing `@group' and `@end group' are simply removed.
`extract.awk' uses the join
library function
(see section Merging an Array Into a String).
The example programs in the on-line Texinfo source for Effective AWK Programming
(`gawk.texi') have all been bracketed inside `file',
and `endfile' lines. The gawk
distribution uses a copy of
`extract.awk' to extract the sample
programs and install many of them in a standard directory, where
can find them.
`extract.awk' begins by setting IGNORECASE
to one, so that
mixed upper-case and lower-case letters in the directives won't matter.
The first rule handles calling system
, checking that a command was
given (NF
is at least three), and also checking that the command
exited with a zero exit status, signifying OK.
# extract.awk -- extract files and run programs # from texinfo files # Arnold Robbins,, Public Domain # May 1993 BEGIN { IGNORECASE = 1 } /^@c(omment)?[ \t]+system/ \ { if (NF < 3) { e = (FILENAME ":" FNR) e = (e ": badly formed `system' line") print e > "/dev/stderr" next } $1 = "" $2 = "" stat = system($0) if (stat != 0) { e = (FILENAME ":" FNR) e = (e ": warning: system returned " stat) print e > "/dev/stderr" } }
The variable e
is used so that the function
fits nicely on the
The second rule handles moving data into files. It verifies that a file name was given in the directive. If the file named is not the current file, then the current file is closed. This means that an `@c endfile' was not given for that file. (We should probably print a diagnostic in this case, although at the moment we do not.)
The `for' loop does the work. It reads lines using getline
(see section Explicit Input with getline
For an unexpected end of file, it calls the unexpected_eof
function. If the line is an "endfile" line, then it breaks out of
the loop.
If the line is an `@group' or `@end group' line, then it
ignores it, and goes on to the next line.
Most of the work is in the following few lines. If the line has no `@' symbols, it can be printed directly. Otherwise, each leading `@' must be stripped off.
To remove the `@' symbols, the line is split into separate elements of
the array a
, using the split
(see section Built-in Functions for String Manipulation).
Each element of a
that is empty indicates two successive `@'
symbols in the original line. For each two empty elements (`@@' in
the original file), we have to add back in a single `@' symbol.
When the processing of the array is finished, join
is called with the
value of SUBSEP
, to rejoin the pieces back into a single
line. That line is then printed to the output file.
/^@c(omment)?[ \t]+file/ \ { if (NF != 3) { e = (FILENAME ":" FNR ": badly formed `file' line") print e > "/dev/stderr" next } if ($3 != curfile) { if (curfile != "") close(curfile) curfile = $3 } for (;;) { if ((getline line) <= 0) unexpected_eof() if (line ~ /^@c(omment)?[ \t]+endfile/) break else if (line ~ /^@(end[ \t]+)?group/) continue if (index(line, "@") == 0) { print line > curfile continue } n = split(line, a, "@") # if a[1] == "", means leading @, # don't add one back in. for (i = 2; i <= n; i++) { if (a[i] == "") { # was an @@ a[i] = "@" if (a[i+1] == "") i++ } } print join(a, 1, n, SUBSEP) > curfile } }
An important thing to note is the use of the `>' redirection.
Output done with `>' only opens the file once; it stays open and
subsequent output is appended to the file
(see section Redirecting Output of print
and printf
This allows us to easily mix program text and explanatory prose for the same
sample source file (as has been done here!) without any hassle. The file is
only closed when a new data file name is encountered, or at the end of the
input file.
Finally, the function unexpected_eof
prints an appropriate
error message and then exits.
rule handles the final cleanup, closing the open file.
function unexpected_eof() { printf("%s:%d: unexpected EOF or error\n", \ FILENAME, FNR) > "/dev/stderr" exit 1 } END { if (curfile) close(curfile) }
The sed
utility is a "stream editor," a program that reads a
stream of data, makes changes to it, and passes the modified data on.
It is often used to make global changes to a large file, or to a stream
of data generated by a pipeline of commands.
While sed
is a complicated program in its own right, its most common
use is to perform global substitutions in the middle of a pipeline:
command1 < | sed 's/old/new/g' | command2 > result
Here, the `s/old/new/g' tells sed
to look for the regexp
`old' on each input line, and replace it with the text `new',
globally (i.e. all the occurrences on a line). This is similar to
's gsub
(see section Built-in Functions for String Manipulation).
The following program, `awksed.awk', accepts at least two command line arguments; the pattern to look for and the text to replace it with. Any additional arguments are treated as data file names to process. If none are provided, the standard input is used.
# awksed.awk -- do s/foo/bar/g using just print # Thanks to Michael Brennan for the idea # Arnold Robbins,, Public Domain # August 1995 function usage() { print "usage: awksed pat repl [files...]" > "/dev/stderr" exit 1 } BEGIN { # validate arguments if (ARGC < 3) usage() RS = ARGV[1] ORS = ARGV[2] # don't use arguments as files ARGV[1] = ARGV[2] = "" } # look ma, no hands! { if (RT == "") printf "%s", $0 else print }
The program relies on gawk
's ability to have RS
be a regexp
and on the setting of RT
to the actual text that terminated the
record (see section How Input is Split into Records).
The idea is to have RS
be the pattern to look for. gawk
will automatically set $0
to the text between matches of the pattern.
This is text that we wish to keep, unmodified. Then, by setting ORS
to the replacement text, a simple print
statement will output the
text we wish to keep, followed by the replacement text.
There is one wrinkle to this scheme, which is what to do if the last record
doesn't end with text that matches RS
? Using a print
statement unconditionally prints the replacement text, which is not correct.
However, if the file did not end in text that matches RS
, RT
will be set to the null string. In this case, we can print $0
(see section Using printf
Statements for Fancier Printing).
rule handles the setup, checking for the right number
of arguments, and calling usage
if there is a problem. Then it sets
and ORS
from the command line arguments, and sets
and ARGV[2]
to the null string, so that they will
not be treated as file names
(see section Using ARGC
and ARGV
The usage
function prints an error message and exits.
Finally, the single rule handles the printing scheme outlined above,
using print
or printf
as appropriate, depending upon the
value of RT
Using library functions in awk
can be very beneficial. It
encourages code re-use and the writing of general functions. Programs are
smaller, and therefore clearer.
However, using library functions is only easy when writing awk
programs; it is painful when running them, requiring multiple `-f'
options. If gawk
is unavailable, then so too is the AWKPATH
environment variable and the ability to put awk
functions into a
library directory (see section Command Line Options).
It would be nice to be able to write programs like so:
# library functions @include getopt.awk @include join.awk ... # main program BEGIN { while ((c = getopt(ARGC, ARGV, "a:b:cde")) != -1) ... ... }
The following program, `', provides this service.
It simulates gawk
's searching of the AWKPATH
and also allows nested includes; i.e. a file that has been included
with `@include' can contain further `@include' statements.
will make an effort to only include files once, so that nested
includes don't accidentally include a library function twice.
should behave externally just like gawk
. This means it
should accept all of gawk
's command line arguments, including the
ability to have multiple source files specified via `-f', and the
ability to mix command line and library source files.
The program is written using the POSIX Shell (sh
) command language.
The way the program works is as follows:
source code for later, when the expanded program is run.
text, put the arguments into
a temporary file that will be expanded. There are two cases.
program will automatically
supply a trailing newline.
does, this will get the text
of the file included into the program at the correct point.
program (naturally) over the temporary file to expand
`@include' statements. The expanded program is placed in a second
temporary file.
and any other original command line
arguments that the user supplied (such as the data file names).
The initial part of the program turns on shell tracing if the first
argument was `debug'. Otherwise, a shell trap
arranges to clean up any temporary files on program exit or upon an
The next part loops through all the command line arguments. There are several cases of interest.
. Anything else should be passed on
to the user's awk
program without being evaluated.
. To make
argument processing easier, the `-W' is appended to the front of the
remaining arguments and the loop continues. (This is an sh
programming trick. Don't worry about it if you are not familiar with
utility is used to remove the leading option part of the
argument (e.g., `--file=').
prints its version number, and runs `gawk --version'
to get the gawk
version information, and then exits.
If none of `-f', `--file', `-Wfile', `--source',
or `-Wsource', were supplied, then the first non-option argument
should be the awk
program. If there are no command line
arguments left, igawk
prints an error message and exits.
Otherwise, the first argument is echoed into `/tmp/ig.s.$$'.
In any case, after the arguments have been processed,
`/tmp/ig.s.$$' contains the complete text of the original awk
The `$$' in sh
represents the current process ID number.
It is often used in shell programs to generate unique temporary file
names. This allows multiple users to run igawk
without worrying
that the temporary file names will clash.
#! /bin/sh # igawk -- like gawk but do @include processing # Arnold Robbins,, Public Domain # July 1993 if [ "$1" = debug ] then set -x shift else # cleanup on exit, hangup, interrupt, quit, termination trap 'rm -f /tmp/ig.[se].$$' 0 1 2 3 15 fi while [ $# -ne 0 ] # loop over arguments do case $1 in --) shift; break;; -W) shift set -- -W"$@" continue;; -[vF]) opts="$opts $1 '$2'" shift;; -[vF]*) opts="$opts '$1'" ;; -f) echo @include "$2" >> /tmp/ig.s.$$ shift;; -f*) f=`echo "$1" | sed 's/-f//'` echo @include "$f" >> /tmp/ig.s.$$ ;; -?file=*) # -Wfile or --file f=`echo "$1" | sed 's/-.file=//'` echo @include "$f" >> /tmp/ig.s.$$ ;; -?file) # get arg, $2 echo @include "$2" >> /tmp/ig.s.$$ shift;; -?source=*) # -Wsource or --source t=`echo "$1" | sed 's/-.source=//'` echo "$t" >> /tmp/ig.s.$$ ;; -?source) # get arg, $2 echo "$2" >> /tmp/ig.s.$$ shift;; -?version) echo igawk: version 1.0 1>&2 gawk --version exit 0 ;; -[W-]*) opts="$opts '$1'" ;; *) break;; esac shift done if [ ! -s /tmp/ig.s.$$ ] then if [ -z "$1" ] then echo igawk: no program! 1>&2 exit 1 else echo "$1" > /tmp/ig.s.$$ shift fi fi # at this point, /tmp/ig.s.$$ has the program
The awk
program to process `@include' directives reads through
the program, one line at a time using getline
(see section Explicit Input with getline
The input file names and `@include' statements are managed using a
stack. As each `@include' is encountered, the current file name is
"pushed" onto the stack, and the file named in the `@include'
directive becomes
the current file name. As each file is finished, the stack is "popped,"
and the previous input file becomes the current input file again.
The process is started by making the original file the first one on the
The pathto
function does the work of finding the full path to a
file. It simulates gawk
's behavior when searching the AWKPATH
environment variable
(see section The AWKPATH
Environment Variable).
If a file name has a `/' in it, no path search
is done. Otherwise, the file name is concatenated with the name of each
directory in the path, and an attempt is made to open the generated file
name. The only way in awk
to test if a file can be read is to go
ahead and try to read it with getline
; that is what pathto
If the file can be read, it is closed, and the file name is
gawk -- ' # process @include directives function pathto(file, i, t, junk) { if (index(file, "/") != 0) return file for (i = 1; i <= ndirs; i++) { t = (pathlist[i] "/" file) if ((getline junk < t) > 0) { # found it close(t) return t } } return "" }
The main program is contained inside one BEGIN
rule. The first thing it
does is set up the pathlist
array that pathto
uses. After
splitting the path on `:', null elements are replaced with "."
which represents the current directory.
BEGIN { path = ENVIRON["AWKPATH"] ndirs = split(path, pathlist, ":") for (i = 1; i <= ndirs; i++) { if (pathlist[i] == "") pathlist[i] = "." }
The stack is initialized with ARGV[1]
, which will be `/tmp/ig.s.$$'.
The main loop comes next. Input lines are read in succession. Lines that
do not start with `@include' are printed verbatim.
If the line does start with `@include', the file name is in $2
is called to generate the full path. If it could not, then we
print an error message and continue.
The next thing to check is if the file has been included already. The
array is indexed by the full file name of each included
file, and it tracks this information for us. If the file has been
seen, a warning message is printed. Otherwise, the new file name is
pushed onto the stack and processing continues.
Finally, when getline
encounters the end of the input file, the file
is closed and the stack is popped. When stackptr
is less than zero,
the program is done.
stackptr = 0 input[stackptr] = ARGV[1] # ARGV[1] is first file for (; stackptr >= 0; stackptr--) { while ((getline < input[stackptr]) > 0) { if (tolower($1) != "@include") { print continue } fpath = pathto($2) if (fpath == "") { printf("igawk:%s:%d: cannot find %s\n", \ input[stackptr], FNR, $2) > "/dev/stderr" continue } if (! (fpath in processed)) { processed[fpath] = input[stackptr] input[++stackptr] = fpath } else print $2, "included in", input[stackptr], \ "already included in", \ processed[fpath] > "/dev/stderr" } close(input[stackptr]) } }' /tmp/ig.s.$$ > /tmp/ig.e.$$
The last step is to call gawk
with the expanded program and the original
options and command line arguments that the user supplied. gawk
exit status is passed back on to igawk
's calling program.
eval gawk -f /tmp/ig.e.$$ $opts -- "$@" exit $?
This version of igawk
represents my third attempt at this program.
There are three key simplifications that made the program work better.
program much simpler; all the
`@include' processing can be done once.
function doesn't try to save the line read with
when testing for the file's accessibility. Trying to save
this line for use with the main program complicates things considerably.
loop in the BEGIN
rule does it all in one
place. It is not necessary to call out to a separate loop for processing
nested `@include' statements.
Also, this program illustrates that it is often worthwhile to combine
and awk
programming together. You can usually accomplish
quite a lot, without having to resort to low-level programming in C or C++, and it
is frequently easier to do certain kinds of string and argument manipulation
using the shell than it is in awk
Finally, igawk
shows that it is not always necessary to add new
features to a program; they can often be layered on top. With igawk
there is no real reason to build `@include' processing into
As an additional example of this, consider the idea of having two files in a directory in the search path.
and assert
releases, without requiring the system administrator to
update it each time by adding the local functions.
One user
suggested that gawk
be modified to automatically read these files
upon startup. Instead, it would be very simple to modify igawk
to do this. Since igawk
can process nested `@include'
directives, `default.awk' could simply contain `@include'
statements for the desired library functions.
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