Built-in functions are functions that are always available for
your awk
program to call. This chapter defines all the built-in
functions in awk
; some of them are mentioned in other sections,
but they are summarized here for your convenience. (You can also define
new functions yourself. See section User-defined Functions.)
To call a built-in function, write the name of the function followed
by arguments in parentheses. For example, `atan2(y + z, 1)'
is a call to the function atan2
, with two arguments.
Whitespace is ignored between the built-in function name and the open-parenthesis, but we recommend that you avoid using whitespace there. User-defined functions do not permit whitespace in this way, and you will find it easier to avoid mistakes by following a simple convention which always works: no whitespace after a function name.
Each built-in function accepts a certain number of arguments.
In some cases, arguments can be omitted. The defaults for omitted
arguments vary from function to function and are described under the
individual functions. In some awk
implementations, extra
arguments given to built-in functions are ignored. However, in gawk
it is a fatal error to give extra arguments to a built-in function.
When a function is called, expressions that create the function's actual parameters are evaluated completely before the function call is performed. For example, in the code fragment:
i = 4 j = sqrt(i++)
the variable i
is set to five before sqrt
is called
with a value of four for its actual parameter.
The order of evaluation of the expressions used for the function's parameters is undefined. Thus, you should not write programs that assume that parameters are evaluated from left to right or from right to left. For example,
i = 5 j = atan2(i++, i *= 2)
If the order of evaluation is left to right, then i
first becomes
six, and then 12, and atan2
is called with the two arguments six
and 12. But if the order of evaluation is right to left, i
first becomes 10, and then 11, and atan2
is called with the
two arguments 11 and 10.
Here is a full list of built-in functions that work with numbers. Optional parameters are enclosed in square brackets ("[" and "]").
is three, int(3.9)
is three, int(-3.9)
is -3, and int(-3)
is -3 as well.
is two.
e ^ x
), or reports
an error if x is out of range. The range of values x can have
depends on your machine's floating point representation.
atan2(y, x)
y / x
in radians.
uniformly-distributed between zero and one.
The value is never zero and never one.
Often you want random integers instead. Here is a user-defined function
you can use to obtain a random non-negative integer less than n:
function randint(n) { return int(n * rand()) }The multiplication produces a random real number greater than zero and less than
. We then make it an integer (using int
) between zero
and n
- 1, inclusive.
Here is an example where a similar function is used to produce
random integers between one and n. This program
prints a new random number for each input record.
awk ' # Function to roll a simulated die. function roll(n) { return 1 + int(rand() * n) } # Roll 3 six-sided dice and # print total number of points. { printf("%d points\n", roll(6)+roll(6)+roll(6)) }'Caution: In most
implementations, including gawk
starts generating numbers from the same
starting number, or seed, each time you run awk
. Thus,
a program will generate the same results each time you run it.
The numbers are random within one awk
run, but predictable
from run to run. This is convenient for debugging, but if you want
a program to do different things each time it is used, you must change
the seed to a value that will be different in each run. To do this,
use srand
sets the starting point, or seed,
for generating random numbers to the value x.
Each seed value leads to a particular sequence of random
Thus, if you set the seed to the same value a second time, you will get
the same sequence of random numbers again.
If you omit the argument x, as in srand()
, then the current
date and time of day are used for a seed. This is the way to get random
numbers that are truly unpredictable.
The return value of srand
is the previous seed. This makes it
easy to keep track of the seeds for use in consistently reproducing
sequences of random numbers.
The functions in this section look at or change the text of one or more strings. Optional parameters are enclosed in square brackets ("[" and "]").
index(in, find)
$ awk 'BEGIN { print index("peanut", "an") }' -| 3If find is not found,
returns zero.
(Remember that string indices in awk
start at one.)
is five. By
contrast, length(15 * 35)
works out to three. How? Well, 15 * 35 =
525, and 525 is then converted to the string "525"
, which has
three characters.
If no argument is supplied, length
returns the length of $0
In older versions of awk
, you could call the length
without any parentheses. Doing so is marked as "deprecated" in the
POSIX standard. This means that while you can do this in your
programs, it is a feature that can eventually be removed from a future
version of the standard. Therefore, for maximal portability of your
programs, you should always supply the parentheses.
match(string, regexp)
function searches the string, string, for the
longest, leftmost substring matched by the regular expression,
regexp. It returns the character position, or index, of
where that substring begins (one, if it starts at the beginning of
string). If no match is found, it returns zero.
The match
function sets the built-in variable RSTART
the index. It also sets the built-in variable RLENGTH
to the
length in characters of the matched substring. If no match is found,
is set to zero, and RLENGTH
to -1.
For example:
awk '{ if ($1 == "FIND") regex = $2 else { where = match($0, regex) if (where != 0) print "Match of", regex, "found at", \ where, "in", $0 } }'This program looks for lines that match the regular expression stored in the variable
. This regular expression can be changed. If the
first word on a line is `FIND', regex
is changed to be the
second word on that line. Therefore, given:
FIND ru+n My program runs but not very quickly FIND Melvin JF+KM This line is property of Reality Engineering Co. Melvin was here.
Match of ru+n found at 12 in My program runs Match of Melvin found at 1 in Melvin was here.
split(string, array [, fieldsep])
, the second piece in array[2]
, and so
forth. The string value of the third argument, fieldsep, is
a regexp describing where to split string (much as FS
be a regexp describing where to split input records). If
the fieldsep is omitted, the value of FS
is used.
returns the number of elements created.
The split
function splits strings into pieces in a
manner similar to the way input lines are split into fields. For example:
split("cul-de-sac", a, "-")splits the string `cul-de-sac' into three fields using `-' as the separator. It sets the contents of the array
as follows:
a[1] = "cul" a[2] = "de" a[3] = "sac"The value returned by this call to
is three.
As with input field-splitting, when the value of fieldsep is
" "
, leading and trailing whitespace is ignored, and the elements
are separated by runs of whitespace.
Also as with input field-splitting, if fieldsep is the null string, each
individual character in the string is split into its own array element.
(This is a gawk
-specific extension.)
Recent implementations of awk
, including gawk
, allow
the third argument to be a regexp constant (/abc/
), as well as a
string (d.c.). The POSIX standard allows this as well.
Before splitting the string, split
deletes any previously existing
elements in the array array (d.c.).
sprintf(format, expression1,...)
have printed out with the same arguments
(see section Using printf
Statements for Fancier Printing).
For example:
sprintf("pi = %.2f (approx.)", 22/7)returns the string
"pi = 3.14 (approx.)"
sub(regexp, replacement [, target])
function alters the value of target.
It searches this value, which is treated as a string, for the
leftmost longest substring matched by the regular expression, regexp,
extending this match as far as possible. Then the entire string is
changed by replacing the matched text with replacement.
The modified string becomes the new value of target.
This function is peculiar because target is not simply
used to compute a value, and not just any expression will do: it
must be a variable, field or array element, so that sub
store a modified value there. If this argument is omitted, then the
default is to use and alter $0
For example:
str = "water, water, everywhere" sub(/at/, "ith", str)sets
to "wither, water, everywhere"
, by replacing the
leftmost, longest occurrence of `at' with `ith'.
The sub
function returns the number of substitutions made (either
one or zero).
If the special character `&' appears in replacement, it
stands for the precise substring that was matched by regexp. (If
the regexp can match more than one string, then this precise substring
may vary.) For example:
awk '{ sub(/candidate/, "& and his wife"); print }'changes the first occurrence of `candidate' to `candidate and his wife' on each input line. Here is another example:
awk 'BEGIN { str = "daabaaa" sub(/a*/, "c&c", str) print str }' -| dcaacbaaaThis shows how `&' can represent a non-constant string, and also illustrates the "leftmost, longest" rule in regexp matching (see section How Much Text Matches?). The effect of this special character (`&') can be turned off by putting a backslash before it in the string. As usual, to insert one backslash in the string, you must write two backslashes. Therefore, write `\\&' in a string constant to include a literal `&' in the replacement. For example, here is how to replace the first `|' on each line with an `&':
awk '{ sub(/\|/, "\\&"); print }'Note: As mentioned above, the third argument to
be a variable, field or array reference.
Some versions of awk
allow the third argument to
be an expression which is not an lvalue. In such a case, sub
would still search for the pattern and return zero or one, but the result of
the substitution (if any) would be thrown away because there is no place
to put it. Such versions of awk
accept expressions like
sub(/USA/, "United States", "the USA and Canada")For historical compatibility,
will accept erroneous code,
such as in the above example. However, using any other non-changeable
object as the third parameter will cause a fatal error, and your program
will not run.
gsub(regexp, replacement [, target])
function, except gsub
all of the longest, leftmost, non-overlapping matching
substrings it can find. The `g' in gsub
stands for
"global," which means replace everywhere. For example:
awk '{ gsub(/Britain/, "United Kingdom"); print }'replaces all occurrences of the string `Britain' with `United Kingdom' for all input records. The
function returns the number of substitutions made. If
the variable to be searched and altered, target, is
omitted, then the entire input record, $0
, is used.
As in sub
, the characters `&' and `\' are special,
and the third argument must be an lvalue.
gensub(regexp, replacement, how [, target])
is a general substitution function. Like sub
, it searches the target string target for matches of
the regular expression regexp. Unlike sub
, the modified string is returned as the result of the
function, and the original target string is not changed. If
how is a string beginning with `g' or `G', then it
replaces all matches of regexp with replacement.
Otherwise, how is a number indicating which match of regexp
to replace. If no target is supplied, $0
is used instead.
provides an additional feature that is not available
in sub
or gsub
: the ability to specify components of
a regexp in the replacement text. This is done by using parentheses
in the regexp to mark the components, and then specifying `\n'
in the replacement text, where n is a digit from one to nine.
For example:
$ gawk ' > BEGIN { > a = "abc def" > b = gensub(/(.+) (.+)/, "\\2 \\1", "g", a) > print b > }' -| def abcAs described above for
, you must type two backslashes in order
to get one into the string.
In the replacement text, the sequence `\0' represents the entire
matched text, as does the character `&'.
This example shows how you can use the third argument to control
which match of the regexp should be changed.
$ echo a b c a b c | > gawk '{ print gensub(/a/, "AA", 2) }' -| a b c AA b cIn this case,
is used as the default target string.
returns the new string as its result, which is
passed directly to print
for printing.
If the how argument is a string that does not begin with `g' or
`G', or if it is a number that is less than zero, only one
substitution is performed.
is a gawk
extension; it is not available
in compatibility mode (see section Command Line Options).
substr(string, start [, length])
substr("washington", 5, 3)
returns "ing"
If length is not present, this function returns the whole suffix of
string that begins at character number start. For example,
substr("washington", 5)
returns "ington"
. The whole
suffix is also returned
if length is greater than the number of characters remaining
in the string, counting from character number start.
Note: The string returned by substr
cannot be
assigned to. Thus, it is a mistake to attempt to change a portion of
a string, like this:
string = "abcdef" # try to get "abCDEf", won't work substr(string, 3, 3) = "CDE"or to use
as the third agument of sub
or gsub
gsub(/xyz/, "pdq", substr($0, 5, 20)) # WRONG
tolower("MiXeD cAsE 123")
returns "mixed case 123"
toupper("MiXeD cAsE 123")
returns "MIXED CASE 123"
, gsub
and gensub
When using sub
, gsub
or gensub
, and trying to get literal
backslashes and ampersands into the replacement text, you need to remember
that there are several levels of escape processing going on.
First, there is the lexical level, which is when awk
your program, and builds an internal copy of your program that can
be executed.
Then there is the run-time level, when awk
actually scans the
replacement string to determine what to generate.
At both levels, awk
looks for a defined set of characters that
can come after a backslash. At the lexical level, it looks for the
escape sequences listed in section Escape Sequences.
Thus, for every `\' that awk
will process at the run-time
level, you type two `\'s at the lexical level.
When a character that is not valid for an escape sequence follows the
`\', Unix awk
and gawk
both simply remove the initial
`\', and put the following character into the string. Thus, for
example, "a\qb"
is treated as "aqb"
At the run-time level, the various functions handle sequences of `\' and `&' differently. The situation is (sadly) somewhat complex.
Historically, the sub
and gsub
functions treated the two
character sequence `\&' specially; this sequence was replaced in
the generated text with a single `&'. Any other `\' within
the replacement string that did not precede an `&' was passed
through unchanged. To illustrate with a table:
This table shows both the lexical level processing, where
an odd number of backslashes becomes an even number at the run time level,
and the run-time processing done by sub
(For the sake of simplicity, the rest of the tables below only show the
case of even numbers of `\'s entered at the lexical level.)
The problem with the historical approach is that there is no way to get a literal `\' followed by the matched text.
The 1992 POSIX standard attempted to fix this problem. The standard
says that sub
and gsub
look for either a `\' or an `&'
after the `\'. If either one follows a `\', that character is
output literally. The interpretation of `\' and `&' then becomes
like this:
This would appear to solve the problem. Unfortunately, the phrasing of the standard is unusual. It says, in effect, that `\' turns off the special meaning of any following character, but that for anything other than `\' and `&', such special meaning is undefined. This wording leads to two problems.
program is portable, every character
in the replacement string must be preceded with a
The POSIX standard is under revision.(12) Because of the above problems, proposed text for the revised standard reverts to rules that correspond more closely to the original existing practice. The proposed rules have special cases that make it possible to produce a `\' preceding the matched text.
In a nutshell, at the run-time level, there are now three special sequences of characters, `\\\&', `\\&' and `\&', whereas historically, there was only one. However, as in the historical case, any `\' that is not part of one of these three sequences is not special, and appears in the output literally.
3.0 follows these proposed POSIX rules for sub
Whether these proposed rules will actually become codified into the
standard is unknown at this point. Subsequent gawk
releases will
track the standard and implement whatever the final version specifies;
this book will be updated as well.
The rules for gensub
are considerably simpler. At the run-time
level, whenever gawk
sees a `\', if the following character
is a digit, then the text that matched the corresponding parenthesized
subexpression is placed in the generated output. Otherwise,
no matter what the character after the `\' is, that character will
appear in the generated text, and the `\' will not.
Because of the complexity of the lexical and run-time level processing,
and the special cases for sub
and gsub
we recommend the use of gawk
and gensub
for when you have
to do substitutions.
The following functions are related to Input/Output (I/O). Optional parameters are enclosed in square brackets ("[" and "]").
function; gawk
buffers its output, and the fflush
function can be used to force
to flush its buffers.
is a recent (1994) addition to the Bell Labs research
version of awk
; it is not part of the POSIX standard, and will
not be available if `--posix' has been specified on the command
line (see section Command Line Options).
extends the fflush
function in two ways. The first
is to allow no argument at all. In this case, the buffer for the
standard output is flushed. The second way is to allow the null string
) as the argument. In this case, the buffers for
all open output files and pipes are flushed.
returns zero if the buffer was successfully flushed,
and nonzero otherwise.
program. The system
executes the command given by the string command. It returns, as
its value, the status returned by the command that was executed.
For example, if the following fragment of code is put in your awk
END { system("date | mail -s 'awk run done' root") }the system administrator will be sent mail when the
finishes processing input and begins its end-of-input processing.
Note that redirecting print
or printf
into a pipe is often
enough to accomplish your task. However, if your awk
program is interactive, system
is useful for cranking up large
self-contained programs, such as a shell or an editor.
Some operating systems cannot implement the system
causes a fatal error if it is not supported.
As a side point, buffering issues can be even more confusing depending upon whether or not your program is interactive, i.e., communicating with a user sitting at a keyboard.(13)
Interactive programs generally line buffer their output; they write out every line. Non-interactive programs wait until they have a full buffer, which may be many lines of output.
Here is an example of the difference.
$ awk '{ print $1 + $2 }' 1 1 -| 2 2 3 -| 5 Control-d
Each line of output is printed immediately. Compare that behavior with this example.
$ awk '{ print $1 + $2 }' | cat 1 1 2 3 Control-d -| 2 -| 5
Here, no output is printed until after the Control-d is typed, since
it is all buffered, and sent down the pipe to cat
in one shot.
The fflush
function provides explicit control over output buffering for
individual files and pipes. However, its use is not portable to many other
implementations. An alternative method to flush output
buffers is by calling system
with a null string as its argument:
system("") # flush output
treats this use of the system
function as a special
case, and is smart enough not to run a shell (or other command
interpreter) with the empty command. Therefore, with gawk
, this
idiom is not only useful, it is efficient. While this method should work
with other awk
implementations, it will not necessarily avoid
starting an unnecessary shell. (Other implementations may only
flush the buffer associated with the standard output, and not necessarily
all buffered output.)
If you think about what a programmer expects, it makes sense that
should flush any pending output. The following program:
BEGIN { print "first print" system("echo system echo") print "second print" }
must print
first print system echo second print
and not
system echo first print second print
If awk
did not flush its buffers before calling system
, the
latter (undesirable) output is what you would see.
A common use for awk
programs is the processing of log files
containing time stamp information, indicating when a
particular log record was written. Many programs log their time stamp
in the form returned by the time
system call, which is the
number of seconds since a particular epoch. On POSIX systems,
it is the number of seconds since Midnight, January 1, 1970, UTC.
In order to make it easier to process such log files, and to produce
useful reports, gawk
provides two functions for working with time
stamps. Both of these are gawk
extensions; they are not specified
in the POSIX standard, nor are they in any other known version
of awk
Optional parameters are enclosed in square brackets ("[" and "]").
strftime([format [, timestamp]])
function. If no timestamp argument is supplied,
will use the current time of day as the time stamp.
If no format argument is supplied, strftime
"%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y"
. This format string produces
output (almost) equivalent to that of the date
(Versions of gawk
prior to 3.0 require the format argument.)
The systime
function allows you to compare a time stamp from a
log file with the current time of day. In particular, it is easy to
determine how long ago a particular record was logged. It also allows
you to produce log records using the "seconds since the epoch" format.
The strftime
function allows you to easily turn a time stamp
into human-readable information. It is similar in nature to the sprintf
(see section Built-in Functions for String Manipulation),
in that it copies non-format specification characters verbatim to the
returned string, while substituting date and time values for format
specifications in the format string.
is guaranteed by the ANSI C standard to support
the following date format specifications:
If a conversion specifier is not one of the above, the behavior is undefined.(15)
Informally, a locale is the geographic place in which a program
is meant to run. For example, a common way to abbreviate the date
September 4, 1991 in the United States would be "9/4/91".
In many countries in Europe, however, it would be abbreviated "4.9.91".
Thus, the `%x' specification in a "US"
locale might produce
`9/4/91', while in a "EUROPE"
locale, it might produce
`4.9.91'. The ANSI C standard defines a default "C"
locale, which is an environment that is typical of what most C programmers
are used to.
A public-domain C version of strftime
is supplied with gawk
for systems that are not yet fully ANSI-compliant. If that version is
used to compile gawk
(see section Installing gawk
then the following additional format specifications are available:
%Ec %EC %Ex %Ey %EY %Od %Oe %OH %OI
%Om %OM %OS %Ou %OU %OV %Ow %OW %Oy
This example is an awk
implementation of the POSIX
utility. Normally, the date
utility prints the
current date and time of day in a well known format. However, if you
provide an argument to it that begins with a `+', date
will copy non-format specifier characters to the standard output, and
will interpret the current time according to the format specifiers in
the string. For example:
$ date '+Today is %A, %B %d, %Y.' -| Today is Thursday, July 11, 1991.
Here is the gawk
version of the date
It has a shell "wrapper", to handle the `-u' option,
which requires that date
run as if the time zone
was set to UTC.
#! /bin/sh # # date -- approximate the P1003.2 'date' command case $1 in -u) TZ=GMT0 # use UTC export TZ shift ;; esac gawk 'BEGIN { format = "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y" exitval = 0 if (ARGC > 2) exitval = 1 else if (ARGC == 2) { format = ARGV[1] if (format ~ /^\+/) format = substr(format, 2) # remove leading + } print strftime(format) exit exitval }' "$@"
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