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STL FAQs Headers Libraries
| | <cctype> is part of the Standard C++ Strings
Behavior of these functions is controlled by the current locale (use setlocale()
to change the current locale). In the C locale, or in a locale where character type information is not defined,
characters are classified according to the rules of the US-ASCII 7-bit coded character set.
bool isalnum(int c)
- tests for any character for which isalpha() or isdigit() is true (letter or digit).
bool isdigit(int c)
- tests for any decimal-digit character.
bool isprint(int c)
- tests for any character for which ispunct(), isupper(), islower(), isdigit(), and the
space character ("") is true.
bool isupper(int c)
- tests for any character that is an upper-case letter.
int tolower(int c)
bool isalpha(int c)
- tests for any character for which isupper() or islower() is true.
bool isgraph(int c)
- tests for any character for which ispunct(), isupper(), islower(), and isdigit() is true.
bool ispunct(int c)
- tests for any printing character which is neither a space ("") nor a character for
which isalnum() or iscntrl() is true (i.e., punctuation).
bool isxdigit(int c)
- tests for any hexadecimal-digit character.
int toupper(int c)
bool iscntrl(int c)
- tests for any "control character'' as defined by the character set.
bool islower(int c)
- tests for any character that is a lower-case letter.
bool isspace(int c)
- tests for any space, tab, carriage-return, newline, vertical-tab or form-feed (standard
white-space characters).