Brewing Protocols and Data Sheets

After we brewed our first few batches of beer, we began to fine-tune our technique. If you are not organized and generally do not write things down, you might as well forget brewing consistent beer. Writing down, and continually refining, a tailored protocol list is the key to consitency. Such protocols become essential as you begin to add more and more steps (moving from extract to all grain, for example). Your brew sessions quickly become more organized and enjoyable, not to mention your risk of making a mistake drops considerably.

We have developed a comprehensive set of Brewing Protocols that we refine based on others' Web pages, magazines articles, books, or discussions.

In addition, we keep data sheets (i.e., a brew log) for each type of brew. We find this allows us to keep brew details organized. Our Extract Data Sheet and Infusion Data Sheet don't allow us to forget anything.