SimuLab 3: Wholesale Coin Flipping

Random Walk is a program that uses a computer to do our ten-penny flip thousands of times faster than we can. The computer is programmed so that "heads'' and "tails'' are equally likely to occur. The computer also plots the results. Please see Java Applet Page.


Figure 3.3: Bar graph (histogram) showing number of heads when 10 coins are flipped repeatedly.


Q3.12: As the number of trials increases how does the shape of the graph change? Is the width of the distribution greater after a larger number of trials? Is the bar graph smoother after 500 trials than after 100 trials?


Q3.13: Does the number of trials or the number of flips affect the shape of the graph? How?


Previous: HandsOn 10 - Coin Flipping
Next: 3.3 - Random Walks