Slideshow for Neuron Recognition by Parallel Potts Segmentation

Comparison of result of 3 neuron recognition methods on Healthy and AD brains

Note: Grayscal threshold in the simple method is 155 as 0 represents white and 255 represents black in this page.
Grayscale threshold would be (255-155)= 100 if "grayscale" representation is reversed.

Table 0. Comparison of recognition methods
Image Ctrl Case: 458 AD Case: 311
Simple method(threshod:155, size cutoff:10) 73.7% ( 9.4% ) 74.7% ( 7.4% )
Potts Model with 1 condition 85.9% ( 5.2% ) 77.4% ( 4.3% )
Potts Model with 4x4 conditions with Kappa=10 97.8% ( 3.0% ) 93.4% ( 2.1% )
Potts Model with 4x4 conditions with kappa=0 95.0% ( 4.9% ) 93.1% ( 2.1% )

Control Case: 458

Table 1. Neuron recognition percentage(4x4 sets of conditions)
Image C458-a2 C458-c2 C458-c4 C458-a7 C458-d2 Over-all for 5
Number of neurons(n1) 541 401 588 135 479 2144
Number of clusters(n2) 539 401 592 134 495 2161
Correctly recognized number(n3) 529 392 576 130 470 2097
Recognization Percentage (n3/n1) 97.8% 97.8% 98.0% 96.3% 98.1% 97.8%
Percentage of extra clusters(1-n3/n2) 1.9% 2.2% 2.7% 3.0% 5.0% 3.0%

Compare with the results of Potts Model with one set of condition

Table 2. Neuron recognition percentage(One set of condition: T=0.4,D=2.5,K=10)
Image C458-a2 C458-c2 C458-c4 C458-a7 C458-d2 Over-all for 5
Number of neurons(n1) 497 369 531 107 398 1902
Number of clusters(n2) 458 332 477 73 384 1724
Correctly recognized number(n3) 434 313 459 69 359 1634
Recognization Percentage (n3/n1) 87.3% 84.8% 86.4% 64.5% 90.2% 85.9%
Percentage of extra clusters(1-n3/n2) 5.2% 2.7% 3.8% 5.5% 6.5% 5.2%

Compare with the results of simple method
(Grayscale threshold is 155 and size cutoff is 10)

Table 3. Neuron recognition percentage (Grayscale threshold is 155 and size cutoff is 10)
Image C458-a2 C458-c2 C458-c4 C458-a7 C458-d2 Over-all for 5
Number of neurons(n1) 473 361 508 117 342 1801
Number of clusters(n2) 378 312 392 105 278 1465
Correctly recognized number(n3) 334 289 359 101 245 1328
Recognization Percentage (n3/n1) 70.6% 80.1% 70.7% 86.3% 71.6% 73.7 %
Percentage of extra clusters(1-n3/n2) 13.2% 7.4% 8.4% 3.8% 11.9% 9.4%

AD Case: 311

Table 1. Neuron recognition percentage(4x4 sets of conditions)
Image AD311-b3 AD311-b4 AD311-c3 AD311-c4 AD311-d4 Over-all for 5
Number of neurons(n1) 575 281 341 552 303 2052
Number of clusters(n2) 554 266 331 524 284 1959
Correctly recognized number(n3) 548 262 317 516 274 1917
Recognization Percentage (n3/n1) 95.3% 93.2% 93.0% 93.5% 90.0% 93.4%
Percentage of extra clusters(1-n3/n2) 1.1% 1.5% 4.2% 1.5% 3.5% 2.1%

Compare with the results of Potts Model with one set of condition

Table 2. Neuron recognition percentage(One set of condition: T=0.4,D=2.5,K=10)
Image AD311-b3 AD311-b4 AD311-c3 AD311-c4 AD311-d4 Over-all for 5
Number of neurons(n1) 550 238 286 504 240 1818
Number of clusters(n2) 468 165 241 431 167 1472
Correctly recognized number(n3) 443 159 228 419 159 1408
Recognization Percentage (n3/n1) 80.5% 66.8% 79.7% 83.1% 66.3% 77.4%
Percentage of extra clusters(1-n3/n2) 5.3% 3.6% 5.4% 2.8% 4.8% 4.3%

Compare with the results of simple method
(Grayscale threshold is 155 and size cutoff is 10)

Table 3. Neuron recognition percentage (Grayscale threshold is 155 and size cutoff is 10)
Image AD311-b3 AD311-b4 AD311-c3 AD311-c4 AD311-d4 Over-all for 5
Number of neurons(n1) 498 229 253 473 234 1687
Number of clusters(n2) 411 182 206 387 174 1360
Correctly recognized number(n3) 377 171 195 349 168 1260
Recognization Percentage (n3/n1) 75.7% 74.7% 77.1% 73.8% 71.8% 74.7%
Percentage of extra clusters(1-n3/n2) 8.3% 6.0% 5.3% 9.8% 3.4% 7.4%