"Horizons in Complex Systems"

List of Participants

Hotel Assignments: Cairoli (CAI), Excelsior (EXC), Paradis (PAR) or Royal (ROY)

The number following the hotel code (e.g., PAR-4) indicates the date you have agreed to arrive (e.g., 4 December).

If no hotel code appears beside your name and you wish a room at the reduced conference rates: Contact us immediately, giving us (i) your first and second choices of hotel and (ii) your assurance that you will pay for the first night of hotel charges if you decide not to come, or if you arrive on a later date.

Important note to participants: A powerpoint projector for use with your laptop will be available. However, as there are three parallel sessions each day and possibly only one projector, we urge participants to use viewgraphs wherever possible, since we cannot guarantee the availability or compatibility of the projector.

  1. Derek Abbott -- PAR-4 -- dabbott@eleceng.adelaide.edu.au -- "Parrondo's Paradox: when losing strategies cooperate to win"
  2. Yukihiro Aiba -- CAI-4 -- aiba@phys.aoyama.ac.jp -- "Triangular arbitrage as interactions among three foreign exchange rates"
  3. Berni J. Alder -- ROY-5 -- alder1@llnl.gov -- "Water by quantum Monte Carlo"
  4. Franco Aliotta
  5. Preben Alstrom -- ROY-6 -- alstrom@cats.nbi.dk -- "Reliability of neural encoding"
  6. Jose S. Andrade Jr. -- ROY-4 -- soares@fisica.ufc.br -- "Viscous penetration in percolation porous media" and "Diffusion and reaction in active rough interfaces"
  7. Roberto Andrade -- PAR-4 -- randrade@canudos.ufba.br -- "Exact solution and toppling rules for the Abelian rainfall model"
  8. C. Austen Angell -- ROY-7 -- caa@asu.edu -- "Slow conformational and chemical order relaxation in `landscape-dominated' liquids, and their aging in hyperquenched glasses"
  9. Lucilla de Arcangelis -- ROY-7 -- dearcangelis@axpna1.na.infn.it -- "Complex dynamics in gelling systems"
  10. Phil Attard -- ROY-5 -- phil.attard@unisa.edu.au -- "Nanobubbles: the big picture"
  11. Sebastien Balibar -- PAR-5 -- sebastien.balibar@lps.ens.fr -- "Two ultrapure liquids far away from equilibrium"
  12. Philip Ball -- CAI-5 -- p.ball@nature.com -- "The physical modelling of social structures: a historical perspective"
  13. Marcia Barbosa -- ROY-5 -- barbosa@pcstat4.if.ufrgs.br -- "Dynamic properties of stretched water"
  14. Murray Batchelor -- ROY-5 -- murrayb@maths.anu.edu.au -- "Random walks with absorbing boundaries" (with Bruce Henry)
  15. Martin Z. Bazant -- PAR-1 -- bazant@math.mit.edu -- "The fractal central limit theorem in percolation"
  16. Panayotis Benetatos -- PAR-5 -- panayotis@hmi.de -- "Plasticity in current-driven vortex lattices in type-II superconductors"
  17. Eshel Ben-Jacob -- ROY-4 -- eshel@tamar.tau.ac.il -- "Bacterial cybernetics and DNA computing"
  18. David J. Bergman -- CAI-5 -- bergman@post.tau.ac.il -- "Exact relations between critical exponents for elastic stiffness and electrical conductivity of two-dimensional percolating networks"
  19. Daniel Beysens -- ROY-4 -- dbeysens@cea.fr -- "Backward heat flow?"
  20. Kurt Binder -- ROY-6 -- kurt.binder@uni-mainz.de -- "Scaling concepts for polymer brushes and their test with computer simulation"
  21. Lesser Blum -- ROY-5 -- lesblum@yahoo.com -- "Thermodynamic functionals and scaling in complex charged fluids"
  22. Tomas Bohr -- CAI-4 -- tbohr@nbivms.nbi.dk -- "Can laminar flows be complex?"
  23. Jan K. Bording -- PAR-5 -- janbor@tid.uio.no -- "An atomistic look at the interface tension using molecular dynamics"
  24. Don Braben -- ROY-5 -- donbraben@compuserve.com -- "Blue skies research and the global economy"
  25. Fabio Bruni -- ROY-5 -- bruni@fis.uniroma3.it -- "Isothermal glass-like transition of protons on a globular protein: percolative behavior revisited"
  26. Armin Bunde -- ROY-5 -- armin.bunde@theo.physik.uni-giessen.de -- "Global climate models violate scaling of the observed atmopheric variability"
  27. Enrique Lopez Cabarcos -- PAR-3 -- cabarcos@farm.ucm.es -- "Correlation between molecular dynamics and thermal hysteresis in ferroelectric polymers"
  28. Carlo Caccamo
  29. Simon Capelin -- PAR-5 -- scapelin@cambridge.org
  30. Luigi Carotenuto -- PAR-6 -- carotenuto@marscenter.it -- "Experimental evidences of complex dynamics during protein crystal growth"
  31. Julyan Cartwright -- CAI-5 -- julyan@lec.ugr.es -- "Pattern formation in solutal convection systems - from `Tia Maria' to crystal gardens"
  32. Maria Serena Causo -- CAI-5 -- causo@cibs.sns.it -- "A simple model for the DNA denaturation transition"
  33. Stanislaw Cebrat -- PAR-5 -- cebrat@microb.uni.wroc.pl -- "Replication associated mutational pressure generating long range correlation in DNA"
  34. Bulbul Chakraborty -- ROY-6 -- bulbul@snow.cc.brandeis.edu -- "Topological jamming and the glass transition"
  35. Damien Challet -- PAR-5 -- challet@thphys.ox.ac.uk -- "Causes of fat tails and clustered volatility in out-of-equilibrium minority games"
  36. Morrel H. Cohen -- ROY-4 -- mhcohen@prodigy.net -- "Flat, soft branches; displacive or orientational disorder; and pressure amorphization"
  37. Thomas C. Collins -- EXC-3 -- collins@okstate.edu -- "Quantum dynamical manifolds: foundations and applications to high temperature superconductivity"
  38. Antonio Coniglio -- ROY-5 -- coniglio@na.infn.it -- "Tapping dynamics for the inherent states of glassy systems and granular materials"
  39. Rodolfo Cuerno -- CAI-5 -- cuerno@math.uc3m.es -- "Instabilities hinder KPZ scaling in non-conserved surface growth: some physical examples and a derivation"
  40. M. Cutroni -- cutroni@dsme01.unime.it -- "Fragile dynamics of simple glass forming liquids: dielectric and mechanical response"
  41. Michel Dacorogna -- ROY-5 -- michel.dacorogna@converium.com -- "Using the scaling analysis to characterize financial markets"
  42. Luciano Da Silva -- ROY-4 -- luciano@dfte.ufrn.br -- "Mass distribution between two linear petroleum wells"
  43. Kenneth Dawson -- ROY-4 -- kenneth@fiachra.ucd.ie -- "Competition between crystals and glasses for particles with short-ranged attraction: the reason that globular proteins don't crystallize?"
  44. Deepak Dhar -- ROY-6 -- ddhar@theory.tifr.res.in -- "Sandpile models with directed percolation exponents"
  45. Francesco di Liberto -- EXC-5 -- francesco.diliberto@na.infn.it -- "Complexity in the stepwise Carnot heat engine"
  46. Nikolay V. Dokholyan -- CAI-5 -- dokh@wild.harvard.edu -- "Understanding conserved amino acids in proteins"
  47. John Dore -- CAI-5 -- j.c.dore@ukc.ac.uk -- "Phase relations for ice-water in confined geometry"
  48. Stanislaw Drozdz -- CAI-5 -- drozdz@alf.ifj.edu.pl -- "Characteristics of correlations in natural complex dynamical systems"
  49. Helmut Durchschlag -- PAR-5 -- helmut.durchschlag@biologie.uni-regensburg.de -- "Modeling of complex protein structures"
  50. Gianfranco Durin -- ROY-5 -- durin@ien.it -- "Complex dynamics of magnetic domain walls"
  51. Werner Ebeling -- PAR-5 -- ebeling@physik.hu-berlin.de -- "Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics of swarms of driven particles"
  52. Pierre Evesque -- ROY-5 -- evesque@mssmat.ecp.fr -- "Stress fluctuations, stress-strain fluctuations and macroscopic stick-slip in granular materials"
  53. Yuri Feldman -- PAR-5 -- yurif@vms.huji.ac.il -- "Non-Debye dielectric relaxation in complex materials"
  54. Adriano Filipponi -- CAI-5 -- adriano.filipponi@aquila.infn.it -- "Structure and nucleation of deeply undercooled liquid metals"
  55. John Finney -- CAI-5 -- j.finney@ucl.ac.uk -- "Hydrogen bond accounting"
  56. Eirik G. Flekkoy -- PAR-6 -- e.g.flekkoy@fys.uio.no -- "From granular flows to hydrofracture"
  57. Hans Fogedby -- ROY-5 -- fogedby@ifa.au.dk -- "Towards a strong coupling theory for the KPZ equation"
  58. Giancarlo Franzese -- CAI-5 -- giancarlo.franzese@na.infn.it -- "How to reconcile two fighting brothers: the second critical hypothesis and the singularity free scenario for water"
  59. Tadaomi Furuta -- PAR-6 -- tadaomi@radix.h.kobe-u.ac.jp -- "A lattice model for cytoskeletons' dynamics"
  60. Serge Galam -- PAR-4 -- galam@ccr.jussieu.fr -- "killer geometries in competing species dynamics"
  61. Paola Gallo -- ROY-5 -- gallop@fis.uniroma3.it -- "The mode coupling scenario in confined glass formers"
  62. Giovanni Garberoglio -- CAI-5 -- garberog@science.unitn.it -- "Instantaneous normal mode analysis of short-time dynamics in hydrogen-bonded liquids"
  63. Priscila Garcia-Fernandez -- ROY-5 -- pgarcia@foton0.iem.csic.es -- "Quantum message authentication"
  64. Alfons Geiger -- ROY-5 -- geiger@heineken.chemie.uni-dortmund.de -- "Structure and dynamics of water in a in lipid membrane"
  65. Rita Giordano -- giordano@dsme01.unime.it
  66. Sharon C. Glotzer -- ROY-5 -- sglotzer@umich.edu
  67. Walter Goldburg -- ROY-4 -- goldburg+@pitt.edu -- "Fluctuation and dissipation in a liquid crystal far from equilibrium"
  68. Isaac Goldhirsch -- ROY-5 -- isaac@eng.tau.ac.il -- "Granular and nano-elasticity"
  69. Agustin Gonzalez -- CAI-4 -- agus@ce.fis.unam.mx -- "Concentration effects on two- and three-dimensional colloidal aggregation"
  70. Richard Gonzalez-Cinca -- EXC-4 -- ricard@fa.upc.es -- "Dendritic shape at high undercoolings"
  71. Jean-Francois Gouyet -- EXC-5 -- jean-francois.gouyet@polytechnique.fr -- "A lattice gas model of electrochemical cells: mean-field kinetic approach"
  72. Tor Grande -- EXC-4 -- tor.grande@chembio.ntnu.no -- "GeSe2: an unusual tetrahedral liquid"
  73. Raul Grigera -- ROY-5 -- grigera@iflysib.unlp.edu.ar -- "Water as heterotropic allosteric activator in hemoglobin: the water network"
  74. Christian Gruber -- ROY-5 -- christian.gruber@epfl.ch -- "The controversial piston in the thermodynamic limit"
  75. Tony Guttmann -- PAR-5 -- tonyg@ms.unimelb.edu.au -- "The exact scaling function for planar vesicles"
  76. Alex Hankey -- ROY-5 -- alexhank@dircon.co.uk -- "History is a pattern of timeless moments: quantum physics and the vedic perspective"
  77. Naomichi Hatano -- ROY-4 -- hatano@phys.aoyama.ac.jp -- "Non-Hermite quantum mechanics and its applications"
  78. Hans J. Herrmann -- ROY-6 -- hans@ica1.uni-stuttgart.de -- "Restructuring of force networks"
  79. Siegfried Hess -- EXC-5 -- s.hess@physik.tu-berlin.de -- "Complex fluid behavior: coupling of the shear stress with order parameter tensors of ranks two and three in nematic liquid crystals and in tetradic fluids"
  80. Andreas Heuer -- CAI-5 -- andheuer@uni-muenster.de -- "The energy landscape of supercooled liquids and its relevance for the dynamics"
  81. Rudolf Hilfer -- PAR-5 -- hilfer@ica1.uni-stuttgart.de -- "Fractional calculus approach to the excess wing in the dielectric relaxation of glass formers"
  82. Daniel Hong -- CAI-5 -- dh09@lehigh.edu -- "Reverse brazil nut problem: competition between percolation and condensation"
  83. Chin-Kun Hu -- ROY-4 -- huck@phys.sinica.edu.tw -- "Universality and scaling in complex systems"
  84. Greg Huber -- CAI-6 -- huber@umb.edu -- "Chirality transformations propagating on bacterial flagella"
  85. Joseph Indekeu -- EXC-5 -- joseph.indekeu@fys.kuleuven.ac.be -- "Tricritical wetting"
  86. Nobuyasu Ito -- ROY-5 -- ito@ap.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp -- "Nonequilibrium relaxation study of phase transition"
  87. Plamen Ivanov -- CAI-5 -- plamen@arkady.bu.edu -- "Fractal and multifractal scaling in physiologic rhythms"
  88. Boris Ivlev -- ivlev@dec1.ifisica.uaslp.mx -- "Hydrodynamic fluctuation forces"
  89. Mogens H. Jensen -- ROY-6 -- mhjensen@nbi.dk -- "Inverse multifractal statistics"
  90. Pablo Jensen -- CAI-5 -- pablo.jensen@dpm.univ-lyon1.fr -- "The physicist's point of view on matter"
  91. Neil F. Johnson -- PAR-5 -- n.johnson@physics.ox.ac.uk -- "Anatomy of financial crashes in artificial markets: does history repeat itself?"
  92. Brian Josephson -- ROY-4 -- bdj10@cus.cam.ac.uk -- "High-level and semiotic approaches to complex systems"
  93. Kuni Kaneko -- PAR-5 -- kaneko@complex.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp -- "Complex systems biology: constructive and dynamic approach to heredity, differentiation, and evolution"
  94. Yoshinori Katayama -- ROY-5 -- katayama@spring8.or.jp -- "In-situ observations of structural transformations in liquids under high pressure"
  95. Janos Kertesz -- ROY-5 -- kertesz@planck.phy.bme.hu -- "Slow dynamics in self organized systems"
  96. David Kessler -- ROY-5 -- kessler@dave.ph.biu.ac.il -- "Breaking the bonds of linear elastic fracture mechanics"
  97. Tom Keyes -- PAR-5 -- keyes@chem.bu.edu -- "Finding diffusive directions in supercooled liquids by partial minimization of the potential energy"
  98. Peter King -- ROY-5 -- peter.king@ic.ac.uk -- "Predicting oil recovery using percolation theory"
  99. Scott Kirkpatrick -- ROY-6 -- kirk@cs.huji.ac.il -- "Percolation in dense arrays of communicating computers and storage"
  100. Dennis Klug -- ROY-4 -- klug@ned1.sims.nrc.ca -- "Structures and properties of the amorphous ices and supercooled water"
  101. Kenichiro Koga -- PAR-5 -- kk275@cornell.edu -- "How does water freeze inside carbon nanotubes?"
  102. Imre Kondor -- ROY-5 -- ikondor@raiffeisen.hu -- "Risk measures and financial regulation"
  103. Michael Koza -- PAR-4 -- koza@ill.fr -- "New insight into the structural and kinetic features of water's amorphous polymorphism from scattering experiments"
  104. Yoshiaki Kusaka -- PAR-6 -- "Nonlinear time series analysis for spatial learning abilities of mice"
  105. Dimitri Kusnezov -- dimitri.kusnezov@nnsa.doe.gov -- "Transport in complex quantum systems"
  106. Ryszard Kutner -- CAI-5 -- ryszard.kutner@fuw.edu.pl -- "Rare events foundation of Levy walks with varying velocity"
  107. Daniel Lacks -- ROY-5 -- daniel.lacks@tulane.edu -- "Energy landscapes and dynamics in driven systems"
  108. Branka Ladanyi -- ROY-5 -- bl@lamar.colostate.edu -- "Structure, dynamics and solvation in water confined within reverse micelles"
  109. Jyotsana Lal -- PAR-4 -- jlal@anl.gov -- "Structure and dynamics of polymer chains under confinement"
  110. Vito Latora -- PAR-5 -- vito.latora@ct.infn.it -- "Efficient behavior of small-world networks"
  111. M. Howard Lee -- ROY-4 -- mhlee@arches.uga.edu -- "Ergodicity in simple and not so simple systems"
  112. Dino Leporini -- PAR-5 -- dino.leporini@df.unipi.it -- "1D and 2D confinement in ionomers as studied by high-field pulsed electron spin resonance spectroscopy"
  113. Yossi Lereah -- PAR-2 -- lereah@eng.tau.ac.il -- "Time resolved electron microscopy studies of the structure of nanoparticles and their melting"
  114. Annick Lesne -- PAR-5 -- lesne@lptl.jussieu.fr -- "Chromatin: a tunable spring at work inside chromosomes"
  115. Louis Letamendia -- PAR-4 -- letame@cribx1.u-bordeaux.fr -- "Dynamical and transport properties by event-driven simulations in square well potential fluids"
  116. Steve Lipson -- PAR-4 -- sglipson@physics.technion.ac.il -- "Particle banding in rotating fluids: a new pattern-forming system"
  117. Laurent Lobry -- CAI-5 -- laurent.lobry@unice.fr -- "Chaotic behaviour in electro-rotation"
  118. Guiomar Ruiz Lopez -- ROY-5 -- gruiz@euita.upm.es -- "Phase separation in systems with density-dependent pair potentials: liquid-liquid equilibrium in a simple fluid"
  119. Alexander Loskutov -- "Billiards with time-dependent boundaries" and "Nonlinear dynamics, theory of dynamical chaos, and synergetics"
  120. Liacir S. Lucena -- ROY-4 -- liacir@dfte.ufrn.br -- "Using concepts from statistical physics to improve petroleum exploration"
  121. Weili Luo -- PAR-4 -- luo@ucf.edu -- "Physical mechanism for Vogel-Fulcher law in magnetic dipolar systems"
  122. Philipp Maass -- PAR-5 -- philipp.maass@uni-konstanz.de -- "Anomalous relaxation in disordered dipolar systems"
  123. Francesco Mainardi -- ROY-5 -- mainardi@bo.infn.it -- "Continuous-time random walks in finance: empirical results"
  124. Giuseppe Maino -- ROY -- maino@risc990.bologna.enea.it -- "Advances in the prediction of protein structures"
  125. Hernan Makse -- PAR-5 -- makse@levdec.engr.ccny.cuny.edu -- "Thermodynamics and effective temperatures in sheared granular matter"
  126. George Malenkov -- PAR-5 -- lmm@phyche.ac.ru -- "Structural and dynamic heterogeneity of stable and metastable water"
  127. Gianpiero Malescio -- malescio@unime.it
  128. Francesco Mallamace -- mallamac@imeuniv.unime.it
  129. Rosario N. Mantegna -- CAI-6 -- mantegna@unipa.it -- "Volatility in financial markets: stochastic models and empirical results"
  130. Matteo Marsili -- ROY-7 -- marsili@sissa.it -- "Maximum likelyhood clustering with applications to finance and bio-informatics"
  131. Jaume Masoliver -- ROY-6 -- jaume@ffn.ub.es -- "The effect of non-ideal market conditions on option pricing"
  132. Mitsugu Matsushita -- CAI-6 -- matusita@phys.chuo-u.ac.jp -- "Multicellular behavior of bacteria and their periodic colony growth"
  133. Joe McCauley -- PAR-5 -- jmccauley@shasta.phys.uh.edu -- "Adam Smith's Invisible Hand is unstable"
  134. Peter McClintock -- PAR-5 -- p.v.e.mcclintock@lancaster.ac.uk -- "Noise and determinism in cardiovascular dynamics"
  135. Klaus Mecke -- PAR-5 -- mecke@fluids.mpi-stuttgart.mpg.de -- "Statistical geometry of interfaces"
  136. Nikolai Medvedev -- ROY-5 -- medvedev@informatik.tu-muenchen.de -- "The approach for detailed structure analysis of complex molecular systems at the computer simulation"
  137. Norberto Micali -- micali@imeuniv.unime.it
  138. Sava Milosevic -- CAI-4 -- emilosev@etf.bg.ac.yu -- "Beneficial randomness of signals in a neuronal circuit"
  139. Salvador Miracle-Sole -- PAR-4 -- "Generalized Young's equation for rough and heterogeneous substrates: A microscopic proof"
  140. Sasuke Miyazima -- PAR-5 -- miyazima@isc.chubu.ac.jp -- "Why does the ranking become power-law?"
  141. Johannes Kristoffer Nielsen -- ROY-4 -- joe@imm.dtu.dk -- "Training neural networks with the Nose Hoover thermostat"
  142. Hidetoshi Nishimori -- ROY-5 -- nishi@stat.phys.titech.ac.jp -- "Location of the multicritical point of two-dimensional spin glasses"
  143. Toru Ohira -- ROY-5 -- ohira@csl.sony.co.jp -- "Delayed stochastic resonance"
  144. Paul Ormerod -- ROY-6 -- pormerod@volterra.co.uk -- "The US business cycle: power law scaling for interacting units with complex internal structure"
  145. Akira Onuki -- ROY-5 -- onuki@scphys.kyoto-u.ac.jp -- "Boiling leading to self-organized convection"
  146. Giorgio Parisi -- ROY-7 -- giorgio.parisi@roma1.infn.it -- "Recent progress in the theory of instantaneous normal modes in topologically disordered systems"
  147. Alexander Patashinski -- PAR-4 -- patashin@casbah.acns.nwu.edu -- "The complex nature of the glassy state"
  148. Wolfgang Paul -- CAI-5 -- wolfgang.paul@uni-mainz.de -- "Understanding molecular motion in polymer melts: md simulations compared with experiments"
  149. Andrzej Pekalski -- PAR-5 -- apekal@ift.uni.wroc.pl -- "Colonization in a changing environment"
  150. Andrea Pelissetto -- CAI-5 -- andrea.pelissetto@roma1.infn.it -- "Equation of state for systems with Goldstone bosons"
  151. Thomas Penzel -- CAI-5 -- penzel@mailer.uni-marburg.de -- "The sleeping brain: is it a complex system?"
  152. Chiara Piccolo -- PAR-6 -- piccolo@marscenter.it -- "Experimental evidences of complex dynamics during protein crystal growth"
  153. Estelle Pitard -- PAR-5 -- estelle@lpm.univ-montp2.fr -- "Anomalous dynamical light scattering in soft glassy gels"
  154. Peter H. Poole -- ROY-5 -- poole@cmrg.apmaths.uwo.ca
  155. Richard E. Prange -- ROY-5 -- prange@physics.umd.edu
  156. Itamar Procaccia -- ROY-5 -- itamar.procaccia@weizmann.ac.il -- "Fractures in disordered media: iterated conformal maps"
  157. Laszlo Pusztai -- CAI-5 -- lp@power.szfki.kfki.hu -- "Alternative set(s) of partial pair correlation functions for liquid water"
  158. Jacqueline Quintana-Hinojosa -- ROY-5 -- quintana@alquimia.iquimica.unam.mx -- "Confinement induced immiscibility of mixtures of enantiomers"
  159. Yitzhak Rabin -- PAR-5 -- yr@rabinws.ph.biu.ac.il -- "Statistical physics of fluctuating filaments"
  160. Jean Rajchenbach -- CAI-4 -- jer@ccr.jussieu.fr -- "Dynamics of grain avalanches"
  161. Andrea Rapisarda -- PAR-5 -- rapisarda@ct.infn.it -- "Non-Gaussian equilibrium in a long-range Hamiltonian system"
  162. Purusattam Ray -- CAI-5 -- ray@imsc.ernet.in -- "Spatial scaling in persistence"
  163. Maria Antonietta Ricci -- ROY-5 -- riccim@fis.uniroma3.it -- "The influence of an apolar solute on the microscopic structure of super-critical water"
  164. Hans Riegler -- PAR-5 -- hans.riegler@mpikg-golm.mpg.de -- "Pattern formation in molecularly thin alkane films"
  165. Alberto Robledo -- ROY-5 -- robledo@fenix.ifisicacu.unam.mx -- "Fixed-point universality and extremal entropy"
  166. Marta Rosen -- ROY-3 -- mrosen@tron.fi.uba.ar -- "Non-Newtonian directional fingering"
  167. Michael Rosenblum -- PAR-5 -- mros@lenne.agnld.uni-potsdam.de -- "Synchronization approach to analysis of cardiorespiratory interaction"
  168. Bernd Rosenow -- PAR-5 -- rosenow@thp.uni-koeln.de -- "Random magnets and correlations of stock price fluctuations"
  169. Didier Roux -- ROY-5 -- didier@crpp.u-bordeaux.fr -- "Making a new vector for biological applications"
  170. Patrizia Ruggiero -- PAR-5 -- patrizia.ruggiero@mx1.na.infn.it
  171. Heather J. Ruskin -- ROY-5 -- hruskin@compapp.dcu.ie -- "Constrained geometries in soap froth dynamics"
  172. Yaroslav Ryabov -- PAR-5 -- ryabov@vms.huji.ac.il -- "Non-exponential relaxation behavior as a fractional time evolution process"
  173. Valentin Ryzhov -- PAR-5 -- ryzhov@hppi.troitsk.ru -- "Melting in two dimensions: first-order versus continious transition"
  174. Giuseppe Salvetti -- PAR
  175. Masaki Sasai -- PAR-5 -- sasai@info.human.nagoya-u.ac.jp -- "Selection in the conformation-sequence space"
  176. Dale W. Schaefer -- ROY-5 -- dwschae@uceng.uc.edu -- "Challenges and opportunities in complex materials"
  177. Falk Scheffler -- PAR-5 -- falk.scheffler@uni-konstanz.de -- "Spin precession in disordered systems: anomalous relaxation due to Levy-type field distributions"
  178. Johannes Schneider -- PAR-4 -- jsch@cs.huji.ac.il -- "The time-dependent traveling salesman problem"
  179. Francesco Sciortino -- ROY-6 -- francesco.sciortino@phys.uniroma1.it -- "Water and its energy landscape"
  180. Eugene Shakhnovich -- ROY-4 -- eugene@belok.harvard.edu -- "Statistical mechanics of proteins: perspective from analytical theory and simulations"
  181. David Sherrington -- ROY-5 -- d.sherrington1@physics.ox.ac.uk -- "Stochastic decision making in the minority game"
  182. Sorin Solomon -- ROY-7 -- sorin@cc.huji.ac.il -- "Volatility driven market in a generalised lotka voltera formalism"
  183. Alan Soper -- ROY-5 -- a.k.soper@rl.ac.uk -- "Neutron diffraction studies of water and aqueous solutions"
  184. Bernardo Spagnolo -- PAR-5 -- "Spatio-temporal patterns in population dynamics"
  185. H. Eugene Stanley -- ROY-4 -- hes@bu.edu -- "Perspectives in complex systems"
  186. Aneta Stefanovska -- PAR-5 -- aneta@osc.fe.uni-lj.si
  187. Petr Stepanek -- CAI-5 -- stepan@imc.cas.cz -- "Dynamics of binary and ternary polymer blends"
  188. Semjon Stepanow -- PAR-4 -- stepanow@physik.uni-halle.de -- "A semiflexible polymer between two walls: the regime of weak confinement"
  189. Zbigniew Struzik -- ROY-5 -- zbigniew.struzik@cwi.nl -- "Reasoning from non-stationarity"
  190. Bosiljka Tadic -- PAR-5 -- bosiljka.tadic@ijs.si -- "Origin of scaling laws in the world-wide web"
  191. Haim Taitelbaum -- ROY-5 -- haimt@mail.biu.ac.il -- "Roughness and growth of solid-liquid interfaces"
  192. Julian Talbot -- PAR-5 -- talbot@duq.edu -- "Wall-enhanced convection in vibrofluidized granular systems"
  193. Gilles Tarjus -- CAI-5 -- tarjus@lptl.jussieu.fr -- "Intermediate metastable phases and polyamorphism in glassforming liquids: frustration as a guiding principle"
  194. Piero Tartaglia -- ROY -- piero.tartaglia@phys.uniroma1.it
  195. Jose Teixeira -- ROY-5 -- teix@bali.saclay.cea.fr -- "Experimental observation of hydrogen bond lifetime in liquid water"
  196. Harry Thomas -- ROY-5 -- harry.thomas@unibas.ch -- "Physics of computation: from Maxwell's demon to quantum computing"
  197. Michio Tokuyama -- PAR-5 -- tokuyama@ifs.tohoku.ac.jp -- "On the slow dynamics of density fluctuations near the colloidal glass transition"
  198. Elpidio Tombari -- PAR -- tombari@ifam.pi.cnr.it -- "Relaxation dynamics and reaction rate during isothermal polymerization"
  199. Soeren Toxvaerd -- PAR-5 -- tox@st.ki.ku.dk -- "Homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation in a closed system"
  200. Constantino Tsallis -- ROY-5 -- tsallis@cbpf.br -- "Nonextensive statistical mechanics: what is the dynamical meaning of q?"
  201. Pierre Turq -- ROY-5 -- pt@ccr.jussieu.fr -- "Transport of water and counterions in porous charged media"
  202. Lukasz A. Turski -- ROY-5 -- laturski@cft.edu.pl -- "Algebraic description of dissipative system: Dirac constraints in action"
  203. Katarina Uzelac -- PAR-4 -- uzelac@ifs.hr -- "The critical behaviour of the long-range Potts chain from the largest cluster probability distribution"
  204. Nicolas Vandewalle -- PAR-4 -- nvandewalle@ulg.ac.be -- "Avalanches of popping bubbles along air/foam interfaces"
  205. Jean Vannimenus -- PAR-5 -- vannimenu@physique.ens.fr -- "Some recent (and surprising) results on the interface depinning transition"
  206. Cirini Vasi -- vasi@hpits1.me.cnr.it
  207. Alessandro Vespignani -- ROY-5 -- alexv@ictp.trieste.it -- "Epidemic spreading in complex networks"
  208. Tamas Vicsek -- ROY-5 -- vicsek@angel.elte.hu -- "Networks in life: scaling properties and eigenvalue spectra"
  209. Jacques Villain -- PAR-6 -- villain@fi.infn.it -- "Growth instabilities in coherent epitaxy"
  210. Gandhi Viswanathan -- CAI-5 -- gandhi@fis.ufal.br -- "Levy flight random searches in biological phenomena"
  211. Vojko Vlachy -- EXC-5 -- vojko.vlachy@uni-lj.si -- "Replica integral equation theory for partly-quenched electrolyte mixtures"
  212. Franco Wanderlingh --
  213. Stu Whittington -- ROY-5 -- swhittin@chem.utoronto.ca -- sgw@ms.unimelb.edu.au -- "Random copolymers"
  214. Philippa Wiggins -- CAI-4 -- p.wiggins@genesis.co.nz -- "Water in complex environments such as living systems"
  215. Martin Wilding -- CAI-5 -- "Thermodynamic and structural aspects of the polyamorphic transition in yttrium and other rare earth aluminate liquids"
  216. Victor Yakovenko -- CAI-5 -- yakovenk@physics.umd.edu -- "Statistical mechanics of money, income, and wealth"
  217. Yoshiharu Yamamoto -- PAR-4 -- yamamoto@complex.p.u-tokyo.ac.jp -- "Noise-induced sensitization of human brain"
  218. Yoshitake Yamazaki -- CAI-4 -- y2yamazaki3@aol.com -- "Mesoscopic behavior of economical flows by stochastic dynamics"
  219. Marco Zannetti -- ROY-4 -- marco.zannetti@na.infn.it -- "Off-equilibrium response function in coarsening systems"
  220. Stefano Zapperi -- ROY-5 -- "Modeling the scaling behavior of acoustic emission"

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