------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLLINS/SMITH --- 1988 Readings in cognitive science: A perspective from psychology and artificial intelligence E1 SCHATTSCHNEIDER --- 1990 Visions of symmetry: Notebooks, periodic drawings, and related works of M. C. Escher E2 PEITGEN/RICHTER/JUGENS/PRUFER/SAUPUE --- 1987 Frontiers of chaos [VIDEO] E3 PETERSON --- 1990 Islands of truth: A mathematical mystery cruise E4 BARNSLEY --- 1988 Fractals everywhere E5 FITCH/STRASMICH --- 1987 The art of mathematics [VIDEO] E6 PACIFIC ARTS --- 1988 State of the art of computer animation [VIDEO] E7 VICSEK --- 1989 Fractal growth phenomena E8 BARNSLEY/DEVANEY/MANDELBROT/PEITGEN/SAUPE/VOSS/FISHER/MCGUIRE --- 1988 The science of fractal images E9 ART MATRIX --- 19xx Nothing but zooms! [VIDEO] E10 BANCHOFF --- 1990 Beyong the third dimension: Geometry, computer graphics, and higher dimensions E11 FORSTER --- 1975 Hydrodynamic fluctuations, broken symmetry, and correlation functions E12 MONTROLL/LEBOWITZ --- 1976 Fluctuation phenomena E13 MARK/REED --- 1989 Macintosh programming primer: Inside the toolbox using THINK's Lightspeed C E14 PETERSON --- 1988 The mathematical tourist E15 MANDELBROT --- 1983 The fractal geometry of nature E16 DE JONG --- 1991 Introduction to computational physics E17 WOLFRAM --- 1988 Mathematic: A system for doing mathematics by computer E18 SCHROEDER Fractals, chaos, power laws: Minutes from an infinite paradise E19 KAYE A random walk through fractal dimensions E20 MCGUIRE An eye for fractals E21 PEITGEN/JURGENS/SAUPE --- 1992 Fractals for the classroom: part one [introduction to fractals and chaos] E22 PEITGEN/JURGENS/SAUPE/MALETSKY/PERCIANTE/YUNKER --- 1991 Fractals for the classroom: strategic activities volume one E23 BUNDE/HAVLIN [eds] --- 1991 Fractals and disordered systems E24 PIETRONERO/TOSATTI [eds] --- 1985 Fractals in physics E25 FALCONER --- 1985 The geometry of fractal sets E26 RUELLE --- 1989 Chaotic evolution and strange attractors E27 AMIT --- 1989 Modeling brain function: the world of attractor neural networks E28 ZASLAVSKY/SAGDEEV/USIKOV/CHERNIKOV --- 1991 Weak chaos and quasi-regular patterns E29 OTTINO --- 1989 The kinematics of mixing: stretching, chaos, and transport E30 DES CLOIZEAUX/JANNINK --- 1990 Polymers in solution: their modelling and structure E31 BECKER/DORFLER --- 1989 Dynamical systems and fractals: computer graphics experiments in Pascal E32 IBACH/LUTH --- 1991 Solid-state physics: an introduction to theory and experiment E33 L'ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE --- 1990 Actes du colloque de L'Ecole Polytechnique: objectives de la formation scientific E34 GUPTA --- 1990 Statistical thermodynamics E35 KUHN --- 1970 The structure of scientific revolutions [2nd edition] E36 GUENAULT --- 1988 Statistical physics E37 GILLESPIE --- 1992 Markov processes: an introduction for physical scientists E38 SCHWABL --- 1990 Quantum mechanics E39 PEREPECHKO --- 1981 An introduction to polymer physics E40 GUTZWILLER --- 1990 Chaos in classical and quantum mechanics E41 STAUFFER/AHARONY --- 1992 Introduction to percolation theory E42 PEITGEN/RICHTER --- 1986 The beauty of fractals: images of complex dynamical systems E43 STEWART --- 1982 Les fractals: les chroniques de rose polymath E44 FAMILY/VICSEK [eds] --- 1991 Dynamics of fractal surfaces E45 REVUE DU PALAIS DE LA DECOUVERTE --- 1991 Les fractales E46 FEDER --- 1988 Fractals E47 TAYLOR/WHEELER --- 1992 Spacetime physics: introduction to special relativity [2nd edition] E48 GOODWIN --- 1990 Practical physics labs: a resource manual E49 KRISHNAN --- 1990 Hands on physics activities for elementary schools E50 LEVY --- 1990 Hands on physical science activities for middle schools E51 HARWELL/HARWELL --- 1990 Nuclear famine E52 ROSS --- 1988 Blood E53 WIGGLESWORTH --- 1983 Insect hormones E54 NEWMAN --- 1991 Biology research activities E55 SCANNELL --- 1988 Earth science research activities E56 KUTSCHER --- 1988 Physics research activities E57 GYORGYI/KONDOR/SASVARI/TEL [eds] --- 1992 Topics in modern statistical physics: from phase transitions to chaos E58 GLASS/MACKEY --- 1988 From clocks to chaos: the rhythms of life E59 DEGENNES --- 1992 Simple views on condensed matter E60 PEITGEN/JURGENS/SAUPE --- 1992 Fractals for the classroom: Part 2. Complex systems and Mandelbrot set E61 ATKINS --- 1987 Molecules E62 FIELD/GOLUBITSKY --- 1992 Symmetry in chaos: a search for pattern in mathematics, art and nature E63 PEITGEN/JURGENS/SAUPE --- 1992 Chaos and fractals E64 PEITGEN/JURGENS/SAUPE --- 1992 Fractals for the classroom: strategic activities [volume two] E65 CALDERBANK --- 1989 Programming in FORTRAN [3rd edition] E66 GARLAND --- 1987 Fascinating Fibonaccis: mystery and magic in numbers E67 RUNION --- 1990 The Golden Section E68 SEYMOUR --- 1986 Visual patterns in Pascal's triangle E69 BENTLEY/HUMPHREYS --- 1931 Snow crystals E70 MCCAULEY --- 1993 Chaos, dynamics, and fractals: an algorithmic approach to deterministic chaos E71 HABER-SCHAIM/ABEGG/DODGE/KIRKSEY/WALTER --- 1987 Introductory physical science E72 BUNDE [ed] --- 1992 Fractals and disorder: proceedings of the international conference on fractals and disordered systems, U. of Hamburg, 29-31 July 1992 E73 HERRMANN/JANKE/KARSCH [eds] --- 1992 Workshop on dynamics of 1st order phase transitions E74 DEVANEY --- 1989 An introduction to chaotic dynamical systems [2nd ed] E75 SCHUSTER --- 1988 Deterministic chaos: an introduction [2nd rev ed] E76 DE GENNES --- 1990 Introduction to polymer dynamics E77 LI/GRAUR --- 1991 Fundamentals of molecular evolution E78 EDELSTEIN-KESHET --- 1988 Mathematical models in biology E79 SCHRODINGER --- 1944/1958 What is life?/Mind and matter E80 BAKER/GOLLUB --- 1990 Chaotic dynamics: an introduction E81 TAYLOR --- 1974 Dimensional analysis for engineers E82 LANGHAAR --- 1951 Dimensional analysis and theory of models E83 DOI/EDWARDS --- 1986 The theory of polymer dynamics E84 EFROS --- 1982 [1986] Physics and geometry of disorder E85 BERG --- 1983 Random walks in biology E86 THOMPSON --- 1961 On growth and form E87 HESS [ed] --- 1993 Statistical physics: invited papers from STATPHYS 18 E88 BIDEAU/HANSEN --- 1993 Disorder and granular media [from: Random materials and processes--series eds Stanley/Guyon] E89 REYNOLDS [eds] --- 1993 On clusters and clustering: from atoms to fractals [from: Random materials and processes--series eds Stanley/Guyon] E90 BAKER --- 1990 Quantitative theory of critical phenomena E90 JULLIEN/KERTESZ/MEAKIN/WOLF [eds] --- 1992 Proceedings of the workshop on "Surface Disordering: growth, roughening, and phase tranditions" E91 WHITNEY --- 1990 Random processes in physical systems: an introduction to probability-based computer simulations E92 SNELL --- 1988 Introduction to probability E93 STANLEY/OSTROWSKY [eds] --- 1986 On growth and form: fractal and non-fractal patterns in physics E94 STANLEY/OSTROWSKY [eds] --- 1990 Correlations and connectivity: geometric aspects of physics, chemistry, and biology E95 AVNIR [ed] --- 1989 The fractal approach to heterogeneous chemistry: surfaces, colloids, polymers E96 KESTEN --- 1982 Percolation theory for mathematicians E97 ARONS --- 1990 A guide to introductory physics teaching E98 CVITANOVI\'C [ed] --- 1989 Universality in chaos [2nd ed] E99 BISHOP/WALDHOLZ --- 1990 Genome: the story of the most astonishing scientific adventure of our time--the attempt to map all the genes in the human body E100 PERRIN --- Atoms E101 STEWART --- Does God play dice? The mathematics of chaos E102 STAUFFER/STANLEY --- 1990 From Newton to Mandelbrot E103 REIF --- 1965 Statistical physics E104 PYNN/RISTE [eds] --- 1987 Time-dependent effects in disordered materials E105 GUTTINGER/DANGELMAYR [eds] --- 1987 The physics of structure formation E106 CAMPBELL/ROSE [eds] --- 1983 Order in chaos E107 DOUGLAS --- 1986 Solving problems in fluid mechanics, vol. 2 E108 CALLADINE/DREW --- 1992 Understanding DNA: the molecule and how it works E109 PURCELL --- 1985 Electricity and magnetism, 2nd ed. [Berkeley physics course, vol. 2] E110 ABRAHAM/SHAW --- 1988 Dynamics---the geometry of behavior, part 4: bifurcation behavior [The visual mathematics library: vismath vol. 4] E111 DOOB --- 1991 A gentle introduction to TeX: a manual for self-study E112 MARGOLIS --- 1991 The Random House personal computer dictionary E113 ISAACS [ed] --- 1985 The Oxford concise dictionary of physics E114 ISENBERG --- 1992 The science of soap films and soap bubbles E115 FEDER/JOSSANG --- 1993 Cooperative phenomena: a research program E116 MEZARD/PARISI/VIRASORO --- 1987 Spin glass theory and beyond E117 STANLEY [ed] --- 1972 Biomedical physics and biomaterials science E118 BAI-LIN --- 1984 Chaos E119 BENTLEY/HUMPHREYS --- 1931 [1962] Snow crystals E120 BERGE/POMEAU/VIDAL --- 1984 Order within chaos: towards a deterministic approach to turbulence E121 BIRDI --- 1993 Fractals in chemistry, geochemistry, and biophysics: an introduction E122 BREZIN/WADIA [eds] --- 1993 The large N expansion in quantum field theory and statistical physics E123 BURGESS/MARTEN/TAYLOR --- 1987 Microcosmos E124 CARERI --- 1984 Order and disorder in matter E125 DEVANEY --- 1987 An introduction to chaotic dynamical systems E126 EADIE/DRIJARD/JAMES/ROOS/SADOULET --- 1971 Statistical methods in experimental physics E127 FISCHER/LIPSON --- 1988 Thinking about science: Max Delbruck and the origins of molecular biology E128 GARCIA-RUIZ/LOUIS/MEAKIN/SANDER [eds] --- 1993 Growth patterns in physical sciences and biology E129 PORTER/GLEICK --- 1990 Nature's chaos: photographs and text E130 GRINSTEIN/MAZENKO [eds] --- 1986 Directions in condensed matter physics: memorial volume in honor of S-K Ma E131 GUINIER --- 1984 The structure of matter E132 HERRMANN/KARSCH [eds] --- E133 Workshop on fermion algorithms [HLRZ, 10--12 April 1991] E133 KANTER/DEUTSCH/HAVLIN/KAVEH/YESHURUN [eds] --- 1993 Frontiers in condensed matter physics IV [Bar-Ilan Univ., 15--18 March 1993] E134 KURZ/FISHER --- 1989 Fundamentals of solidification [3rd ed] E135 LANDAU/LIFSHITZ --- 1986 Theory of elasticity [3rd ed] E136 LUNDQVIST/MARCH/TOSI --- 1988 Order and chaos in nonlinear physical systems E137 MANDELBROT --- 1984 Les objets fractals [2nd ed] E138 MANDELBROT --- 1989 Les objets fractals [3rd ed] E139 MONIN/YAGLOM --- 1971 Statistical fluid mechanics: mechanics of turbulence, vol. 1 E140 MOROWITZ --- 1970 Entropy for biologists: an introduction to thermodynamics E141 PETERS --- 1991 Chaos and order in the capital markets: a new view of cycles, prices, and market volatility E142 PETERSON --- 1993 Newton's clock: chaos in the solar system E143 PFEUTY/TOULOUSE --- 1977 Introduction to the renormalization group and critical phenomena E144 PIELOU --- 1969 An introduction to mathematical ecology E145 ROGERS --- 1960 Physics for the inquiring mind: the methods, nature, and philosophy of physical science E146 STANLEY/OSTROWSKY [eds] --- 1988 Random fluctuations and pattern growth: experiments and models E147 SHENG [ed] --- 1990 Scattering and localization of classical waves in random media E148 STEIN [ed] --- 1992 Spin glasses and biology E149 STEINHARDT/OSTLUND [eds] --- 1987 The physics of quasicrystals E150 TAKAYASU --- 1990 Fractals in the physical sciences E151 TAYLOR/WHEELER --- 1994 Scouting black holes: exploring general relativity with calculus E152 TIRAPEGUI/VILLARROEL [eds] --- 1987 Instabilities and nonequilibrium structures E153 TIRAPEGUI/ZELLER [eds] --- 1991 Instabilities and nonequilibrium structures III E154 VOL'KENSHTEIN --- 1970 Molecules and life: an introduction to molecular biology E155 WATSON --- 1976 Molecular biology of the gene E156 WOLFF/YAEGER --- 1993 Visualization of natural phenomena E157 WOODRUFF --- 1973 The solid-liquid interface E158 BISHOP/CAMPBELL/CHANNEL [eds] --- 1984 Fronts, interfaces and patterns [3rd Int'rn'l Conf of Center for Nonlinear Studies, Los Alamos, 2--6 May 1983] E159 ABRAHAM/SHAW --- 1984 Dynamics---the geometry of behavior, part one: periodic behavior E160 BHARUCHA-REID/SAMBANDHAM --- 1986 Random polynomials E161 NOSSAL/LECAR --- 1991 Molecular and cell biophysics E162 REIF --- 1965 Fundamentals of statistical and thermal physics E163 FAMILY/LANDAU [eds] --- 1984 Kinetics of aggregation and gelation E164 SAPOVAL --- 1990? Fractals E165 CVITANOVIC [ed] --- 1986 Universality in chaos E166 DEUTSCHER/ZALLEN/ADLER [eds] --- 1983 Percolation structures and processes E167 HANLEY [ed] --- 1983 Nonlinear fluid behavior E168 PEITGEN/RICHTER --- 1985 Frontiers of chaos E169 PYNN/SKJELTORP [eds] --- 1985 Scaling phenomena in disordered systems E170 DYSON --- 1979 Disturbing the universe E171 WEISSKOPF --- 1991 The joy of insight E172 ELCOCK --- 1956 Order-disorder phenomena E173 DYSON --- From Eros to Gaia E174 TAYLOR --- An introduction to error analysis E175 MANDELBROT/MATSUSHITA/SHLESINGER/VICSEK --- 1993 Fractals: an interdisciplinary journal on the complex geometry of nature E176 RINTOUL/WELTI/LEDERMAN/STORRIE/VAN BUSKIRK --- 1990 A student's companion in molecular cell biology E177 DARNELL/LODISH/BALTIMORE --- 1990 Molecular cell biology E178 SAFRAN/CLARK [eds] --- 1987 Physics of complex and supermolecular fluids E179 PEEBLES --- 1980 The large-scale structure of the universe E180 KESTEN [ed] --- 1987 Percolation theory and ergodic theory of infinite particle systems E181 DE GENNES --- 1979 Scaling concepts in polymer physics E182 BAIERLEIN --- 1971 Atoms and information theory: an introduction to statistical mechanics E183 RISTE/SHERRINGTON [eds] --- 1989 Phase transitions in soft condensed matter E184 WEISS --- 1994 Aspects and applications of the random walk E185 CRILLY/EARNSHAW/JONES [eds] --- 1993 Applications of fractals and chaos E186 BUNDE/HAVLIN [eds] --- 1994 Fractals in science E187 CLEVELAND --- 1993 Visualizing data E188 OTT --- 1993 Chaos in dynamical systems E189 SMAORODNITSKY/TAQQU --- 1994 Stable non-Gaussian random processes E190 ERZAN/PEKCAN --- 1994 Recent advances in statistical mechanics [Turkish Journal of Physics] E191 SAFRAN --- 1994 Statistical thermodynamics of surfaces, interfaces, and membranes E192 ERZAN/PEKCAN [eds] --- 1993 Recent advances in statistical physics E193 VELARDE [ed] --- 1988 Synergetics, order and chaos E194 SAMUELSON/NORDHAUS --- 1992 Economics (14th edition) E195 KADANOFF --- 1993 From order to chaos: essays critical, chaotic, and otherwise E196 HILBORN --- 1994 Chaos and nonlinear dynamics: an introduction for scientists and engineers E197 DOTHAN --- 1990 Prices in financial markets E198 ADAMSON --- 1982 Physical chemistry of surfaces E199 GERSTNER --- 1994 Reinventing education: entrepreneurship in America's public schools E200 KORVIN --- 1992 Fractal models in the earth sciences E201 MANNEVILLE/BOCCARA/VICHNIAC/BIDAUX [eds] --- 1989 Cellular automata and modeling of complex physical systems E202 NASH [ed] --- 1985 Science and complexity E203 HAYKIN --- 1994 Neural networks: a comprehensive foundation E204 PICKOVER/TEWKSBURY [eds] --- 1994 Frontiers of scientific visualization E205 MALKIEL --- 1990 A random walk down wall street E206 FURUBERG --- 1994 Computer simulation studies of slow drainage in porous media E207 JENSEN --- 1994 Multifractals and multiscaling E208 HU [ed] --- 1988 Progress in statistical mechanics E209 HERRMANN/ROUX --- 1990 Statistical models for the fracture of disordered media E210 PIETRONERO --- 1989 Fractals' physical origin and properties E211 PENROSE --- 1989 The emperor's new mind: concerning computers, minds, and the laws of physics E212 GROSBERG/KHOKHLOV --- 1994 Statistical physics of macromolecules E213 HANNON/RUTH --- 1994 Dynamic modeling E214 HOLDEN/SINGER --- 1960 Crystals and crystal growing E215 ZANGWILL --- 1988 Physics at surfaces E216 SEARS/SALINGER --- 1975 Thermodynamics, kinetic theory, and statistical thermodyamics [3rd edition] E217 FELLER --- 1968 An introduction to probability theory and its applications [3rd edition] E218 KRECH --- 1994 The Casimir effect in critical systems E219 PENROSE --- 1994 Shadows of the mind: a search for the missing science of consciousness E220 KEMENY/KURTZ --- 1988 Probability theory: version 3.0 (w/MAC software) E221 FELLER --- 1966 An introduction to probability theory and its applications, vol. 2 E222 ANISIMOV --- 1991 Critical phenomena in liquids and liquid crystals E223 HUGHES/BRIGHTON --- 1967 Fluid dynamics E224 BILLMEYER --- 1972 Synthetic polymers E225 FLORY --- 1953 Principles of polymer chemistry E226 VICSEK/SHLESINGER/MATSUSHITA [eds] --- 1994 Fractals in natural science E227 BIRKHAEUSER --- 1994 A friendly guide to wavelets E228 BASSINGTHWAIGHTE/LIEBOVITCH/WEST --- 1994 Fractal physiology E229 PEKALSKI [ed] --- 1994 Diffusion processes: experiment, theory, simulations E230 GOUYET --- 1992 Physique et structures fractales E231 FRANK-KAMENETSKII --- 1993 Unraveling DNA fractales E232 PINKER --- 1995 The language instinct: how the mind creates language E233 MARK/REED --- 1992 Macintosh C programming primer, Vol. 1, 2nd ed. E234 MIROWSKI --- 1989 More heat than light: economics as social physics, physics as nature's economics E235 EKELAND --- 1993 The broken dice (and other mathematical tales of chance) E236 HOFFMAN/DE WEER [eds] --- 1995 Annual review of physiology E237 BODMER/MCKIE --- 1994 The book of man: the human genome project and the quest to discover our genetic heritage E238 VICSEK --- 1992 Fractal growth phenomena (second edition) E239 BORDE --- 1992 TeX by example: a beginner's guide E240 KRUG --- 1994 Origins of scale invariance in growth processes E241 TORBJORN/ANDREASSON/SKANSHOLM --- 1992 Getting started with UNIX and X E242 TOLHURST/PIKE/BLANTON/HARRIS --- 1994 Using the internet: special edition E243 ABRAHAMS/BERRY/HARGREAVES --- 1990 TeX for the impatient E244 KERNIGHAN/RITCHIE --- 1988 The C programming language E245 SCHILDT --- 1994 Teach Yourself C++, 2nd Edition E246 CHAIKIN/LUBENSKY --- 1995 Principles of condensed matter physics E247 GUYON/TROADEC --- 1994 Du sac de billes au tas de sable E248 BINDER [ed] --- 1979 Monte Carlo methods in statistical physics E248A LAURITSEN --- 1994 Scaling and dynamics of Laplacian growth, random lattices, Ising models and interfaces [Ph.D. thesis] E249 MALLAMACE [ed] --- 1995 First Intern'l Conf. on Scaling Concepts and Complex fluids, Copanello, Italy, 4-8 July 1994 E250 TAKAYAMA [ed] --- 1989 Cooperative dynamics in complex physical systems [Proc. of 2nd Yukawa Int'l Symposium, Kyoto, 1988] E251 LAMPORT --- 1986 LaTeX: a document preparation system E252 EVANS [ed] --- 1985 Dynamical processes in condensed matter: Vol. LXIII, Advances in chemical physics E253 BATTY/LONGLEY --- 1994 Fractal cities: a geometry of form and function E254 REIF-LEHRER --- 1995 Grant application writer's handbook E255 STRYER --- 1981 Biochemistry E256 SHLESINGER/ZASLAVSKY/FRISCH [eds] --- 1995 Levy flights and related topics in physics E257 NOVAK [ed] --- 1995 Fractal reviews in the natural and applied sciences E258 GLASSMAN --- 1977 Combustion E259 VICSEK --- 1989 Fractal growth phenomena E260 MA --- 1976 Modern theory of critical phenomena E261 STROKE [ed] --- 1995 The Physical Review: the first hundred years E262 ALBERTS/BRAY/LEWIS/RAFF/ROBERTS/WATSON --- 1994 Molecular biology of the cell, 3rd edition E263 WILSON/HUNT --- 1994 Molecular biology of the cell: the problems book, revised edition E264 RISTE --- 1980 Ordering in strongly fluctuating condensed matter systems E265 DICKERSON/GEIS --- 1969 The structure and action of proteins E266 McDERMOTT --- 1996 Physics by inquiry, vol. I E267 McDERMOTT --- 1996 Physics by inquiry, vol. II E268 LEWIN --- 1994 Genes V E269 KAWASAKI/KAWAKATSU/TOKUYAMA [eds] --- 1992 Slow dynamics in condensed matter [Proc 1st Tohwa Univ Intl Symp E270 NONNENMACHER/LOSA/WEIBEL [eds] --- 1994 Fractals in biology and medicine E271 BETTS/TURNER --- 1992 Introductory statistical mechanics E272 FRISCH --- 1995 Turbulence E273 BUNDE/HAVLIN [eds] --- 1996 Fractals and disordered systems (2nd Ed.) E274 GATES --- 1995 The road ahead E275 WATSON/GILMAN/WITKOWSKI/ZOLLER --- 1992 Recombinant DNA, 2nd edition E276 SCHWABL --- 1992 Quantum mechanics E277 SCHMITT --- 1994 Structural analysis of DNA sequences E278 WHITMORE --- 1968 Rheology of the circulation E279 WEIBEL --- 1963 Morphometry of the human lung E280 HU/LEUNG [eds] --- 1995 Nonlinear and random processes E281 HERRNSTEIN/MURRAY --- 1994 The bell curve: intelligence and class structure in American life E282 GNEDENKO --- 1969 The theory of probability E283 WEST/DEERING --- 1994 Fractal physiology for physicists: Levy statistics E284 CHERNYAK/ROSE --- 1995 The chicken from Minsk: and 99 other infuriatingly challenging brainteasers from the great Russian tradition of math and science E285 CALLEN --- 1960 Thermodynamics E286 SPERLING --- 1986 Introduction to physical polymer science E287 FLORY --- 1969 Statistical mechanics of chain molecules E288 CUMMINS/DURIAN/JOHNSON/STANLEY [eds] --- 1996 Disordered materials and interfaces E289 MATTSON ET AL --- 1993 Think C/Symantic C++: Users' guide E290 MATTSON ET AL --- 1993 Think C/Symantic C++: THINK class library guide E291 WHITEHEAD --- 1929 The aims of education and other essays E292 RUSSELL --- 1926 Education and the good life E293 POLYA --- 1957 How to solve it, 2nd edition E294 DUCKWORTH/EASLEY/HAWKINS/HENRIQUES --- 1990 Science education: a minds-on approach for the elementary years E295 PARZEN --- 1960 Modern probability theory and its applications E296 TARASOV --- 1988 The world is built on probability E297 HOYT --- 1967 A brief introduction to probability theory E298 WHITWORTH --- 1901 Choice and chance, 5th edition E299 CREASE/MANN --- 1986 The second creation: makers of the revolution in twentieth-century physics E300 KEYNES --- 1921 A treatise on probability E301 USPENSKY --- 1937 Introduction to mathematical probability E302 MARROU --- 1956 A history of education in antiquity E303 CONANT --- 1959 The American high school today: a first report to interested citizens E304 HOFFMAN/DEWEER [eds] --- 1996 Annual review of physiology, volume 58 E305 RUNDLE/TURCOTTE/KLEIN [eds] --- 1996 Reduction and predictability of natural disasters E306 MARK [eds] --- Physical properties of polymers handbook E307 JANICKI/WERON --- 1994 Simulation and chaotic behavior of $\alpha$-stable stochastic processes E308 HULL --- 1993 Options, futures, and other derivative securities [2nd edition] E309 IVANCHENKO/LISYANSKY --- 1995 Physics of critical fluctuations E310 AUERBACH --- 1994 Interacting electrons and quantum magnetism E311 HUGHES/BRIGHTON --- 1967 Schaum's outline of theory and problems of fluid dynamics E312 HARDY/SNOW --- 1967 A mathematician's apology E313 WEST/DEERING --- 1995 The lure of modern science: fractal thinking E314 FORD --- 1996 Homemade lightning: creative experiments in electricity [2nd edition] E315 VELARDE/CUADROS [eds] --- 1995 Thermodynamics and statistical physics E316 GOUYET --- 1996 Physics and fractal structures E317 BAILIN [ed] --- 1996 Statphys 19: invited papers from the 19th IUPAP Int'l Conference on Statistical Physics E318 HESS [ed] --- 1993 Statphys 18: invited papers from the 18th IUPAP Int'l Conference on Statistical Physics E319 SUZUKI/HU/KATORI/LIPOWSKI/HATANO/MINAMI/NONOMURA --- 1995 Coherent anomaly method: mean field, fluctuations, and systematics E320 SEIFERT --- 1994 Fluid membranes: theory of vesicle conformations E321 KRUGMAN --- 1996 The self-organizing economy E322 MONTROLL/BADGER --- 1974 Introduction to quantitative aspects of social phenomena E323 IANNACCONE/KHOKHA [eds] --- 1996 Fractal geometry in biological systems: an analytical approach E324 BUCKY/WEAKLAND --- 1992 The private Albert Einstein E325 BARROW --- 1992 Pi in the sky E326 SHORE --- 1992 Mysteries of life and the universe: new essays from America's finest writers on science E327 OVERBYE --- 1991 Lonely hearts of the cosmos: the scientific quest for the secret of the universe E328 WHITE/GRIBBIN --- 1992 Stephen Hawking: a life in science E329 McNEILL/FREIBERGER --- 1993 Fuzzy logic: the revolutionary computer technology that is changing our world E330 FULLER --- 1992 Cosmography: a posthumous scenario for the future of humanity E331 ZOHAR/MARSHALL --- 1994 The quantum society: mind, physics, and a new social vision E332 VON BAEYER --- 1984 Rainbows, snowflakes, and quarks E333 TAUBES --- 1993 Bad science: the short life and weird times of cold fusion E334 PAULOS --- 1991 Beyond numeracy: ruminations of a numbers man E335 RISTE/SHERRINGTON [eds] --- 1996 Physics of biomaterials: fluctuations, selfassembly, and evolution E336 BIALYNICKI-BIRULA/CIEPLAK/KAMINSKI --- 1992 Theory of Quanta E337 CHAKRABARTI/DUTTA/SEN --- 1996 Quantum Ising phases and transitions in transverse Ising models E338 BARABASI/STANLEY --- 1995 Fractal concepts in surface growth E339 KAANDORP --- 1994 Fractal modelling growth and form in biology E340 BAK --- 1996 How nature works: the science of self-organized criticality E341 MARK/REED --- 1991 Macintosh Pascal programming primer: inside the toolbox using THINK Pascal E342 MOHR/GENSLER/TEETER/KASTNER --- 1988 Laboratory manual to accompany: "Elements of chemistry: general, organic, and biological" E343 STRYER --- 1989 Molecular design of life E344 QUANTUM: THE STUDENT MAGAZINE OF MATH AND SCIENCE --- May/June 1992 E345 WIDOM --- 1996 Equilibrium thermodynamics [article for Encyclopedia of Applied Physics] E346 GLOTZER [ed] --- 1995 Proc. workshop on "glasses and the glass transition: challenges in materials theory and simulation" E347 BURTON --- 1965 Physiology and biophysics of the circulation: an introductory text E348 NELSON/PIRAN/WEINBERG [eds] --- 1989 Statistical mechanics of membranes and surfaces E349 MANDELBROT/VICSEK/SHLESINGER/MATSUSHITA/MIYAZIMA [eds] --- 1996 The future of fractals [PROC Part I] E350A MANDELBROT/VICSEK/SHLESINGER/MATSUSHITA/MIYAZIMA [eds] --- 1996 The future of fractals [PROC Part II] E350B DOMB --- 1996 The critical point: an historical introduction to the modern theory of critical phenomena E351 CAPRA --- 1966 The web of life: a new synthesis of mind and matter E352 COVENEY/HIGHFIELD --- 1995 Frontiers of complexity: the search for order in a chaotic world E353 GARROD --- 1995 Statistical mechanics and thermodynamics [PC version] E354 TORRE --- Villa Monastero di Varenna: le radici antiche di una dimora fin-de-siecle E355 MARKOV --- Crystal growth for beginners: fundamentals of nucleation, crystal growth and epitaxy E356 PARISI --- Statistical field theory E357 CALLEN --- Thermodynamics and an introduction to thermostatics, second edition E358 PIELOU --- An introduction to mathematical ecology E359 MENDELSSOHN --- The quest for absolute zero: the meaning of low temperature physics E360 SKLAR --- Physics and chance: philosophical issues in the foundations of statistical physics E361 CASTI --- Would-be worlds: how simulation is changing the frontiers of science E362 GELL-MANN --- The quark and the jaguar E363 KRIEGER --- Constitutions of matter: mathmatically modeling the most everyday of physical phenomena E364 BAXTER/RENNIE --- Financial calculus: an introduction to derivative pricing E365 RAPAPORT --- The art of molecular dynamics simulation E366 LODISH/BALTIMORE/BERK/ZIPURSKY/MATSUDAIRA/DARNELL --- Molecular cell biology, 3rd edition E367 BOROWSKI/BORWEIN [eds] --- 1991 The HarperCollins dictionary of mathematics E368 THE GENOME CONFERENCE --- 1997 19th annual conference on the organization and expression of the genome E369 FUJIMOTO --- 1997 The physics of structural phase transitions E370 KATZ --- 1977 Physiology of the heart E371 ROE --- 1996 Particle physics at the new millennium E372 CABIB/KUPER/RIESS [eds] --- 1978 Proceedings of STATPHYS 13 (Haifa, Israel) E373 PATASHINSKII/POKROVSKII --- 1979 Fluctuation theory of phase transitions E374 BALIAN/MAYNARD/TOULOUSE [eds] --- 1979 Proceeding of les Houches XXXI: "Ill-condensed matter" E375 SAPOVAL --- 1997 Universalites et fractales E376 VAN DER WAALS --- 1873 [edited by Rowlinson, 1988] On the continuity of the gaseous and liquid states E377 HOFFMAN/DE WEER [eds] --- 1997 Annual review of physiology, vol. 59 E378 STREATER --- 1995 Statistical dynamics: a sotchastic approach to nonequilibrium thermodynamics E379 DIE/GUTHMANN/LEDERER/ROULET --- 1995 Elements de physique statistique E380 GIBBS --- 1948 [reprint of 1906 edition] The collected works of J. Willard Gibbs, Vol. 1: thermodynamics E381 GIBBS --- 1948 [reprint of 1906 edition] The collected works of J. Willard Gibbs, Vol. 2: statistical mechanics, dynamics E382 TOLMAN --- 1938 The principles of statistical mechanics E383 RAVECHE [ed] --- 1981 Perspectives in statistical mechanics (M. S. Green memorial volume) E384 GOODSTEIN --- 1975 States of matter E385 SINAI --- 1982 Theory of phase transitions: rigorous results E386 AMIT --- 1984 Field theory, the renormalization group, and critical phenomena, 2nd edition E387 HILL --- 1968 Thermodynamics for chemists and biologists E388 BOWLER --- 1982 Lectures on statistical mechanics E389 McQUARRIE --- 1976 Statistical mechanics E390 MA --- 1985 Statistical mechanics E391 NGAI/WRIGHT [eds] --- 1984 Relaxations in complex systems E392 HUANG --- 1987 Statistical mechanics, 2nd edition E393 FEYNMAN --- 1972 Statistical mechanics: a set of lectures E394 UHLENBECK/FORD/[MONTROLL] --- 1963 Lectures in statistical mechanics, with an appendix on quantum statistics of interacting particles E395 GRANDY --- 1987 Foundations of statistical mechanics, Vol. 1: equilibrium theory E396 COUTURE/ZITOUN --- 1992 Physique statistique E397 MAYER --- 1968 Equilibrium statistical mechanics E398 FRIEDMAN --- 1985 A course in statistical mechanics E399 BECKER --- 1967 Theory of heat E400 NOVAK/DEWEY [eds] --- 1997 Fractal frontiers E401 KITTEL/KROEMER --- 1980 Thermal physics, second edition E402 WANNIER --- 1966 Statistical physics E403 RUELLE --- 1991 Chance and chaos E404 THOMPSON --- 1988 Classical equilibrium statistical mechanics E405 ROSSER --- 1982 An introduction to statistical physics E406 EYRING/HENDERSON/STOVER/EYRING --- 1964 Statistical mechanics and dynamics E407 REICHL --- 1980 A modern course in statistical physics E408 MUNSTER --- 1969 Statistical thermodynamics, volume one E409 MUNSTER --- 1969 Statistical thermodynamics, volume two E410 MANDL --- 1971 Statistical physics, second edition E411 REIF --- 1965 Fundamentals of statistical and thermal physics E412 WILSON/DECIUS/CROSS --- 1955 Molecular vibrations: the theory of infrared and raman vibrational spectra E413 SQUIRES --- 1978 Introduction to the theory of thermal neutron scattering E414 BLAIR --- 1960 Elementary rheology E415 LANDMAN [ed] --- 1977 Statistical mechanics and statistical methods in theory and application E416 SHLESINGER/WEISS [eds] --- 1985 The wonderful world of stochastics E417 RUSHBROOKE --- 1949 Introduction to statistical mechanics E418 HARARY --- 1969 Graph theory E419 CRESWICK/FARCH/POOLE --- 1992 Introduction to renormalization group methods in physics E420 MARX --- 1997 The voice of the martians E421 MARX [ed] --- 1997 The martians E422 BALIAN/ALHASSID/RIENHARDT --- 1986 Dissipation in many-body systems: a geometric approach based on information theory E423 HOGG/HUBERMAN --- 1987 Artificial intelligence and large scale computation: a physics perspective E424 CLARK --- 1988 Statistical mechanics of neural networks E425 ITZYKSON/KIRKPATRICK/PARISI/OURLAS/VIRASORO --- 1989 Common trends in statistical physics and field theory E426 CUMMINS --- 1990 Experimental studies of structurally incommensurate crystal phases E427 BOUCHAUD/GEORGES --- 1990 Anomalous diffusion in disordered media: statistical mechanisms, models, and physical applications E428 WEIDLICH --- 1991 Physics and social science: the approach of synergetics E429 MEAKIN --- 1993 The growth of rough surfaces and interfaces E430 WEST/DEERING --- 1994 Fractal physiology for physicists: levy statistics E431 HALPIN-HEALY/ZHANG --- 1995 Kinetic roughening phenomena, stochastic growth, directed polymers and all that E432 McCLOUD/MAHER --- 1995 Experimental perturbations to saffman-taylor flow E433 PATHRIA --- 1972 Statistical mechanics E434 HUGHES --- 1996 Random walks and random environments: vol 2. random environments E435 BERG/SINGER --- 1992 Dealing with genes: the language of heredity E436 KITTEL/KNIGHT/RUDERMAN/HELMHOLZ/MOYER --- 1973 Mechanics: Berkeley physics course, vol. 1, 2nd edition E437 GROSBERG/KHOKHLOV --- 1997 Giant molecules: here, there, and everywhere . . . E438 KIPNIS/YAVELOV/ROWLINSON --- 1996 Van der Waals and molecular science E439 BADII/POLITI --- 1997 Complexity: hierarchical structures and scaling in physics E440 SCHWEITZER [ed] --- 1997 Self-organization of complex structures: from individual to collective dynamics E441 HUGHES --- 1995 Random walks and random environments: vol. 1. random walks E442 BLOOMFIELD --- 1997 How things work: the physics of everyday life E443 BEHRINGER/JENKINS [eds] --- 1997 Powders and grains E444 NOVAK/DEWEY [eds] --- 1997 Fractal frontiers E445 ALLEY --- 1996 The craft of scientific writing E446 LEGRAND/HESLOT --- 1997 Pratique de la physique et de la chimie quantiques E447 SCHIMANSKY-GEIER/POSCHEL [eds] --- 1997 Stochastic dynamics E448 CHAKRABARTI/BENGUIGUI --- 1997 Statistical physics of fracture and breakdown in disordered systems E449 BOUCHAUD/POTTERS --- 1997 Theorie des risques financiers E450 CARDY --- 1996 Scaling and renormalization in statistical physics E451 ZICHICHI --- 1996 Creativity in science E452 MIYAZIMA [ed] --- 1997 Future of fractals E453 PETERSON --- 1998 The jungles of randomness: a mathematical safari E454 MANDELBROT--- 1997 Fractals and scaling in finance: discontinuity, concentration, risk E455 SYKES/PETFORD/PETFORD --- 1967 General physics: mechanics and molecular physics E456 BAXTER --- 1982 Exactly solved models in statistical mechanics E457 LIEB/MATTIS --- 1966 Mathematical physics in one dimensions E458 KNOBLER/ROBLEDO/STANLEY [eds] --- 1997 Statistical mechanics in the physical, biological, social sciences E459 RIMMELE [thesis] --- 1997 Modellierung von Boechungswinkeln und Stratifikation von Schuettguetern E461 STANLEY --- 1971 Introduction to phase transitions and critical phenomena E462 SATZ [ed] --- 1981 Statistical mechanics of quarks and hadrons E463 ROZENTAL [ed] --- 1967 Neils Bohr: his life and work as seen by his friends and colleagues E464 LOVESEY --- 1980 Condensed matter physics: dynamic correlations E465 TEMPERLEY/ROWLINSON/RUSHBROOKE --- 1968 Physics of simple liquids [Russian Trans.] E466 KIM/PARK/KAHNG [eds] --- 1997 Dynamics of fluctuating interfaces and related phenomena E467 LEHNINGER --- 1975 Biochemistry E468 SUZUKI --- 1997 Selected papers of Professor Masuo Suzuki: on the occasion of his 60th birthday E469 COSTELLO --- 1997 Theory of wire rope, second edition E470 THOMPSON/McINNES/WILLARD --- 1991 Genetics in medicine, fifth edition E471 LUO --- 1997 Collected works on theoretical biophysics E472 STOWE --- 1984 Introduction to statistical mechanics and thermodynamics E473 GUGGENHEIM --- 1967 Thermodynamics: an advanced treatment for chemists and physicists, 5th edition E474 BROUT --- 1965 Phase transitions E475 BREY/JONES [eds] --- 1976 Critical phenomena: Sitges Int'l School of Stat. Mech. E476 MEAKIN --- 1998 Fractals, scaling and growth far from equilibrium E477 LUIJTEN --- 1997 Interaction range, Universality and the upper critical dimension E478 KAPIT --- 1991 The geography coloring book E479 KAPIT/MACEY/MEISAMI --- 1987 The physiology coloring book E480 GOULD/TOBOCHNIK --- 1996 An introduction to computer simulation methods: applications to physical systems, 2nd edition E481 BOYD/PHILLIPS --- 1993 The science of polymer molecules: an introduction concerning the synthesis, structure, and properties of the individual molecules that constitute polymeric materials E482 RAPAPORT --- 1995 The art of molecular dynamics simulation E483 CHANDRASEKHAR --- 1998 Why things are the way they are E483 ITZYKSON/DROUFFE --- 1989 Statistical field theory, vol. 1: from Brownian motion to renormalization and lattice gauge theory E484 ITZYKSON/DROUFFE --- 1989 Statistical field theory, vol. 2: strong coupling, Monte Carlo methods, conformal field theory, and random systems E485 DEGENNES/PROST --- 1993 The physics of liquid crystals, 2nd edition E486 GUINIER/JULLIEN --- 1989 The solid state: from superconductors to superalloys E487 ROTHMAN/ZALESKI --- 1997 Lattice-gas cellular automata: simple models of complex hydrodynamics E488 OLIVEIRA/OLIVEIRA/STAUFFER --- 1997 Sex, money, war, and computers E489 BALL --- 1997 Made to measure: new materials for the 21st century E490 ROBERTSON --- 1993 Statistical thermophysics E491 LEVY --- 1997 Magnetisme et supraconductivite E492 BODNAR --- 1997 Critical dynamics in colloidal systems [thesis] E493 ROHLF --- 1994 Modern physics from alpha to z E494 NASCHIE/MARSHALL/LAM [eds] --- 1995 Chaos solitons and fractals E495 STACHEL [ed] --- 1987 The collected papers of Albert Einstein E496 BANWELL --- 1972 Molecular spectroscopy E497 MAHLER/CORDES --- 1966 Biological chemistry E498 STRYER --- 1975 Biochemistry E499 GREEN/SENGERS --- 1966 Critical phenomena E500 ABRAMOWITZ/STEGUN [eds] --- 1965 Handbook of mathematical functions E501 JAIN --- 1972 The bimolecular lipid membrane: a system E502 TISZA --- 1966 Generalized thermodynamics E503 WHITE/GEBALLE --- 1979 Long range order in solids E504 STARFIELD/SHRAGER --- 1972 Introductory materials science E505 LANDAU/LIFSHITZ --- 1959 Fluid mechanics E506 FLORY --- 1969 Statistical mechanics of chain molecules E507 KRANE --- 1983 Modern physics E508 GOOD/FISHER --- 1971 Immunobiology: current knowledge of basic concepts in immunology and their clinical applications E509 LAIDLER --- 1965 Chemical kinetics(second edition) E510 ZIMAN --- 1979 Models of disorder E511 ZIMAN --- 1972 Principles of the theory of solids (second edition) E512 BIRD/STEWART/LIGHTFOOT --- 1960 Transport phenomena E513 HANLEY [ed] --- 1969 Transport phenomena in fluids E515 CRANK --- 1979 The mathematics of diffusion E516 TISZA --- 1966 Generalized Thermodynamics E517 KITTEL --- 1958 Elementary statistical physics E518 PITTS --- 1963 Physiology of the kidney and body fluids: an introductory text E519 TEPPERMAN --- 1962 Metabolic and endocrine physiology: an introductory text E520 COMROE --- 1965 Physiology of respiration: an introductory text E521 [FROM SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN] --- 1967 From Cell to organism E522 GRIFFITHS/WHEELER --- 19xx The thermodynamics of phase transitions (manuscript) E523 ELLIS --- 1981 Entropy and asymptotic problems in probability theory and statistical mechanics (lectures) E524 BECKER --- 1967 Theory of heat E525 CLARK --- 1996 Sex and the origins of death E526 LOOKMAN/POOLE/ZINKE-ALLMANG/DEBELL [eds] --- 1997 Proceedings of the international conference on pattern formation in fluids and materials E527 MOHANTY --- 1979 Lattice path counting and applications E528 BERGE --- 1971 Principles of combinatorics E529 [CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS] 1969 Phase transitions: proceedings of the fourteenth conference on chemistry at the University of Brussels, May 1969 E530 EINFUHRUNG --- 1980 Phasenubergange und kritische Phanomene E531 ARAKI/EHLERS/HEPP/KIPPENHAHN/WEIDENMULLER/ZITTARTZ [eds] --- 1984 Static critical phenomena in inhomogeneous systems (proceedings of the XX Karpacz Winter School of Theoretical Physics, Feb 20-March 3, 1984 Karpacz, Poland E532 ACZEL --- 1966 Lectures on functional equations and their applications E533 PLISCHKE/BERGERSEN --- 1989 Equilibrium statistical physics E534 LANDAU/LIFSHITZ --- 1980 Statistical physics (third edition) E535 MCCOY/WU --- 1973 The two-dimensional Ising model E536 FELD/SZILARD [eds] --- 1972 The collected works of Leo Szilard scientific papers E537 PEITGEN/JURGENS/SAUPE/MALETSKY/PERCIANTE/YUNKER --- 1992 Fractals for the classroom: strategic activities, volume two E538 COOPER/WEST [eds] --- 1988 Particle physics: a Los Alamos primer E539 MONTROLL/LEBOWITZ [eds] --- Studies in statistical mechanics (vol 7): fluctuation phenomena E540 RUELLE --- 1978 Statistical mechanics E541 KITTEL/KNIGHT/RUDERMAN --- 1973 Mechanics E542 CREIGHTON --- 1993 Proteins: structures and molecular properties (second edition) E543 BINDER/SCHELTEN [eds] --- 1981 Ferienkurs uber Physik der Polymere E544 YEOMANS ---1992 Statistical mechanics of phase transitions E545 SCHUSTER --- 1988 Deterministic chaos E546 FERMI --- 1966 Notes on thermodynamics and statistics E547 HOLCOMB/MORRISON --- 1974 My father's watch E548 KAPITZA --- 1980 Experiment, theory, practice E549 SLATER --- 1955 Modern physics E550 GITTERMAN/HALPERN --- 1981 Qualitive analysis of physical problems E551 ADAM --- 1930 The physics and chemistry of surfaces E552 BOWLEY/SANCHEZ --- 1996 Introductory statistical mechanics E553 FELSAGER --- 1998 Geometry, particles, and fields E554 CLAUSEN --- 1997 Braid description of particle dynamics [thesis, U. Oslo] E555 MALLAMACE/STANLEY [eds] --- 1997 The physics of complex systems [proc Fermi school] E556 SALINAS --- 1997 Introducao a fisica estatistica E557 HELMHOLTZ --- 1954 [1885] On the sensations of tone as a physiological basis for the theory of music, 2nd edition E558 DUBRULLE/GRANER/SORNETTE [eds] --- 1997 Scale invariance and beyond [Les Houches 1997] E559 DEWEY --- 1997 Fractals in molecular biophysics E560 OGAWA/MIURA/MASUNARI/NAGY [eds] --- 1996 Katachi U symmetry E561 LIEBOVITCH --- 1998 Fractals and chaos simplified for the life sciences E562 RABIN/KESSLER/HAVLIN/EHRENBERG/TAITELBAUM [eds] --- 1998 Frontiers in condensed matter physics V [1997 Bar-Ilan Conf. Proc.] E563 PICKOVER --- 1991 Computers and the imagination: visual adventures beyond the edge E564 LAWRENCE --- 1994 Introduction to neural networks: design, theory, and applications E565 GONZALEZ/VAREA [eds] --- 1988 Lectures on thermodynamics and statistical mechanics E566 ZAGOSKIN --- 1998 Quantum theory of many-body systems: techniques and applications E567 NGO/NGO --- 1988 Physique statistique: avec exercices E568 BALIAN --- 1982 du microscopique au macroscopique: cours de physique statistique de l'ecole polytechnique [tome 1] E569 BALIAN --- 1982 du microscopique au macroscopique: cours de physique statistique de l'ecole polytechnique [tome 2] E570 JARROW/TURNBULL --- 1996 Derivative securities E571 TAYLOR --- 1974 Dimensional analysis for engineers E572 COLLET/ECKMANN --- 1980 Iterated maps on the interval as dynamical systems E573 BIRKHOFF --- 1960 Hydrodynamics: a study in logic, fact and similitude E574 WOLF --- 1965 The stomach E575 KERTESZ/KONDOR [eds] --- 1998 Advances in computer simulation E576 SANCHEZ/ZICHICHI [eds] --- 1998 Current topics in astrofundamental physics: primordial cosmology E577 HONERKAMP/POHLMEYER/ROMER [eds] --- 1983 Structural elements in particle physics and statistical mechanics E578 MALKIEL --- 1990 A random walk down Wall Street: including a life-cycle guide to personal investing E579 HULL --- 1997 Options, futures, and other derivatives, 3rd edition E580A HULL --- 1997 Instructor's manual with transparency masters: Options, futures, and other derivatives, 3rd edition E580B CUESTA/SANCHEZ [eds] --- 1998 VIII Spanish meeting on statistical mechanics [Conf. Proc., Madrid, September 1997] E581 [READINGS FROM SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN] --- 1968 The molecular basis of life: an introduction to molecular biology E582 DOMB/GREEN [eds] --- 1972 Phase transitions and critical phenomena: Volume 1 --- exact results E583 DOMB/GREEN [eds] --- 1972 Phase transitions and critical phenomena: Volume 2 --- diverse articles E584 DOMB/GREEN [eds] --- 1974 Phase transitions and critical phenomena: Volume 3 --- series expansions for lattice models E585 DOMB/GREEN [eds] --- 1976 Phase transitions and critical phenomena: Volume 5a --- various topics E586 DOMB/LEBOWITZ [eds] --- 1983 Phase transitions and critical phenomena: Volume 8 --- various topics E587 DOMB/LEBOWITZ [eds] --- 1984 Phase transitions and critical phenomena: Volume 9 --- various topics E588 FRIED --- 1995 Polymer science and technology E589 TSALLIS [ed] --- 1990 Statistical physics: invited papers from Statphys-17 E590 HESS [ed] --- 1993 Statistical physics: invited papers from Statphys-18 E591 HU/LEUNG [eds] --- 1994 Order-disorder transitions and criticality E592 ARFKEN --- 1985 Mathematical methods for physicists, 3rd edition E593 KAHL [ed] --- Selected writings of Herman von Helmholtz E594 QUARTON/MELNECHUK/SCHMITT [eds] --- 1967 The neurosciences E595 MATHEWS/WALKER --- 1965 Mathematical methods of physics E596 HILL --- 1964 Thermodynamics of small systems E597 HERPIN --- 1968 Theorie du magnetisme E598 BOIS --- 1961 Tables of indefinite integrals E599 BORCHERDS/BUBAK/MAKSYMOWICZ [eds] --- 1996 Physics computing [Proc. 8th EPS/APS Int'l Conf.] E600 BAXTER/RENNIE --- 1996 Financial calculus: an introduction to derivative pricing E601 AOKI --- 1996 New approaches to macroeconomic modeling: evolutinary stochastic dynamics, multiple equilibria, and externalities and field effects E602 BERKOVITS/HAVLIN/KANTER/KAVEH [eds] --- 1998 Proc. Minerva workshop on mesoscopics, fractals and neural networks, Eilat (Israel), 4/97 [Philosophical Magazine 77(5)] E603 LYNCH/LIVINGSTON --- 1995 Color and light in nature E604 ALEXANDER --- 1998 Amorphous solids: their structure, lattice dynamics, and elasticity E605 KANTZ/SCHREIBER --- 1997 Nonlinear time series analysis E606 LESNE --- 1998 Renormalization methods: critical phenomena, chaos, fractal structures E607 HU/LEUNG [eds] --- 1998 New directions in statistical physics [Proc. Stat. Phys. Conf. 8/97, Taiwan E608 GASS --- 1998 Mathematica for scientists and engineers: using Mathematica to do science E609 PEDROTTI/PEDROTTI --- 1998 Optics and vision E610 SCHMITTMANN/ZIA --- 1995 Statistical mechanics of driven diffusive systems E611 FEYNMAN --- 1998 The meaning of it all E612 HERRMANN/HOVI/LUDING [eds] --- 1998 Physics of dry granular media E613 GERVOIS/GINGOLD/IAGOLNITZER [eds] --- 1998 Statphys 20 Livre Des Resumes Book of Abstracts E614 HAKEN [eds] --- 1980 Dynamics of Synergetic Systems E615 SHIMONY/FESHBACH [eds] --- 1982 Physics as Natural Philosophy E616 PERSSON [eds] --- 1997 Nobel Lectures Economic Sciences 1991-1995 E617 WOLF/GRASSBERGER [eds] --- 1997 Workshop on Friction, Arching, Contact Dynamics E618 WOLF/SCHRECKENBERG/BACHEM [eds] --- 1996 Workshop on Traffic and Granular Flow E619 ANDERSON [eds] --- 1989 A Physicist's Desk Reference E620 WOLF/SCHRECKENBERG [eds] --- 1998 Traffic/Granular Flow '97 E621 GLASHOW --- 1991 THE CHARM OF PHYSICS E622 GARRIDO/MARRO [eds] --- 1998 Modelling collective phenomena in complex systems (Europhys. Conf. Abstracts) E623 IGLESIAS/SALINAS/BARBOSA [eds] --- 1998 Statistical physics of dynamic and complex systems [Conf Proc, 5th Latin America WS on Non-Linear Phenomena] E624 GUPTA --- 1997 Electrical conduction in nonlinear composites [THESIS] E625 LIPSON/LIPSON --- 1969 Optical physics E626 DOI --- 1992 Introduction to Polymer Physics E627 LAM --- 1998 Nonlinear Physics for Beginners E628 BOHR, JENSEN, PALADIN, VULPIANI --- 1998 Dynamical Systems Approach to Turbulence E629 ZIPF --- 1949 Human Behavior and The Principle of Least Effort E630 BEN-NAIM --- 1998 Cooperativity and Regulation in Biochemical Processes E631 GOLDBERG --- 1960 Probability An Introduction E632 FRY --- 1928 Probability and its Engineering Uses E633 FLAKE --- 1998 The Computational Beauty of Nature E634 TAYLOR/BHALLA [eds] --- 1998 Ferroelectrics Review The Physics of Ferroelectric Ceramic Thin Films for Memory Applications E635 NOVAK [ed] --- Fractals and Beyond Complexities in the Sciences E636 BALL --- 1999 The Self-Made Tapestry Pattern Formation in Nature E637 8th Tohwa University International Symposium Fukuoka Japan 1998 Slow Dynamics in Complex Systems - Experiments, Theories, and Computer Simulations E638 CONWAY/GUY --- 1996 The Book of Numbers E639 VANDERZANDE --- 1998 Lattice Models of Polymers E640 XU --- 1998 Interfacial Wave Theory of Pattern Formation E641 CHANDRASEKHAR --- 1998 Why Things are the Way They Are E642 BLATT --- 1964 Theory of Superconductivity E643 KERNFORSCHUNGSANLAGE --- 1988 Supraleitung und verwandte Quantenphanomene E644 KAMIMURA/OSHIYAMA [Eds] 1988 Mechanisms fo High Temperature Superconductivity E645 PHILLIPS --- 1989 Physics of High-Tc Superconductors E646 PINES/NOZIERES 1966 The Thoery of quantum Lieuids E647 RICKAYZEN --- 1965 Theory of Superconductivity E648 ROEHNER --- 1995 Theory of markets E649 SCHRIEFFER --- 1964 Theory of Sueprconductivity E650 TILLEY/TILLEY --- 1986 Superfluidity and superconductivity E651 TINKHAM --- 1975 Introduction to Superconductivity E652 DUZER AND TURNER --- 1981 Principles of Superconductive Devices and Circuits E653 MARTIN --- 1997 Demouillage d'un film liquide intercale entre un solide et un milieu deformable E654 FONDECAVE --- 1997 Mouillage et Demouillage de Solutions de Polymere E655 DEBREGEAS --- 1997 Drainage, eclatement et etalement de bulles et de gouttes visqueuses E656 QUERE --- 1998 Physics of Materials E657 MARTIN --- 1997 Study Guide Principles of Microeconomics E658 FEYNMAN, LEIGHTON, SANDS --- 1963 The Feynman Lectures on Physics (Vol 1) E659 FEYNMAN, LEIGHTON, SANDS --- 1965 The Feynman Lectures on Physics (Vol 3) E660 SMIRNOV --- 1964 Elementary Calculus (Vol 1) E661 SMIRNOV --- 1964 Advanced Calculus (Vol 11) E662 GRADSHTEYN/RYZHIK --- 1965 Table of Integrals, Series, and Products E663 ABRAMOWITZ/STEGUN [eds] --- 1964 Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables E664 REKTORYS [ed] --- 1969 Survey of Applicable Mathematics E665 FRANK --- 1939 Introduction to Mechanics and Heat E666 SLATER/FRANK --- 1947 Mechanics E667 DOMB/LEBOWITZ --- 1983 Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena E668 HILL --- 1960 An Introduction to Statistical Thermodynamics E669 ZUBER AND STORA [eds] --- 1984 Recent Advances in Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics E670 MAYER AND MAYER --- 1940 Statistical Mechanics E671 KITTEL --- 1969 THERMAL PHYSICS E672 BEDERSON [ed] --- March 1999 Reviews of modern physics: special issue in honor of the centenary of the American Physical Society E673 KUTNER/PEKALSKI/SZNAJD-WERON [eds] --- Anomalous diffusion: from basics to applications E674 GEVOIS/LAGOLNITZER/MOREAU/POMEAU [eds] --- 1999 Statistical physics: invited papers from STATPHYS 20 (Paris) E675 PRECHTER --- 1999 The wave principle of human social behavior and the new science of socionomics E676 MUKUNDA --- 1993 The world of Bohr and Dirac: images of twentieth century physics E677 KUMAR --- 1996 Deterministic chaos: complex chance out of simple necessity E678 WOYCZYNSKI --- 1998 Burgers-KPZ turbulence E679 MANDELBROT --- 1999 Multifractals and 1/f noise: wild self-affinity in physics E680 HOFFMAN/DeWEER [eds] --- 1999 Annual review of physiology, vol. 61 E681 BEDERSON [ed] --- 1999 More things in heaven and earth: a celebration of physics at the millenium E682 TSALLIS [ed] --- 1998 Generalized thermostatics: a bibliography E683 SAWYER --- 1997 "Frameshift" [this is a sci-fi novel that makes explicit reference to cps work --- see pages 121--122] E684 ROSSMAN/CHANCE --- 1998 Workshop statistics: discovery with data and minitab E685 DeRAEDT/LAGENDIJK --- 1985 Monte Carlo simulation of quantum statistical lattice models E686 TOKUYAMA/OPPENHEIM --- 1999 Slow dynamics in complex systems: 8th annual Tohwa University international symposium E687 FIAMINGO/DEBULA/CONDRON --- 1998 Introduction to Unix E688 MASSON --- 1994 E'Ecole normale superieure: les chemins de la liberte E689 WERON/WERON --- 1998 Inzynieria finansowa (Polish) E690 ROEHNER --- 1995 Theory of markets E691 PFEUTY/TOULOUSE --- 1975 Introduction to the renormalization group and to critical phenomena E692 BYRNE --- 1999 The nature of the phase transitions of polymers [part one] E693A BYRNE --- 1999 The nature of the phase transitions of polymers [part two] E693B GOURIEROUX/MONFORT --- 1997 Time series and dynamic models [translation from French] E694 ROGERS/TALAY [eds] --- 1997 Numerical methods in finance E695 HARVEY --- 1989 Forecasting, structural time series models, and the Kalman filter E696 SHAW --- 1998 Modelling financial derivatives with Mathematica E697 HLADIK --- 1999 Spinors in physics E698 DIFRANCESCO/MATHLEU/SENECHAL --- 1997 Conformal field theory E699 ALSTROM/LAURITSEN [eds] --- 1999 Application of physics in financial analysis: abstracts [Europhys. Conf., Dublin, 15-17 July 1999] E700 MAZUR --- 1997 Peer instruction: a user's manual E701 BAIERLEIN --- 1999 Thermal physics E702 CAMPBELL/LO/MACKINLAY --- 1997 The econometics of financial markets E703 MARRO/DICKMAN --- 1999 Nonequilibrium phase transitions in lattice models E704 VAN DEN BERG [ed] --- 1999 Wavelets in physics E705 SMITH/DATTA/SMITH/CAMPBELL/BENTLEY/McKENZIE [eds] --- 1997 Oxford dictionary of biochemistry and molecular biology E706 BULDYREV --- 1999 [draft] Students' manual E707 BEN-AVRAHAM/HAVLIN --- 1999 [draft] The ant in the labyrinth: diffusion and kinetics of reactions in fractals and disordered media E708 METCALF/VANDERSTRATEN --- 1999 Laser cooling and trapping E709 CHEN/MARGOLIN/SHARP [eds] --- 1999 Predictability: quantifying uncertainty in models of complex phenomena [18th Annual Conf., Cent. for Nonlinear Studies] E710 SCHREIBER --- 1999 Interdisciplinary application of nonlinear time series methods E711 RICHARDSON --- 1993 Collected papers of Lewis Fry Richardson, volume 1: meteorology and numerical analysis [eds. Ashford, Charnock, Drazin, Hunt, Smoker, and Sutherland] E712 PETERSON/HENDERSON --- 1999 Math trek: adventures in the math zone E713 TOHWA-STATPHYS-99 --- 1999 Book of abstracts: Statphys99 E714 BYRNE --- 1999 The nature of the phase transitions of polymers [Ph.D. thesis, National University of Ireland] E715 INDIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES --- 10 AUG 99 "Current Science" E716 ALAVA/DUXBURY/MOUKARZEL/RIEGER --- 2000 Exact combinatorial algorithms: ground states of disordered systems E717 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PHYSICS TEACHERS --- December 1999 American Journal of Physics --- Theme Issue: Thermal and statistical mechanics E718 NATURE (supplement) --- 2 December 1999 Impacts of foreseeable science E719 AUDIT --- 1999 Analyse statistisque des sequences d'ADN par l'intermediaire de la transformee en ondelettes [thesis: U. Paris] E720 HOOVER --- 1999 Time reversibility, computer simulation, and chaos E721 SALINAS/TSALLIS [eds] --- 1999 Nonextensive statistical mechanics and thermodynamics [special issue of Brazilian J Phys] E722 VANHEUVELEN --- 1997 ActivPhysics 1: workbook E723 CHIALVO --- [collection, various dates] Biological nonlinear dynamics E724 MATERIALS RESEARCH SOCIETY --- 1999 Neutron scattering in materials research E725 MANTEGNA/STANLEY --- 2000 An introduction to econophysics: correlations and complexity in finance E726 CZIROK --- 1999 Models of collective behavior in biology [thesis] E727 GIANCOLI --- 2000 Physics for scientists and engineers, Vol. 1, 3rd Edition E728 KALLABIS --- 1997 Theoretical aspects of crystal growth E729 TIMMER --- 1999 Complex dynamical systems [thesis] E730 PHILLIES --- 2000 Elementary lectures in statistical mechanics E731 STONE --- 2000 The physics of quantum fields E732 KAKU --- 2000 Strings, conformal fields, and M-theory E733 GONIS/BUTLER --- 2000 Multiple scattering in solids E734 ALI/ANTOINE/GAZEAU --- 2000 Coherent states, wavelets and their generalizations E735 COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS --- V121-122 (1999) Europhysics conference on computational physics E736 HARLOW [ed] --- 1998 The nature of diamonds E737 BROOMHEAD/LUCHINSKAYA/MCCLINTOCK/MULLIN [eds] --- 2000 Stochastic and chaotic dynamics in the lakes E738 GADOMSKI/KERTESZ/STANLEY/VANDEWALLE [eds] --- 1999 Applications of statistical physics: proc. NATO workshop, U. Budapest, 5/99 E739 KNACKE --- 1965 Solutions to problems to accompany: Fundamentals of statistical and thermal physics (F. Reif) E740 BROIDE --- 1988 [thesis] Experimental study of aggregation kinetics: dynamic scaling of measured cluster-size distributions E741 KUBO --- 1971 Statistical mechanics: an advanced course with problems and solutions E742 MOSS/McCLINTOCK --- 1989 Noise in nonlinear dynamical systems: [I] theory of continuous Fokker-Planck systems E743 MOSS/McCLINTOCK --- 1989 Noise in nonlinear dynamical systems: [II] theory of noise induced processes in special applications E744 MOSS/McCLINTOCK --- 1989 Noise in nonlinear dynamical systems: [III] experiments and simulations E745 TODA/KUBO/SAITO --- 1992 Statistical physics: [I] equilibrium statistical mechanics, 2nd edition E746 KUBO/TODA/HASHITSUME --- 1985 Statistical physics: [II] Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics, 2nd edition E747 WANNIER --- 1966 Statistical physics E748 FISCHBECK/FISCHBECK --- 1987 Formulas, facts, and constants for students and professionals in engineering, chemistry, and physics, 2nd edition E749 BARNSLEY/DEMKO [eds] --- 1986 Chaotic dynamics and fractals E750 BOGOLUBOV/BOGOLUBOV --- 1982 Introduction to quantum statistical mechanics E751 GRANDY --- 1988 Foundations of statistical mechanics: [II] nonequilibrium phenomena E752 WU/CHANDLER --- 1988 Solutions manuel for: Introduction to modern statistical mechanics (Chandler) E753 RUELLE --- 1969 Statistical mechanics E754 KEIZER --- 1987 Statistical thermodynamics of nonequilibrium processes E755 FREED --- 1987 Renormalization group theory of macromolecules E756 KOCINSKI/WOJTCZAK --- 1978 Critical scattering theory: an introduction E757 LIVANOVA --- 1980 Landau: a great physicist and teacher E758 PRIGOGINE --- 1962 Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics E759 JULLIEN/PELITI/RAMMAL/BOCCARA [eds] --- 1988 Universalities in condensed matter E760 BARBER/NINHAM --- 1970 Random and restricted walks: theory and applications E761 MOURITSEN --- 1984 Computer studies of phase transitions and critical phenomena E762 HU [ed] --- 1992 Computer-aided statistical physics E763 ANDERSON --- 1984 Basic notions of condensed matter physics E764 McLENNAN --- 1989 Introduction to nonequilibrium statistical mechanics E765 PENROSE --- 1970 Foundations of statistical mechanics: a deductive treatment E766 HULIN/CAZABAT/GUYON/CARMONA [eds] --- 1990 Hydrodynamics of dispersed media E767 FOUNDATION FOR WINTER SCHOOLS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS --- 1993 30 years of Karpacz Winter Schools in Theoretical Physics E768 DURAN --- 2000 Sands, powders, and grains: an introduction to the physics of granular materials E769 TSALLIS/DEMAGALHAES --- 1996 Pure and random Potts-like model: real-space renormalization-group approach E770 SELKE --- 1988 The ANNNI model --- theoretical analysis and experimental application E771 WILSON --- 1998 Consilience: the unity of knowledge E772 HAUS/KEHR --- 1987 Diffusion in regular and disordered lattices E773 VAN KAMPEN --- 1992 Stochastic processes in physics nad chemistry (revised and expanded) E774 WEAIRE/HUTZLER --- 1999 The physics of foam E775 HILLERT --- 1998 Phase equilibria, phase diagrams, and phase transformations: their thermodynamics basis E776 AUYANG --- 1998 Foundations of complex-system theories E777 GUTTMANN --- 1999 The concept of probability in statistical physics E778 BOUCHAUD/POTTERS --- 1999 Theory of financial risks: from data analysis to risk management E779 LEVY/LEVY/SOLOMON --- 1999? Microscopic simulation of financial markets: from investor behavior to market phenomena E780 LUTZ --- 1999 Random-matrix model for quantum Brownian motion E781 HEBLING --- 1995 Quantitative sociodynamics: stochastic methods and models of social interaction processes E782 ROSS --- 1999 An introduction to mathematical finance: options and other topics E783 WATTS --- 1999 Small worlds: the dynamics of networks between order and randomness E784 SOCIETA ITALIANA DI FISICA --- 1996 [?] Scuola internazionale di fisica `Enrico Fermi' [listing of speakers and talks 1953-1995] E785 MALLAMACE/CHEN/TARTAGLIA [eds] --- 2000 Proceedings of the international conference on the morphology and kinetics of phase separating complex fluids (Messina 1997) E786 DUNBAR --- 2000 Inventing money: the story of long-term capital management and the legends behind it E787 MANNA/CHAKRABARTI [eds] --- 1999 Preceedings of Statphys/Calcutta III E788 BONILLA/CASASUS/SALA [eds] --- 2000 Financial modeling E789 CLAY/DAWSON --- 1997 Cosmic bullets E790 BLAIR/MCNAMARA --- 1997 Ripples on a cosmic sea E791 'tHOOFT/VELTMAN --- 1999 Tribute: Nobel Prize winning articles E792 MILLER --- 1998 Physics: principles with applications, 5th edition [solutions manual] E793 TOKUYAMA/STANLEY [eds] --- 2000 Statistical physics: proceedings of 3rd Tohwa University international conference E794 PRZYSTAWA --- 1999 Trans Atlantic E795 DAKOWSKI/PRZYSTAWA --- 1992 Via bank i fozz E796 KADANOFF --- 2000 Statistical physics: statics, dynamics and renormalization E797 BLOK --- 2000 On the nature of the stock market: simulations and experiments [THESIS: U. British Columbia] E798 ROWLEY --- 1992 Pictographix: over 1000 Japanese Kanji and Kana mnemonics E799 WALSH --- 1969 Read Japanese today E800 SMIRNOV --- 2000 Clusters and small particles in gases and plasmas E801 HOFFMAN/DE WEER [eds] --- 1998 Annual review of physiology, vol. 60 E802 MOROZ --- 1997 The common extremalities in biology and physics E803 REPORTS ON PROGRESS IN PHYSICS --- 1999 [DL Turcotte: Self-organized criticality --- ID Williams: Electron-ion scattering] E804 LEVY/LEVY/SOLOMON --- 2000 Microscopic simulation of financial markets E805 LANDAU/BINDER --- 2000 A guide to Monte Carlo simulations in statistical physics E806 KIRKPATRICK/WHEELER --- 1998 Physics: a world view, third edition E807 HANNAY --- 1967 Solid-state Chemistry E808 HABLANIAN --- 1990 High-vacuum Technology A practical Guide E809 TOKUYAMA/STANLEY [eds] --- 2000 Statistical Physics Third Tohwa University International Conference E810 HELBING/HERMANN/SCHRECKENBERG/WOLF [eds] --- 2000 Traffic and Granular Flow '99 E811 JACOBSON --- 1978 Developmental Neurobiology E812 HECHT --- 2000 Quantum Mechanics E813 GIANCOLI --- 1998 Physics Principles with Applications Fifth edition Volume 1 E814 HU/LEUNG [eds] --- Equilibrium and non-equilibrium phase transitions [statphys 1999] E815 TAKAYASU/TAKAYASU --- 2000 Econophysics E816 KERNIGHAN/PIKE --- 1999 The practice of programming E817 KERNIGHAN/PIKE --- 1984 The UNIX programming environment E818 NOVAK [ed] --- 2000 Paradigms of complexity: fractals and structures in the sciences E819 SUTTON --- 2000 Marshall's tendencies: what can economists know? E820 SUTTON --- 1998 Technology and market structure: theory and history E821 CHOWDHURY/STAUFFER --- 2000 Principles of equilibrium statistical mechanics E822 BOUCHAUD/POTTERS --- 2000 Theory of financial risks: from statistical physics to risk management E823 WERON/WERON --- 2000 Gielda energii: strategie zarzadzania ryzykiem E824 NIELSEN/CHUANG --- 2000 Quantum computation and quantum information E825 KRISTIANSEN --- 2000 Some applications of knot and braid theory in experimental physics [Ph.D. thesis: University of Oslo] E826 BOUCHAUD/LAURITSEN/ALSTROM [eds] --- 2000 Intl J Theor Appl Finance (conference proceedings) Applications of physics in financial analysis (Dublin 7/99) E827 TEWELES/BRADLEY --- 1998 The stock market [3rd edition] E828 REUTERS FINANCIAL TRAINING SERIES --- 1999 An introduction to equity markets E829 LO/MacKINLAY --- 1999 A non-random walk down Wall Street E830 ELTON/GRUBER --- 1995 Modern portfolio theory and investment analysis, 5th edition E831 PAUL/BASCHNAGEL --- 1999 Stochastic processes: from physics to finance E832 MAGARA --- 1978 Compaction and fluid migration: practical petroleum geology E833 SHAH/SCHECHTER [eds] --- 1977 Improved oil recovery by surfactant and polymer flooding E834 HOWARD/FAST --- 1970 Hydraulic fracturing E835 VAN POOLLEN AND ASSOC --- 1980 Fundamentals of enhanced oil recovery E836 BEN-AVRAHAM/HAVLIN --- 2000 Diffusion and reactions in fractals and disordered systems E837 ROEHNER --- 2001 Hidden collective factors in speculative trading E838 PAUL/BASCHNAGEL --- 1999 Stochastic processes from physics to finance E839 JENSEN --- 2001 Entrer en metiere: les atomes expliquent-ils le monde? E840 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL --- 2000 Inquiry and the national science education standards E841 SORNETTE --- 2000 Critical phenomena in natural sciences E842 NATURE --- [vol. 409, 15 February 2001] Special issue on the human genome (with 2 large charts and CD-ROM) E843 SCIENCE --- [vol. 291, 16 February 2001] Special issue on the human genome (with large chart) E844 BOLHUIS --- 1996 Liquid-like behavior in solids, solid-like behavior in liquids: computer simulation of phase transitions in colloidal dispersions [thesis] E845 tenWOLDE --- 1998 Numerical study of pathways for homogeneous nucleation [thesis] E846 HAGEN --- 1997 Diffusion of confined colloidal particles [thesis] E847 HAMILTON --- 1994 Time series analysis E848 SACHDEV --- 1999 Quantum phase transitions E849 POSCHEL/LUDING [eds] --- 2001 Granular gases E850 VANKAMPEN --- 1981 Stochastic processes in physics and chemistry E851 SCHWEITZER/HELBING [eds] --- 2000 Economic dynamics from the physics point of view [Conf. Proc.] E852 VLIEGENTHART --- 1999 Phase behavior of atomic fluids and colloidal suspensions [thesis] E853 DEHOOG --- 2001 Interfaces and crystallization in colloid-polymer suspensions [thesis] E854 GLEICK --- 1987 Chaos: the making of a new science E855 VOIT --- 2001 The statistical mechanics of financial markets E856 DORNBUSCH/FISCHER --- 1984 Macroeconomics, third edition E857 HELALI --- 2001 Study and simulation of fractal phases in degraded semiconductor thin films [thesis] E858 LYRA [ed] --- 2001 Proc IUPAP Intl Conf on new trends in the fractal aspects of complex systems, Maceio, Brazil E859 BEN-NAIM --- 2001 Cooperativity and regulation in biochemical processes E860 HIGHFIELD --- 1998 The physics of Christmas: from the aerodynamics of reindeer to the thermodynamics of turkey E861 COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE, ENGINEERING, AND PUBLIC POLICY (NAS) --- 2000 Enhancing the postdoctoral experience for scientists and engineers E862 LILJEROS --- 2001 The complexity of social organizing E863 REDNER --- 2001 A guide to first-passage processes E864 WALL/CHRISTIANSEN/SCHWARTZ --- 1997 Programmare in Perl [Italian] E865 LYRA [ed] --- 2001 Proceedings of IUPAP int'l conf.: New trends in the fractal aspects of complex systems [Maceio, Brazil, October 2000] E866 INSTITUTE OF FLUID SCIENCE --- 2001 Proceedings of first int'l symposium on advanced fluid information E867 KLEINERT/SCHULTE-FROHLINDE --- 2001 Critical properties of $\phi^4$-theories E868 BOUCHAUD/MARSILI/ROEHNER/SLANINA [eds] --- 2001 Application of physics in economic modelling [Proc. NATO ARW, Prague, Feb. 2001] E869 J PHYS COND-MAT --- 2001 Liquids and soft matter E870 MAZUR --- 1997 Peer instruction: a users manuel E871 KANTER/BERKOVITS/HAVLIN/KAVEH [eds] --- 2001 Frontiers in the physics of complex systems [Dead Sea 2001] E872 BUCHANAN --- 2000 Ubiquity: the science of history . . . or why the world is simpler than we think E873 MOED [ed] --- 2001 Proceedings of the 6th Int'l Conference on Science and Technology Indicators [Leiden, May 2000, published by Scientometrics] E874 RESEARCH EVALUATION --- Volume 10, Number 1, April 2001 E875 RESEARCH EVALUATION --- Volume 10, Number 2, August 2001 E875 SCHWEBER --- 2000 In the shadow of the bomb: Oppenheimer, Bethe, and the moral responsibility of the scientist E876 BALL --- 2001 Bright Earth: the invention of color E877 AMIT/VERBIN --- 1999 Statistical physics: an introductory course E878 SUZUKI/HU/HATANO/KATORI/MINAMI/LIPOWSKI/NONOMURA --- 1995 Coherent anomaly method: mean field, fluctuations, and systematics E879 McKANE/DROZ/VANNIMENUS/WOLF [eds] --- 1995 Scale invariance, interfaces, and non-equilibrium dynamics [NATO ASI series] E880 ARNEODO ET AL [eds] --- 2002 Abstract book: DNA in chromatin: at the frontiers of biology, biophysics, and genomics E881 ROSENOW --- 2002 Wechselwirkende Mesoskopische Systeme [thesis: U. Koeln] E882 YANAI --- 2002 In silico protein function prediction by comparative genomics [thesis: Boston U.] E883 PIKOVSKY/ROSENBLUM/KURTHS --- 2001 Synchronization: a universal concept in nonlinear sciences E884 BARABASI --- 2002 Linked: the new science of networks E885 LARSON --- 1999 The structure and rheology of complex fluids E886 MALLAMACE/QUINTANA [eds] --- 2002 Conf. Proc.: Scaling concepts and complex systems [J. Phys. Cond. Mat. --- Vol. 14, No. 9] E887 BOAL --- 2002 Mechanics of the cell E888 BARDOU/BOUCHAUD/ASPECT/TANNOUDJI --- 2002 Levy statistics and laser cooling: how rare events bring atoms to rest E889 GERSHENFELD --- 1999 The nature of mathematical modeling E890 KANTER/BERKOVITS/HAVLIN/KAVEH [eds] --- 2001 Conf. Proc.: Frontiers in the physics of complex systems [Physica A, Vol. 302, No. 1-4] E891 KLONOWSKI [ed] --- 2002 Conf. Proc.: Attractors, signals, and synergetics [Warsaw 2000] E892 JENSEN --- 1993 Multifractals and multiscaling E893 KANIADAKIS/LISSIA/RAPISARDA --- 2002 Non-extensive thermodynamics and physical applications [Proc. NEXT 2001, Cagliari, Italy] E894 WILMOTT/HOWISON/DEWYNNE --- 1995 The mathematics of financial derivatives E895 HILL --- 1968 Thermodynamics for chemists and biologists E896 WOLFRAM --- 2002 A new kind of science (vol I) E897A WOLFRAM --- 2002 A new kind of science (vol II) E897B MORANDI/NAPOLI/ERCOLESSI --- 2001 Statistical mechanics: an intermediate course E898 LOPEZ/BARBOSA/ROBLEDO [eds] --- 2001 Statphys 21 conference abstracts E899 MODERN HISTORY DEPARTMENT: UNIVERSITY OF MESSINA --- 2000 Dalle crisi dell'impero sovietico alla dissoluzione del socialismo reale E900 WAX [ed] --- 1954 Selected papers on noise and stochastic processes E901 KALCKAR [ed] --- 1985 Collected works of Niels Bohr, Vol. 6: Foundations of quantum mechanics (1926-1932) E902 NEWMAN/BARKEMA --- 1999 Monte Carlo methods in statistical physics E903 GUGGENHEIM FOUNDATION --- 2001 The John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation 1925-2000: a seventy-fifth anniversary record E904 TURCOTTE/RUNDLE/FRAUENFELDER [eds] --- 2002 Self-organized complexity in the physical, biological, and social sciences [Sackler Colloquia of NAS] E905 NOVAK [ed] --- 2001 Emergent nature: Patterns, growth, and scaling in the sciences E906 MASOLIVER/WAGAENSBERG --- 1996 Introduccio a la teoria de la probabilitat i de la informacio E907 ROEHNER --- 2002 Patterns of speculation: A study in observational econophysics E908 HILL --- 1960 An introduction to statistical thermodynamics E909 OLIVER --- 1994 The shaggy steed of physics: Mathematical beauty in the physical world E910 FAMILY/DAOUD/HERRMANN/STANLEY --- 2002 Scaling and disordered systems: workshop honoring Antonio Coniglio on his 60th birthday E911 PALATNIK/LANDAU --- 1964 Phase equilibria in multicomponent systems E912 LANDAU/FAMILY [eds] --- 2002 Challenges in computational statistical physics in the 21st century [STATPHYS Satellite Conference] E913 BUNDE/KROPP/SCHELLNHUBER [eds] --- 2002 The science of disasters: climate disruptions, heart attacks, and market crashes E914 SCHWARZER --- 2002 Computer simulation of mesoscale phenomena: transport in disordered media, temperature gradients, and hydrodynamically interacting systems E915 LANDAU/KITAIGORODSKY --- 1980 Physics for everyone: (book 1) physical bodies E916 LANDAU/KITAIGORODSKY --- 1980 Physics for everyone: (book 2) molecules E917 KITAIGORODSKY --- 1981 Physics for everyone: (book 3) electrons E918 KITAIGORODSKY --- 1981 Physics for everyone: (book 4) photons and nuclei E919 MALLAMACE/STANLEY [eds] --- 1997 The physics of complex systems: course cxxxiv--Enrico Fermi intl school of physics E920 SEN/WEIL [eds] --- 1972 Statistical mechanics and field theory E921 GREEN [ed] --- 1971 Critical phenomena:: course li--Enrico Fermi intl school of physics E922 CREUTZ --- 1983 Quarks, gluons, and lattices E923 GREEN/SENGERS [eds] --- 1966 Critical phenomena E924 STANLEY [ed] --- 1972 Biomedical physics and biomaterials science E925 JULLIEN/KERTESZ/MEAKIHN/WOLF [eds] --- 1992 Surface disordering: growth, roughening, and phase transitions E926 MARSHALL [ed] --- 1967 Theory of magnetism in transition metals E927 DOMANY/JASNOW [eds] --- 1991 Current problems in statistical mechanics [Fisher Festschrift] E928 GUNTON/OHTA/ONUKI [eds] --- 1994 Phase transitions and pattern formation [Kawasaki Festschrift] E929 STANLEY/AIZENMAN/JANCOVICI/PENROSE/PERCUS [eds] --- 2000 Statistical mechanics: from rigorous results to applications [Lebowitz Festschrift] E930 HENDERSON [ed] --- 1971 Physical chemistry: an advanced treatise E931 SAAVEDRA [ed] --- 1968 Solid state physics, nuclear physics, and particle physics E932 WALTER/MEIENHOFER [eds] --- 1975 Peptides: chemistry, structure, and biology E933 MILLS/ASCHER/JAFFEE [eds] ---1971 Critical phenomena in alloys, magnets, and superconductors E934 HUNTSBERGER --- 1961 Elements of statistical inference E935 BLEANEY/BLEANEY --- 1965 Electricity and magnetism E936 LUNDQVIST/LUNDQVIST --- 1973 Collective properties of physical systems E937 THACKRAY/STURCHIO/CARROLL/BUD --- 1985 Chemistry in America, 1876-1976 E938 EUROPHYSICS CONFERENCE ABSTRACTS --- 1999 Liquid matter conference: Granada, July 1999 E939 TAUBES --- 1986 Nobel dreams: power, deceit, and the ultimate experiment E940 WILKS --- 1961 The third law of thermodynamics E941 FRANK --- 1950 Introduction to electricity and optics E942 LEVINOVITZ/RINGERTZ --- 2001 The Nobel Prize: the first 100 years E943 FEYNMAN/WEINBERG --- 1987 Elementary particles and the laws of physics E944 GOULD/TOBOCHNIK --- 1988 An introduction to computer simulation methods: applications to physical systems, part 1 E945A GOULD/TOBOCHNIK --- 1988 An introduction to computer simulation methods: applications to physical systems, part 2 E945B HAHNE --- 1983 Critical phenomena E946 WILLIAMS --- 1995 Future perfect present empowerment: a road map for success in the 21st century --- E947 BENEDEK/VILLARS --- 1973 Physics with illustrative examples from medicine and biology, volume 1: mechanics E948 BENEDEK/VILLARS --- 1979 Physics with illustrative examples from medicine and biology, volume 3: electricity and magnetism E949 STRYER --- 1975 Biochemistry E950 KESTIN --- 1966 A course in thermodynamics E951 PUGH/PUGH --- 1970 Principles of electricity and magnitism, 2nd edition E952 COURANT --- 1937 Differential and integral calculus (2nd edition), volume 1 E953 COURANT --- 1936 Differential and integral calculus, volume 2 E954 BASS --- 1999 The predictors: how a band of maverick physicists used chaos theory to trade their way to a fortune on Wall Street E955 NEWTON --- 2002 Quantum physics: a text for graduate students E956 HAZEN --- 1988 The breakthrough: the race for the superconductor E957 REITZ/MILFORD --- 1960 Foundations of electromagnetic theory E958 DYSON --- 1988 Infinite in all directions E959 PALMA/PALMA-VITTORELLI/FLAVIA [eds] --- 1993 Water-biomolecule interactions (conference proceedings) E960 THOMPSON --- 1972 Mathematical statistical physics E961 MARTIN --- 1986 Elements of thermodynamics E962 BOCCARA --- 1976 Symetries brisees: theorie des transitions avec parametre d'ordre E963 ISIHARA --- 1971 Statistical physics E964 SMART --- 1966 Effective field theories of magnetism E965 GAMOW --- 1965 Mr Tompkins in paperback E966 WOOLDRIDGE --- 1963 The machinery of the brain E967 CAPRA --- 1983 The tao of physics, 2nd edition E968 DILL/BROMBERG --- 2003 Molecular driving forces: statistical thermodynamics in chemistry and biology E969 CHRETIEN/GROSS/DESER [eds] --- 1968 Statistical physics, phase transitions, and superfluidity, volume 1 [Proc Brandeis Summer Institute] E970A CHRETIEN/GROSS/DESER [eds] --- 1968 Statistical physics, phase transitions, and superfluidity, volume 2 [Proc Brandeis Summer Institute] E970B FERMI --- 1934 [trans 1966] Molecules, crystals, and quantum statics E971 RUSHBROOKE --- 1949 Introduction to statistical mechanics E972 BUCHDAHL --- 1966 The concepts of classical thermodynamics E973 FAMILY/LANDAU [eds] --- 1984 Kinetics of aggregation and gelation E974 PRIGOGINE --- 1967 Introduction to thermodynamics of irreversible processes, 3rd edition E975 PIPPARD --- 1966 Elements of classical thermodynamics for advanced students of physics E976 DONNELLY --- 1967 Experimental superfluidity E977 FARADAY DIVISION SYMPOSIUM [ANNUAL CHEMICAL CONGRESS] --- 1979 Critical phenomena in fluid phases [University of Bristol] E978 TAKAYASU --- 2002 Empirical science of financial fluctuations: the advent of econophysics E979 RABIN/KESSLER/HAVLIN/EHRENBERG/TAITELBAUM [eds] --- 1998 Frontiers in condensed matter physics V E980 VANBEIJEREN/INDEKEU [eds] --- 2002 Fundamental problems in statistical physics E981 NARDULLI/STRAMAGLIA [eds] --- 2002 Modelling Biomedical Signals E982 MA --- 1976 Modern theory of critical phenomena E983 GOLF-RACHT --- 1982 Fundamentals of fractured reservoir engineering E984 LOVESEY --- 1980 Condensed matter physics: dynamic correlations E985 MARSHALL/LOVESEY --- 1971 Theory of thermal neutron scattering: the use of neutrons for the investigation of condensed matter E986 LAVENDA --- 1985 Noneequilibrium statistical thermodynamics E987 SCHEIDEGGER --- 1974 The physics of flow through porous media, third edition E988 TOULOUSE/PFEUTY --- 1975 Introduction au groupe de renormalisation et a ses applications BOCCARA --- 1970 La physique des transitions E990 HAKEN --- 1977 Synergetics: an introduction. Nonequilibrium phase transitions and self-organization in physics, chemistry, and biology E991 CRAWFORD --- 1968 Waves [Berkeley physics course, volume three] E992 BOTET/PLOSZAJCZAK --- 2002 Universal fluctuations: the phenomenology of hadronic matter E993 SEN/HONG/TOKUYAMA [eds] --- 2002 Slow dynamical processes in nature E994 SORNETTE --- 2003 Why stock markets crash E995 NOVAK/PATTERSON/GAVRIN/CHRISTIAN --- 1999 Just-in-time teaching: blending active learning with web technology E996 METCALF/VANDERSTRATEN --- 1999 Laser cooling and trapping E997 PHILLIES --- 2000 Elementary lectures in statistical mechanics E998 ARECCHI/FARINI --- 1996 Lexicon of complexity E999 STROGATZ --- 2003 Sync: the emerging science of spontaneous order E1000 WAX [ed] --- 1954 Selected papers on noise and stochastic processes E1001 ROSES/WEISGRABER/CHRISTEN [eds] --- 1996 Apolipoprotein E and Alzheimer's disease E1002 MALLAMACE/GLOTZER/MALESCIO/POOLE/SALVETTI [eds] --- 2002 Horizons in complex systems [Festschrift for HES] E1003 DICKERSON/GEIS --- 1969 The structure and action of proteins E1004 SAHA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR PHYSICS --- 2002 SINP turns fifty: 1950-2000 E1005 SMIRNOV --- 2003 Physics of atoms and ions E1006 MANNA/BHATTACHARJEE [eds] --- Proceedings of Intl Conference on Statistical Physics, 14-19 January 2002, Kolkata, India [Festschrift for Gene Stanley] E1007 MANTEGNA/STANLEY --- 2002 Pengantar ekonofisika: korelasi dan kompleksitasnya dalam bidang finansial (Indonesian) E1008 ROBLEDO/BARBOSA --- 2002 STATPHYS 21: Invited papers from the 21 IUPAP Intl Conf on Stat Phys [Cancun, 15-21 July 2001] E1009 LEE --- 2002 Thermal physics: entropy and free energies E1010 NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP --- 2001 Complex systems ["Nature Insight"] E1011 ORMEROD --- 2000 Butterfly economics: a new general theory of social and economic behavior E1012 ORMEROD --- 1997 The death of economics E1013 WATTS --- 2003 Six degrees: the science of a connected age E1014 PERK/GE [eds] --- 2002 Lattice statistics and mathematical physics [Festschrift for FY Wu] E1015 FORRESTER/SNAITH/VERBAARSCHOT [eds] --- 2003 Random matrix theory [J Phys A 36[12], 2859-3645 (2003)] E1016 SCHWEITZER [ed] --- 2002 Modeling complexity in economic and social systems --- E1017 BEZRUKOV [ed] --- 2003 Unsolved problems of noise and fluctuations E1018 GRINEV --- 1999 [thesis: Cambridge U] Statistical mechanics of granular materials E1019 STANLEY/AUSLOOS/KERTESZ/MANTEGNA/SCHEINKMAN/TAKAYASU [eds] --- 2003 Proceedings of the International Econophysics Conference, Bali, 29-31 August 2002 E1020 BUCHANAN --- 2002 Nexus: small worlds and the groundbreaking theory of networks E1021 CONANT --- 2002 Tuxedo Park: a Wall Street tycoon and the secret palace of science that change the course of World War II E1022 LOWE --- 2002 Power Point 2002 for dummies E1023 NIST --- 2003 Abstracts of the 15th Annual Symposium on Thermophysical Properties [Boulder CO, 22-27 June 2003] E1024 LEE/SEARS/TURCOTTE --- 1963 Statistical mechanics E1025 LANDAU/LIFSHITZ --- 1969 Statistical physics [2nd ed] E1026 FERMI --- 1936 Thermodynamics E1027 DEGENNES --- 1979 Scaling concepts in polymer physics E1028 LEMON/FERENCE --- 1946 Analytical experimental physics [rev ed] E1029 RANGARAJAN/DING --- 2003 Processes with long-range correlations: theory and applications E1030 SOCIETA ITALIANA DI FISICA --- 2002 Scuola internazionale di fisica "Enrico Fermi" E1031 FELDMAN/BERBERIAN/KREMER [eds] --- 2002 Dielectric spectroscopy E1032 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL [eds] --- 2003 Dynamic social network modeling and analysis: workshop summary and papers E1033 SCHWEITZER --- 2003 Brownian agents and active particles: collective dynamics in the natural and social sciences E1034 GOTTFRIED/YAN --- 2003 Quantum mechanics: fundamentals, second edition E1035 EPSTEIN/AXTELL --- 1996 Growing artificial societies: social science from the bottom up E1036 LIBOFF --- 2003 Kinetic theory: classical, quantum, and relativistic descriptions, 3rd edition E1037 GOTTFRIED/YAN --- 2003 Quantum mechanics: fundamentals, 2nd edition E1038 SERWAY --- 1994 Principles of physics, 2nd edition E1039 HEIN/ARENA --- 2004 Foundations of college chemistry, 11th edition E1040 LAGUES/LESNE --- 2003 Invariances d'echelle: des changements d'etats a la turbulence --- E1041 COOPER/DICERA/MANDEL [eds] --- 2003 Biophysical Chemistry: Special Issue in Honor of Walter J. Kauzmann E1042 INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS/FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF BAHIA --- 2003 VIII Latin American Workshop on Nonlinear Phenomena: Program and Abstracts E1043 DESCALZI/MASOLLER/ROSSO [eds] --- 2003 Proceedings of XIII Conf. Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics and Nonlinear Physics (Uruguay 12/02) E1044 AZBEL --- 1981 Refusenik: Trapped in the Soviet Union E1045 JAMES --- 2002 A student's guide to Fourier transforms with applications in physics and engineering, 2nd edition E1046 STANLEY/OSTROWSKY [eds] --- 1990 Correlations and connectivity: geometric aspects of physics, chemistry, and biology E1047 MANTEGNA/STANLEY --- Ekonofisyka [Polish] E1048 INSTITUTE OF FLUID SCIENCE [TOKYO] --- 2003 Slow dynamics in complex systems: theories, experiments, and computer simulations [Symposium Abstracts] E1049 SCHULZ --- 2003 Statistical physics and economics: concepts, tools, and applications E1050 WEISS --- 1994 Aspects and applications of the random walk E1051 BAILIN [ed] --- 1996 Proceedings of Statphys-19 [Xiamen, China] E1052 HOLYST/NOWAK [eds] --- 2003 Applications of physics in financial analysis 4, Warsaw, Poland 11/03 [Abstracts] E1053 KLEMAN/LAVRENTOVICH --- 2003 Soft matter physics: an introduction E1054 POSCHEL/BRILLIANTOV [eds] --- 2003 Granular gas dynamics E1055 WOLFRAM --- 2002 A new kind of science E1056 TAKAYASU [ed] --- 2004 The application of econophysics: proceedings of the 2nd Nikkei econophysics symposium E1057 BOAG/RUBININ/SHOENBERG [eds] --- 1990 Kapitza in Cambridge and Moscow: life and letters of a Russian physicist E1058 CUMMINGS/LAWS/REDISH/COONEY --- 2004 Understanding physics, part 1 E1059 TYKODI --- 2002 Thermodynamics of systems in nonequilibrium states E1060 NELSON --- 2004 Biological physics: energy, information, life E1061 BOCCARA --- 2004 Modeling complex systems E1062 EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL: SOFT MATTER --- 2002 [1 Nov] Vol 9(3) E1063 GRIMVALL --- 1983 Forklarade fenomen fysik i natur och kultur E1064 AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY --- 1999 Centennial speakers: celebrate a century of physics E1065 KUBO/TODA/HASHITSUME --- 1985 Statistical physics II: nonequilibrium statistical mechanics E1066 DING [thesis] --- 2003 Protein folding and aggregation: molecular dynamics studies E1067 TAYLOR --- 1995 Fractals in science: an introductory course E1068 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL --- 1994 National science education standards [pre-draft] E1069 BIESHAAR [thesis] --- 1991 Molekueldynamische Simulationsrechnung zum chemischen Potential von Ionen in Wasser unter Zugspannung E1070 TAYLOR --- 1995 Fractals in science: an introductory course [interim edition] E1071 TAYLOR --- 1996 Fractals in science: an introductory course E1071A SORNETTE [thesis] --- 1985 Comportements statiques et dynamiques d'interfaces libres ou contraintes E1072 GLEICK --- 1991 James Gleick's Chaos: the software user guide E1073 DE OLIVEIRA --- 1991 Computing boolean statistical models E1074 TAITELBAUM [ed] ---2003 Randomness and complexity [Havlin Festschrift] E1075 GLIMM/JAFFE --- 1987 Quantum physics: a functional integral point of view, 2nd edition E1076 WILLIAMS --- 1985 Combustion theory: the fundamental theory of chemically reacting flow systems, 2nd edition E1077 GORDON --- 1978 Macroeconomics E1078 ROSSMAN/CHANCE --- 1998 Workshop statistics: discovery with data and minitab E1079 CLOSE/MARTEN/SUTTON --- 1987 The particle explosion E1080 PICKOVER --- 1990 Computers, pattern, chaos, and beauty: graphics from an unseen world E1081 TER HAAR/WERGELAND --- 1966 Elements of thermodynamics 1082 PETERSON --- 1990 Islands of truth: a mathematical mystery cruise E1083 HOFSTADTER --- 1980 Goedel, Escher, Bach: an eternal golden braid E1084 JANCOVICI --- 1973 Statistical physics and thermodynamics E1085 WILKS --- 1963 The third law of thermodynamics E1086 KERN/WEISBROD --- 1967 Thermodynamics for geologists E1087 GIBBS --- 1902 [Dover 1960] Elementary principles in statistical mechanics E1088 FOWLER --- 1966 Statistical mechanics E1089 FINKELSTEIN --- 1969 Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics: a short introduction E1090 WILLIE [ed] --- 2004 New directions in statistical physics: econophysics, bioinformatics, and pattern recognition E1091 FOFFI [thesis] --- 2003 Dynamic arrest derived from short-ranged interparticle interactions: application to protein crystallization E1092 CENTER FOR POLYMER STUDIES --- 1994 (?) Learning science through guided discovery: proposal to Silicon Graphics Computer Sytems E1093 AIP [CAREER SERVICES DIVISION] --- 1997 Preparing physicists for work E1094 HANGGI/MARCHESONI [eds] --- 2003 Stochastic sytems: from randomness to complexity [NATO-ARW, Sicily 8/02] E1095 UIPPA/SFP --- 1971 7e conf. int'l de magnetisme, vol. 1 E1096A UIPPA/SFP --- 1971 7e conf. int'l de magnetisme, vol. 2 E1096B AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY/PETROLEUM RESEARCH FUND --- 2001 46th annual report on research E1097 NOVIK/GOWIN --- 1984 Learning how to learn E1098 GRAY --- 1901 Gray's anatomy E1099 DAVIDSON --- 1999 Carl Sagan: a life E1100 DAVIDSON --- 1962 Statistical mechanics E1101 FAY --- 1965 Molecular thermodynamics E1102 BALESCU --- 1975 Equilibrium and nonequilibrium statistical mechanics E1103 EYRING/HENDERSON/STOVER/EYRING --- 1982 Statistical mechanics and dynamics, 2nd edition E1104 ADKINS --- 1968 Equilibrium thermodynamics E1105 BROWN --- 1968 Statistical physics E1106 BUCHDAHL --- 1966 The concepts of classical thermodynamics E1107 BRZUSTOWSKI --- 1969 Introduction to the principles of engineering thermodynamics E1108 COX --- 1962 Statistical mechanics of irreversible change E1109 SEN/HONG/TOKUYAMA [eds] --- 2002 Slow dynamical processes in nature [proceedings] E1110 KESTIN --- 1966 A course in thermodynamics E1111A KESTIN --- 1968 A course in thermodynamics, vol. 2 E1111B KESTIN/DORFMAN --- 1971 A course in statistical thermodynamics E1112 KING --- 1969 Phase equilibrium in mixtures E1113 ISIHARA --- 1971 Statistical physics E1114 BADGER --- 1967 Equilibrium thermodynamics E1115 MORSE --- 1969 Thermal physics, 2nd edition E1116 HAASE --- 1969 Thermodynamics of irreversible processes E1117 BENT --- 1965 The second law: an introduction to classical and statistical thermodynamics E1118 WOOD --- 1969 Applications of thermodynamics E1119 BOGOLIUBOV --- 1967 Lectures on quantum statistics, vol. 1: quantum statistics E1120 ANDREWS --- 1963 Equilibrium statistical mechanics E1121 PATASHINSKII/POKROVSKII --- 1979 Fluctuation theory of phase transitions: covering second-order phase transitions, scale and conformal invariance, algebras of fluctuating quantities, degenerate systems, critical dynamics, epsilon expansions, renormalization group, and applications E1122 JACKSON --- 1968 Equilibrium statistical mechanics E1123 ABE --- 1975 Statistical mechanics E1124 ALLIS/HERLIN --- 1952 Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics E1125 KADANOFF/BAYM --- 1962 Quantum statistical mechanics: Green's function methods in equilibrium and nonequilibrium problems E1126 BEARMAN/CHU --- 1967 Problems in chemical thermodynamics E1127 GUGGENHEIM --- 1966 Applications of statistical mechanics E1128 TER HAAR --- 1966 Elements of thermostatistics, 2nd edition E1129 GYARMATI --- 1970 Nonequilibrium thermodynamics: field theory and variational principles E1130 GURNEY --- 1949 Introduction to statistical mechanics E1131 FUJITA --- 1966 Introduction to nonequilibrium quantum statistical mechanics E1132 POTTS [ed] --- 2002 The big issue: command and combat in the information age E1133 MOFFAT --- 2002 Command and control in the information age: representing its impact E1134 ALBERTS/GARSTKA/HAYES/SIGNORI --- 2001 Understanding information age warfare E1135 ALBERTS/HAYES --- 2003 Power to the edge: command... control... in the information age E1136 ALBERTS/GARSTKA/STEIN --- 1999 Network centric warfare: developing and leveraging information superiority, 2nd edition E1137 SIMON --- 1996 Models of my life E1138 CHANGEUX --- 1985 Neuronal man: the biology of mind E1139 SEURONT/STRUTTON [eds] --- 2004 Handbook of scaling methods in aquatic ecology: measurement, analysis, simulation E1140 GIUDICI --- 2003 Applied data mining: statistical methods for business and industry E1141 VIRGINIA MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE COALITION --- 2003 Oregon collaborative for excellence in the preparation of teachers [J. Math. Sci. 6 (Fall 2003)] E1142 BUNDE/HAVLIN [eds] --- 1996 Fractals and disordered systems, 2nd edition E1143 BOUCHAUD/POTTERS --- 2003 Theory of financial risk and derivative pricing: from statistical physics to risk management, 2nd edition E1144 PROGRAM --- 2004 International workshop on dynamics in viscous liquids E1145 SCHIFF --- 1968 Quantum mechanics, 3rd edition E1146 KRANZ/SCHREIBER --- 2004 Nonlinear time series analysis, 2nd edition E1147 HOLME --- 2004 Form and function of complex networks [thesis] E1148 KLEINERT --- 2004 Path integrals in quantum mechanics, statistics, polymer physics, and financial markets, third edition E1149 PROGRAM REVIEW COMMITTEE --- 2003 Reports on: Mathematics and physical science division of Academia Sinica E1150 WARD --- 2001 Universality: the underlying theory behind life, the universe, and everything E1151 TOME [ed] --- 2003 Tendencias da fisica estatistica no Brasil E1152 MERZBACHER --- 1961 Quantum mechanics E1153 WALES --- 2003 Energy landscapes: with applications to clusters, biomolecules, and glasses E1154 PASTOR-SATORRAS/VESPIGNANI --- 2004 Evolution and structure of the Internet: a statistical physics approach E1155 GREEN --- 2001 Diagnosis and management of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias E1156 BOHM --- 1951 Quantum theory E1157 SOMMERVILLE --- 1929 [1958 Dover] An introduction to the geometry of n dimensions E1158 BOUCHAUD/GEORGES --- 1990 Anomalous diffusion in disordered media: statistical mechanisms, models, and physical applications E1159 STANLEY --- 1973 [Russian Translation] Introduction to phase transitions and critical phenomena E1160 SZNAJD-WERON [ed] --- 2004 Statistical physics outside physics [2003 Max Born Symposium] E1161 J PHYS COND MAT --- 2000 Proceedings: EPS liquid matter conference [Granada 1999] E1162 CEBRAT/DUDEK [eds] --- 1999 Statistical physics in biology [1999 Max Born Symposium] E1163 LAFAIT/TANNER [eds] --- 1989 Proceedings: ETOPIM2 [Paris 1988] E1164 PHIL MAG B --- 1987 Physics of condensed matter: structural, electronic, optical, and magnetic properties [2nd Bar-Ilan conference on the physics of disordered systems] E1165 CANNAS/TAMARIT/OSENDA/BRIOZZO [eds] --- 2000 Statistical physics of dynamic and complex systems [XII MEDYFINOL Conference, Argentina 1999] E1166 BUNDE/HAVLIN [eds] --- 1999 Proceedings: Conference on percolation and disordered systems--theory and applications [Giessen 1998] E1167 GELL-MANN/TSALLIS [eds] --- 2004 Nonextensive entropy: interdisciplinary applications E1168 GALLAS/BEZZEGHOUD/LIND/REAL [eds] --- 2004 Proceedings of the 12th international workshop on nonlinear dynamics of electronic systems [Evora, Portugal, May 2004] E1169 ISRAELACHVILI --- 1992 Intermolecular and surface forces, 2nd edition E1170 LEE/SPUFFORD --- 1993 Protrait of a foundation: a brief history of the Ciba Foundation and its environment E1171 THE ROYAL SOCIETY --- 2003 Keeping science open: the effects of intellectual property policy on the conduct of science E1172 TOKUYAMA/OPPENHEIM --- 2004 Slow dynamics in complex systems: 3rd international symposium on slow dynamics in complex systems [Sendai, Japan 11/03] E1173 ABELES --- 1991 Corticonics: neural circuits of the cerebral cortex E1174 BERKEY --- 1984 Calculus E1175 MOBLEY --- 2004 MOdel of cooperative dynamics from biomolecules to magnets [Dissertation: UC/Davis] E1176 PUENTE --- 2004 The hypotenuse: an illustrated scientific parable for turbulent times E1177 BRABEN --- 2004 Pioneering research: a risk worth taking E1178 BALL --- 2004 Critical mass: how one thing leads to another E1179 PARIKH --- 2003 Stochastic processes and financial markets E1180 HERRMANN [ed] --- 2003 Annual report: physics on supercomputers (Institute for Computer Applications) E1181 IUPAP --- 2004 Statphys 22: program and abstracts E1182 BOSTON UNIVERSITY --- 2004 Office of public information fact book 2002-2003 E1183 PERCUS --- 1971 combinatorial methods E1184 VELTMAN --- 1994 Diagrammatica: the path to Feynman diagrams E1185 HALLIDAY/RESNICK/WALKER --- 2005 Fundamentals of physics, seventh edition, volume 1 E1186A HALLIDAY/RESNICK/WALKER --- 2005 Fundamentals of physics, seventh edition, part 4 E1186B NEW ENGLAND COMPLEX SYSTEMS INSTITUTE --- 2004 International conference on complex systems (Boston) E1187 WENTZ [ed] --- 2002 Lessons from Kosovo: the KFOR experience E1188 SMITH --- 2002 Effects based operations: applying network centric warfare in peace, crisis, and war E1189 ALBERTS/HAYES --- 2002 Code of best practice: experimentation E1190 ALBERTS --- 2002 Information age transformation: getting to a 21st century military E1191 KIRKWOOD/OPPENHEIM --- 1961 Chemical thermodynamics E1192 KNOBLER/ROBLEDO/STANLEY [eds] --- 1997 Statistical mechanics in the physical, biological, and social sciences [B. Widom Festschrift] E1193 STANLEY [ed] --- 1986 Statphys 16 invited lectures E1194 MALLAMACE [ed] --- 2000 Scattering studies of mesoscopic scale structure and dynamicssss in soft matter [S.-H. Chen Festschrift] E1195 TSALLIS [ed] --- 1989 Statphys 17 invited lectures E1196 PRINS [ed] --- 1974 Proceedings: van der Waals centennial conference on statistical mechanics [Amsterdam] E1197 DEUTSCH/HAVLIN/KAVEH/YESHURUN [eds] --- 1990 Frontiers in condensed matter physics [C. Domb Festschrift] E1198 JOHNSON/JEFFERIES/HUI --- 2003 Financial market complexity: what physics can tell us about market behavior E1199 CALAME/MONTAGNA/RATTI [eds] --- 2004 Frontier Science proceedings: a nonlinear world --- the real world E1200 IGLESIAS/SALINAS/BARBOSA [eds] --- 1998 Statistical physics of dynamic and complex systems E1201 HU/LEUNG [eds] --- 1998 New directions in statistical physics E1202 MARESCHAL [ed] --- 1997 The microscopic approach to complexity in non-equilibrium molecular simulations E1203 LOOKMAN/POOLE/ZINKE-ALLMANG/DE'BELL [eds] --- 1997 Collective phenomena in physics: pattern formation in fluids and materials E1204 BATCHELOR/HENRY [eds] --- 1996 Pattern formation, fractals, and statistical mechanics E1205 ROBLEDO/QUINTANA [eds] --- 1997 Current problems in complex fluids E1206 BLUM/CHEN [eds] --- 1996 Colloid and interface science: trends and applications E1207 QUISPEL/NIJHOFF/PERK [eds] --- 1996 Statistical mechanics, soliton theory, and nonlinear dynamics [Capel Festschrift] E1208 DATTAGUPTA/DHAR/PURI [eds] --- 1996 Dynamics of complex systems E1209 NAGELE/D'AGUANNO/AKCASU [eds] --- 1997 Colloid physics [Rudof Klein Festschrift] E1210 JEDRZEJEWSKI [ed] --- 1996 The nature of crystalline states E1211 MOCHAN/BARRERA [eds] --- 1994 ETOPIM 3: Electrical transport and optical properties of inhomogeneous media E1212 HU/LEUNG [eds] --- 1994 Order-disorder transitions and criticality E1213 DYKHNE/LAGARKOV/SARYCHEV [eds] --- 1997 ETOPIM 4: Electrical transport and optical properties of inhomogeneous media E1214 HU [ed] --- 2000 Dynamics days Asia-Pacific: international conference on nonlinear science E1215 GERVOIS/LAGOLNITZER/MOREAU/POMEAU [eds] --- 1999 Invited papers from STATPHYS-20 E1216 KANTER/DEUTSCH/HAVLIN/KAVEH/YESHURUN [eds] --- 1993 Frontiers in condensed matter physics IV [Bar-Ilan Conf.] E1217 MOOKERJEE/CHAKRABARATI [eds] --- 1992 Statistical physics of disordered solids, polymers, and glasses E1218 HESS [ed] --- 1993 Statistical physics [invited papers from STATPHYS-18] E1219 BUNDE [ed] --- 1992 Fractals and disorder E1220 MANTEGNA [ed] --- 1999 Econophysics and statistical finance [workshop, Palermo] E1221 HU/LEUNG [eds] --- 2003 Lattice models and complex systems [Wu Festshrift] E1222 MANNA/BHATTACHARJEE [eds] --- 2003 Proc. international conference on statistical physics [Kolkata, India --- Stanley Festshrift] E1223 SENGERS/LEVELT-SENGERS [eds] --- 1989 Statistical and chemical physics [Trappeniers Festschrift] E1224 MANNA/CHAKRABARTI [eds] --- 1999 Proc: Statistical physics conference in Calcutta [January 1999] E1225 STANLEY [ed] --- 1986 Statphys 16: invited lectures E1226 CAPEL/PARISI/STANLEY/TSALLIS [eds] --- Physica A 290[3-4] 15 February 2001 E1227 GERVOIS/LAGOLNITZER/MOREAU/POMEAU [eds] --- 1998 Statphys 20: invited papers E1228 DIANOUX/PETRY/RICHTER [eds] --- 1993 Dynamics of disordered materials E1229 BARAS/WALGRAEF [eds] --- 1992 Nonequilibrium chemical dynamics: from experiment to microscopic simulations E1230 CANNAS/TAMARIT/OSENDA/BRIOZZO [eds] --- 2000 Statistical physics of dynamic and complex systems E1231 GADOMSKI/KERTESZ/STANLEY/VANDEWALLE [eds] --- 1999 Applications of statistical physics [Proc: NATO workshop, Budepest] E1232 HU/LEUNG [eds] --- 1999 Equilibrium and non-equilibrium phase transitions [Statphys-Taiwan] E1233 LAFAIT/TANNER [eds] --- 1989 ETOPIM 2: Electrical transport and optical properties of inhomogeneous media E1234 POOLE/ZINKE-ALLMANG/LOOKMAN/MOSELEY [eds] --- 1998 CPiP98: Conf. on dynamics and kinetics of fluids and materials [Barbados] E1235 PARISI/PIETRONERO/VIRASORO [eds] --- 1992 Complex systems: fractals, spin glasses, and neural networks [Trieste] E1236 FRENKEL/LEKKERKERKER/ODIJK [eds] --- 1991 Ordering in supramolecular fluids [Amsterdam] E1237 BEYSENS/ROBERT [eds] --- 1991 Fundamental properties of interfaces in simple and complex fluids E1238 HESS [ed] --- 1990 Order in fluids [workshop: U Berlin] E1239 TSALLIS [ed] --- 1989 Statphys 17: invited papers E1240 CAPEL/MAZUR [eds] --- 1986 Theoretical and statistical physics [Kasteleyn Festschrift] E1241 SMIRNOV --- 2003 Concepts of statistical physics: distributions, structures, phenomena, kinetics of atomic systems E1242 NSF --- 2004 CELEST: Center for learning in education, science, and technology [site visit] E1243 CENTER FOR POLYMER STUDIES --- 2001 [7/27/01 draft] Virtual molecular dynamics laboratory: bridging the gap between the micrscopic and macroscopic E1244 INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF TECHNICAL ANALYSTS --- 2002 Annual conference programme E1245 STAUFFER --- 1985 Introduction to percolation theory [manuscript] E1246 SORNETTE --- 2001 Critical market crashes E1247 AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY --- 1987 An introduction to current research in biological physics [various authors] E1248 IUPAP --- 1968 Proceedings of the international conference on statistical physics [Kyoto] E1249 CWI --- 2001 Annual report: national research institute for mathematics and computer science [Netherlands] E1250 SAHIMI --- 1995 Flow and transport in porous media and fractured rock: from classical methods to modern approaches E1251 APS/AIP --- 1969 Physical Review, vol. 185, no. 2, pp. 407-862 E1252 TILLERY --- 2005 Physical science, sixth edition E1253 IESC --- 1993 Hydrogen bond networks [institute program and abstracts, 16-22 August, Cargese] E1254 GREEN --- 1972 An introduction to human physiology, third edition E1255 GIANCOLI --- 2000 Physics for scientists and engineers, third edition E1256 APS/AIP --- 1983 Reviews of Modern Physics, Vol. 22, pp. 583-852 E1257 DONNELLY --- 2003 Architecture in Colonial America E1258 FRANKEL/WHITESIDES --- 1997 On the surface of things: images of the extraordinary in science E1259 WOLFSON/PASACHOFF --- 1987 Physics E1260 GIANCOLI --- 1984 General physics E1261 OHANIAN --- 1985 Physics, Vol. 1 E1262 SAGEMAN --- 2004 Understanding terror networks E1263 CAUPIN --- 2001 Cavitation dans l'helium 3: un liquide de Fermi a pression negative [thesis: U Paris VI] E1264 ARNEODO --- [no date] A thermodynamics of fractals based on wavelet analysis: applications to fully developed turbulence, DNA sequences, and financial time series [viewgraphs] E1265 BOUCHAUD/POTTERS --- 1997 Theorie des riques financiers E1266 TURNBULL --- [no date] Phase changes E1267 LIEBOVITCH --- [no date] Fractals and chaos step-by-step for the life sciences E1268 MEAKIN/SKJELTORP --- 1993 Application of experimental and numerical models to the physics of multiparticle systems E1269 BOSTON UNIVERSITY --- [no date --- ca. 1988] The sciences at Boston University: 7 reasons for their success E1270 TODA/KUBO/SAITO --- 1992 Statistical physics I: equilibrium statistical physics, 2nd edition E1271 COLLINS --- 1991 The matrix of life: a view of natural molecules from the perspective of environmental water E1272 STAUFFER --- 1985 Introduction to percolation theory E1273 ANDRADE/PINHO/SALINAS [eds] --- 2003 Proc. VIII Latin American Workshop on Nonlinear Phenomena [Bahia 2003] E1274 PRIVMAN/SVRAKIC --- 1989 Directed models of polymers, interfaces, and clusters: scaling and finite-size properties E1275 KUBO --- 1988 Statistical mechanics: an advanced course with problems and solutions E1276 ALSTROM/BOHR/CHRISTENSEN/FLYVBJERG/JENSEN/LAUTRUP/SNEPPEN [eds] --- 2004 Complexity and criticality [in memory of Per Bak] E1277 BRUSH --- 1976 The kind of motion we call heat: a history of the kinetic theory of gases in the 19th century--[1] physics and the atomists E1278 BRUSH --- 1976 The kind of motion we call heat: a history of the kinetic theory of gases in the 19th century--[2] statistical physics and irreversible processes E1279 LANDAU/LIFSHITZ --- 1976 Mechanics, third edition E1280 KRUGER/GEIGERENZER/MORGAN --- 1990 The probabilistic revolution, vol. 2: ideas in the sciences E1281 LANDAU/LIFSHITZ --- 1977 Quantum mechanics: non-relativistic theory E1282 POKROVSKI --- 1999 Physical principles in the theory of economic growth E1283 WIERSMA --- 1995 Light in strongly scattering and amplifying random media [thesis] E1284 DIMITROVSKI/MIJATOVIC --- 1995 A new approach to the theory of ordinary differential equations E1285 GONZALO --- 1993 The intelligible universe E1286 STILLINGER [ed] --- 1965 Documents on modern physics: quantum statistics and cooperative phenomena E1287 GUINIER/JULLIEN --- 1989 The solid state: from superconductors to superalloys E1288 KANIADAKIS/LISSIA [eds] --- 2003 Proc. Sardinian intl conf on news and expectations in thermostatistics E1289 SHLESINGER/MANDELBROT/RUBIN [eds] --- 1983 Proc. fractals symposium E1290 STAUFFER --- 1989 Theoretische Physik: ein Kurzlehrbuch un Repetitorium E1291 SCHREIBER --- 1999 Interdisciplinary applicagion of nonlinear time series methods E1292 BATRA --- 1989 Metallization and metal-semiconductor interfaces E1293 STANLEY --- 1973 [Russian trans] Introduction to phase transitions and critical phenomena E1294 SCHROEDINGER --- 1967 Statistical thermodynamics E1295 CHOWDHURY --- 1986 Spin glasses and other frustrated systems E1296 SCHWABL --- 1990 Quanten-mechanik, vol. 2: Auflage E1297 TOLEDANO/TOLEDANO --- 1987 The Landau theory of phase transitions: applications to structural, incommensurate, magnetic, and liquid crystal systems E1298 AULT --- 1973 Boston University: the College of Liberal Arts, 1873-1973 E1299 STANLEY --- 1967 [thesis] Critical phenomena in Heisenberg models of magnetism E1300 JENSEN --- 1993 Par ordre du hasard: les modeles fractals E1301 HUANG --- 2004 [thesis] Properties of quantum spin chains E1302 KANTELHARDT --- 2004 [Habilitationsschrift] Fluktuationen in komplexen Systemen E1303 GLOTZER --- 1993 [thesis] Kinetics of microphase separation in polymer systems: theory and computer simulation E1304 PRAKASH --- 1993 [thesis] The percolation transition in correlated and frustrated systems E1305 PENG --- 1993 [thesis] Long-range correlations in physical and biological systems E1306 LANAVE --- 1996 [tesi di laurea] Metodi percolativi sul reticolo: un modello per l'acqua sotteraffreddata E1307 LAURITSEN --- 1994 [thesis] Scaling and dynamics of Laplacian growth, random lattices, Ising models, and intefaces E1308 CARVER/SAITO/STANLEY/WAND --- [no date] Fractals E1309 HAUSDORFF --- 1995 [thesis] Nonlinear dynamics and the step-to-step fluctuations in human walking E1310 UKLEJA --- 1995 [undergrad thesis] Quantitataive analysis of senile plaques in Alzheimer patient brains E1311 VON SCHULTHESS --- 1979 [thesis] N-particle distributions in aggregating systems: aggregation of antigen coated latex spheres by antibody E1312 TRIGG [ed] --- Encyclopedia of applied physics, vol. 1: accelerators, linear to analytic methods E1313 RASETTI --- 1986 Modern methods in equilibrium statistical mechanics E1314 STANLEY --- 1991 [university lecture] Fractal landscapes in physics and biology E1315 XIE [ed] --- 1986 Statistical physics and condensed matter theory [Sino-Japan bilateral workshop] E1316 HOLYST/NOWAK [eds] --- 2004 Application of physics in financial analysis 4 [Proc EPS Conf Warsaw 11/03] E1317 D'ARIANO/MONTORSI/RASETTI [eds] --- 1985 Intgegrable systems in statistical mechanics E1318 SEDLACEK [ed] --- 1980 Lectures presented at the 7th discussion conference on macromolecules: polymer networks, Karlovy Vary, Czechoslovakia [9/80] E1319 THOMPSON --- 1988 Classical equilibrium statistical mechanics E1320 LIFSHITZ/PITAEVSKII --- 1980 Statistical physics: theory of the condensed state E1321 DE JONGH --- 1990 Magnetic properties of layered transition metal compounds E1322 FITTS --- 1962 Nonequilibrium thermodynamics: a phenomenological theory of irreversible processes in fluid systems E1323 EVANS/GRIGOLINI/PARRAVICINI [eds] --- 1985 Memory function approaches to stochastic problems in condensed matter E1324 BEAR/CORAPCIOGLU [eds] --- Fundamentals of transport phenomena in porous media E1325 MARSHALL/LOWDE --- 1968 Magnetic correlations and neutron scattering E1326 PAL/SZEPFALUSY [eds] --- 1976 Statistical physics: proc int'l conference, Budapest [8/75] E1327 FRISCH --- 1995 Turbulence: the legacy of A. N. Kolmogorov E1328 PROBSTEIN --- 1985 Physicochemical hydrodynamics: an introduction E1329 GELBART/BEN-SHAUL/ROUX --- 1994 Micelles, membranes, microemulsions, and monolayers E1330 YOUNG --- 1992 University physics: extended version with modern physics E1331 CUTNELL/JOHNSON --- 2001 Physics, 5th edition, vol. 1 E1332 BOLEMON --- 1989 Physics: an introduction, 2nd edition E1333 SERWAY/FAUGHN --- 1995 College physics, 4th edition E1334 TIPLER --- 1987 College physics E1335 MATSUNO --- 1989 Protobiology: physical basis of biology E1336 DUONG-VAN [ed] --- 1987 Proceedings of the international conference on the physics of chaos and systems far from equilibrium [Monterey] E1337 CHIKAWA/MULLIN/WOODS [eds] --- 1989 Proceedings of the 9th international conference on crystal growth, part 1 [Sendai] E1338 CHIKAWA/MULLIN/WOODS [eds] --- 1989 Proceedings of the 9th international conference on crystal growth, part 2 [Sendai] E1339 BUECHE/JERDE --- 1995 Principles of physics, 6th edition E1340 SEARS/ZEMANSKY/YOUNG --- 1985 College physics, 6th edition E1341 MULLIGAN --- 1991 Introductory physics, 2nd edition E1342 SOCIETY FOR SCIENCE ON FORM --- 1988 Science on form: proceedings of the Nagoya meeting on pattern formation E1343 DE JONGH/MIEDEMA --- 1974 Experiments on simple magnetic model systems E1344 KINARD/WILSON --- 1994 College physics, 2nd edition: instructor's solutions manual E1345 KINARD/POND/WILSON --- 1990 Instructor's solutions for [Wilson's] college physics E1346 BROWNE --- 1990 Test bank for [Wilson's] college physics E1347 COLE --- 1993 So you want to take physics? A preparatory course with calculus E1348 BLUM/MALIK [eds] --- 1993 Condensed matter theories [vol 8]: proceedings of the 16th international workshop on condensed matter theories [San Juan 1992] E1349 HERRMANN/BARBOSA/CURADO --- 2004 trends and perspectives in extensive and non-extensive satistical mechanics [Tsallis Festschrift] E1350 BERG ET AL --- 2002 Econophysics into banking practice: evolutionary dimension of strategic banking management [in Russian] E1351 SOLOVIEVA [project manager] --- 2004 Development of the systems on the base of porphyrins immobilized on polymer carriers providing controlled generation of singlet oxygen to carry out the photodynamic therapy of cancer [annual report no. 1] E1352 BERG ET AL --- 2004 Proceedings of the Russian first Internet conference on econophysics and evolutionary economics [in Russian] E1353 THIRD NIKKEI ECONOPHYSICS WORKSHOP --- 2004 Practical fruits of econophysics: business model in the 21st century--risk management and expectations for econophysics E1354 DENG --- 2004 Conformal symmetries and constrained critical phenomena [thesis: Delft U] E1355 BEN-NAIM/FRAUENFELDER/TOROCZKAI [eds] --- 2004 Complex networks [lecture notes in physics] E1356 TEEGARDEN --- 2004 Polymer chemistry: introduction to an indispensable science E1357 MANDELBROT/HUDSON --- 2004 The (mis)behavior of markets: a fractal view of risk, ruin, and reward E1356 MOZRZYMASA --- 2004 Interdyscyplinarnego seminarium studium generale na Uniwersytecie Wroclawskim 1991-2004 E1357 MOZRZYMASA --- 2004 O nauce i sztuce E1358 HU --- 2005 Statistical physics approaches to understanding physiological fluctautions [dissertation] E1359 MANNA/SEN [eds] --- 2005 Complex networks: structure, function, and processes [STATPHYS - Kolkata V] E1360 INSTITUTE OF FLUID SCIENCE --- 2004 Proceedings of the 4th int'l symposium on Advanced Fluid Information and 1st int'l symposium on Transdisciplinary Fluid Integration [AFI/TFI 2004] E1361 CHALLET/MRSILI/ZHANG --- 2005 Minority games: interacting agents in financial markets E1362 EICHENBAUM --- 2002 The cognitive neuroscience of memory: an introduction E1363 BORREGUERO --- 2005 Computational studies of protein stability and folding dynamics [dissertation] E1364 DING --- 2004 Molecular dynamics studies of protein folding and aggregation [dissertation] E1365 MALLAMACE/STANLEY [eds] --- 2004 The physics of complex systems: new advances and perspectives [Enrico Fermi School Proceedings] E1366 CONIGLIO/FIERRO/HERRMANN/NICODEMI --- 2004 Unifying concepts in granular media and glasses [worshop proceedings E1367 DZIURLA --- 1993 Aula Leopoldina: Universitatis Wratislaviensis E1368 DZIURLA --- 1997 Wraclaw University: Leopoldian Complex E1369 GITTERMAN/HALPERN --- 2004 Phase transitions: a brief account with modern applications E1370 SHORE --- 1991 The effect of astronomy teaching experience on the astronomy concepts of elementary school teachers [dissertation] E1371 SCHWARZER --- 1994 Geometry and dynamics of diffusion limited growth [dissertation] E1372 HUBER --- 1993 The onset of vortex turbulence [dissertation] E1373 SASTRY --- 1993 Phase behavior and collective dynamics of liquid water [dissertation] E1374 LO --- 2003 Statistical physics approaches to the understanding of sleep-stage transitions [dissertation] E1375 GLOTZER --- 1993 Kinetics of microphase separation in polymer systems: theory and computer simulations [dissertation] E1376 LARRALDE --- 1993 Properties of systems with many random walkers [dissertation] E1377 BORREGUERO --- 2005 Computational studies of protein stability and folding kinetics [dissertation] E1378 GOPIKRISHNAN --- 2001 Quantifying economic fluctuations using statistical physics methodology [dissertation] E1379 POOLE --- 1987 The multicritical behavior of two-dimensional linear polymers near the theta point [undergraduate thesis] E1380 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL --- 1996 National science education standards E1381 KITAMURA --- 2003 Auantum field theory of the liquid-glass transition E1382 JENSEN --- 1995? La modelisation du depot d'agregats [habilitation] E1383 D'ALESSANDRO --- 2004 Career warfare: 10 rules for building a successful personal brand and fighting to keep it E1384 D'ALESSANDRO --- 2001 Brand warfare: 10 rules for building the killer brand E1385 McMILLAN/CLARY [eds] --- 2005 Configurational energy landscapes and structural transitions in clusters, fluids, and biomolecules [Phil Trans Roy Soc 363/1827] E1386 ANDRADE/PINHO/SALINAS [eds] --- 2004 Proceedings of The VIII Latin American Workshop on Nonlinear Phenomena E1386A SCHMIDT --- 2005 Quantitative finance for physicists: an introduction E1387 LIGER-BELAIR --- 2004 Uncorked: the science of champagne E1387A HERRMANN --- 2004 Institute for Computational Physics: annual report 2004 E1388 COOPER/INTRATOR/BLAIS/SHOUVAL --- 2004 Theory of cortical plasticity E1388A OTTINGER --- 2005 Beyond equilibrium thermodynamics E1389 POLLACK --- 2001 Cells, gels, and the engines of life: a new, unifying approach to cell function E1389A RIFE --- 1999 Lise Meitner and the dawn of the nuclear age E1390 NIKOLSKY --- 1977 A course of mathematical analysis E1391 VAN AKEN --- 1961 [thesis] A study of Winsor II microemulsion equlibria E1392 HU/LEUNG/WU [eds] --- 2005 Biologically motivated statistical physics and related problems [Statphys-Taiwan-2004] E1393 HANGGI/CHILLIDA/BUZON [eds] --- 2005 New horizons in stochastic complexity [Proc. Intl. Workshop, Sevilla, Spain] E1394 US NEWS --- 2005 America's best colleges E1395 US NEWS --- 2005 America's best graduate schools E1396 ALBERTS/HAYES --- 2005 Campaigns of experimentation: pathways to innovation and transformation E1397 GULICK --- 1971 Hearing: physiology and psychophysics E1398 TERLETSKII --- 1971 Statistical physics E1399 ACKERMAN --- 1962 Biophysical science E1400 TAKASHIMA/FISHMAN [eds] --- 1977 Electrical properties of biological polymers, water, and membranes E1401 PARSON --- 2004 The Proteus effect: stem cells and their promise for medicine E1402 SENGERS --- 2002 How fluid unmix: discoveries of the school of Van der Waals and Kamerlingh Onnes E1403 KUBO/ICHIMURA/USUI/HASHITSUME --- 1965 Statistical mechanics: an advanced course with problems and solutions E1404 PLANCK --- 1926 Treatise on thermodynamics E1405 SOKOLOV/TERNOV/ZHUKOVSKI/BORISOV --- 1983 Electro-dinamica cuantica [Spanish] E1406 LANDAU/LIFCHITZ --- 1978 Physique theorique [French] E1407 BASS/HALL/JOHNSON/WOOD --- 2001 Geometry: tools for a changing world E1408 SERWAY --- 1992 Physics for scientists and engineers, updated edition E1409 EVERTSZ/PEITGEN/VOSS --- 1996 Fractal geometry and analysis: the Mandelbrot festschrift E1410 LAZAY --- 1968 [thesis] The Rayleigh-Brillouin spectra of ammonium chloride E1411 TINKHAM --- 1965 Superconductivity E1412 KITTEL/KNIGHT/RUDERMAN/HELMHOLZ/MOYER --- 1973 Berkeley physics course, vol. 1, 2nd edition E1413 BOROWITZ --- 1967 Fundamentals of quantum mechanics: particles, waves, and wave mechanics E1414 STANLEY/TAYLOR/TRUNFIO --- 1994 Fractals in science: an introductory course E1415 KUPER --- 1968 An introduction to the theory of superconductivity E1416 UHLENBECK/FORD --- 1963 Lectures in statistical mechanics E1417 NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES --- 2005 Monitoring nuclear weapons and nuclear-explosive materials E1418 GROEBNER/SHANNON/FRY/SMITH --- 2006 A course in business statistics, 4th edition E1419 EVANS/OLSON --- 2003 Statistics, data analysis, and decision modeling, 2nd edition E1420 LEVINE/KREHBIEL/BERENSON --- 2006 Business statistics: a first course, 4th edition E1421 GELMAN/NOLAN --- 2002 Bag of tricks for teaching statistics E1422 CHATTERJEE/HANDCOCK/SIMONOFF --- 1995 A casebook for a first course in statistics and data analysis E1423 BRYANT/SMITH --- 1995 Practical data analysis: case studies in business statistics [instructor's edition] E1424 HALL --- 1996 Computerized business solutions, 4th edition E1425 EVANS --- 2003 Essentials of business statistics E1426 GWARTNEY/STROUP/SOBEL --- 2000 Economics: private and public choice, 9th edition E1427 GWARTNEY/STROUP/SOBEL/MACPHERSON --- 2003 Economics: private and public choice, 10th edition [instructor's manual] E1428 GWARTNEY/STROUP/SOBEL/MACPHERSON --- 2003 Economics: private and public choice, 10th edition [coursebook] E1429 GWARTNEY/STROUP/SOBEL/MACPHERSON --- 2003 Economics: private and public choice, 10th edition [textbook] E1430 GROEBNER/SHANNON/FRY/SMITH --- 2001 Business statistics: a decision-making approach, 5th edition E1431 KLIMBERG/ARNOLD/BERGER --- 1994 Cases in business statistics E1432 VIRGINIA MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE COALITION --- 2004 Harrisonburg conference on the preparation of middle school science and mathematics teachers E1433 BARBOSA [ed] --- 2005 Physics applied to biological systems E1434 JOHNSTON --- 2005 Analytic culture in the U.S. intelligence community: an ethnographic study E1435 CHEN --- 2006 Statistical physics approaches to understanding physiological signals E1436 GLENN --- 2002 The myth of the common school E1437 GOODSTEIN --- 1975 States of matter E1438 GULLETTE [ed] --- 1984 The art and craft of teaching E1439 KYDD --- 2002 Boston University: the campus history series E1440 HUANG --- 2005 Lectures on statistical physics and protein folding E1441 SCALAS [ed] --- 2005 Market dynamics and quantative economics E1442 KUTNER/HOLYST [eds] --- 2004 First Polish symposium on econo- and sociophysics E1443 ANDREWS --- 1976 The theory of partitions [Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, Vol. 2] E1444 RESTAK --- 2001 The secret life of the brain E1445 CHATTERJEE/YARLAGADDA/CHAKRABARTI [eds] --- 2005 Econophysics of wealth distributions E1446 CHAKRABARTI [ed] --- 2005 Statistics of linear polymers in disordered media E1447 THOMPSON/MADIGAN --- 2005 Memory: the key to consciousness E1448 DATTAGUPTA/KRISHNAMURTHY/PANDIT/RAMAKRISHNAN/SEN [eds] --- 2005 Proceedings (invited papers) of Statphys 22 E1449 LANDAU/BINDER --- 2005 A guide to Monte Carlo simulations in statistical physics, second edition E1450 PNAS --- 2005 Chemical theory and computation [special issue: Vol. 102, no. 19, 10 May 2005] E1451 ISRAEL SCIENCE FOUNDATION --- 2003/04 Annual report E1452 ANDRADE/FILOCHE/LUCENA [eds] --- 2005 Physics survey of irregular systems [Sapoval Festschrift] E1453 BLUME/DURLAUF [eds] --- 2006 The economy as an evolving complex system III: current perspectives and future directions E1454 KOZA/PEKALSKI [eds] --- Diffusion and soft matter [Proc. Winter School of Theor. Physics: 6-12 February 2005, Ladek Zdroj, Poland] E1455 JAMISON --- 2004 Exuberance: the passion for life E1456 LOULIDI/PARISI [eds] --- 2005 Condensed matter and statistical physics [Proc 8th Intl Conf, Morocco 2004] E1457 CLERC/DESCALZI/ROSSO/SOTO [eds] --- 2005 Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics and nonlinear physics [Proc MEDYFINOL, Chile 2004] E1458 REGGIANI/PENNETTA/AKIMOV/ALFINITO/ROSINI --- 2005 Unsolved problems of noise and fluctutions [Proc IPoN June 2005 --- Gallipoli, Italy E1459 KOTLIKOFF/BURNS --- 2005 The coming generational storm: what you need to know about America's future E1460 EUROPEAN COMMISSION ET AL. --- 2000 6th Int'l Conf on science and technology indicators [Leiden, 24-27 May 2000] E1461 STANLEY --- 2005 Cost-effectiveness in public education E1462 RATNER [ed] --- 2005 Molecular electronics [special issue of PNAS] E1463 TAKAYASU --- 2006 Practical fruits of econophysics: proceedings of the third Nikkei econophysics symposium E1464 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL --- 2005 Network science E1465 BARABASI/STANLEY --- 1995 fractal concepts in surface growth E1466 BENIGNI/COLOSIMO/GIULIANI/SIRABELLA/ZBILUT [eds] --- 2004 Complexity in the living: a problem-oriented approach E1467 HAYTER --- 2007 (sic) Probability and statistics for engineers and scientists, 3rd edition E1468 HESSLER --- 2005 An experimental study of the small world problem on thefacebook.com E1469 HARNAU/DIETRICH --- 2006 Inhomogeneous platelet and rod fluids E1470 DIAMOND --- 1999 Guns, germs, and steel: the fates of human societies E1471 POUNDSTONE --- 2005 Fortune's formula: the untold story of the scientific betting system that beat the casinos and Wall Street E1472 HELBING/ARMBRUSTER/MIKHAILOV/LEFEBER [eds] --- 2006 Information and material flows in complex networks E1473 CSERMELY --- 2006 Weak links: stabilizers of complex systems from proteins to social networks E1474 PUBLIC INFORMATION RESOURCES --- 2006 Rethinking nature and nurture: using brain research to improve child learning and treat learning disorders E1475 HEBLING/ARMBRUSTER/MIKHAILOV/LEFEBER [eds] --- Information and material flows in complex networks E1476 KANIADAKIS/CARBONE/LISSIA [eds] --- Fundamental problems of modern statistical mechanics E1477 MANTEGNA/STANLEY --- 2000 An introduction to econophysics: correlations and complexity in finance [Chinese Translation] E1478 MALEVERGNE/SORNETTE --- 2006 Extreme financial risks: from dependence to risk management E1479 GELLES --- 3003 Doktorzy honoris causa Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego 1803-2002: Od biskupa sufragana Schimonskiego do profesora Leszka Kolakowskiego E1480 ROZYNEK/ZIOLKOWSKI --- 2002 Doktorzy honoris causa Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego 1948-2002 E1481 ROZYNEK --- 3003 Profesoriwie Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego doktorzy honoris causa 1958-2002 E1482 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL --- 2006 The role of naval forces in the global war on terror E1483 BAXTER --- 1982 Exactly solved models in statistical mechanics E1484 KHETERPAL/WETZEL [eds] --- 2006 Methods in enzymology, vol. 412: amyloid, prions, and other protein aggregates, part B E1485 BROWN [ed] --- 1942/1948 Feynman's thesis: a new approach to quantum theory E1486 THE PROTEIN SOCIETY --- 2005 Program and abstracts: 19th symposium of the protein society (Boston) E1487 CARRA/PAORI [eds] --- 2003 Crystal growth: from basic to applied E1488 WORLDCOMP'06 --- 2006 Conference programs (Las Vegas NV 26-29 June) E1489 MOZRZYMASA [ed] --- 2004 O nauce i sztuce (proceedings) E1490A UNIVERSITY OF WROCLAW --- 1991-2004 Kronika: interdyscyplinarnego seminarium E1490B COLLINS --- 2001 Good to great: why some companies make the leap...and others don't E1491 BEINHOCKER --- 2006 The origin of wealth: evolution, complexity, and the radical remaking of economics E1492 EAVES --- 2005 [thesis: MIT] Vibrational dynamics in water from the molecule's perspective E1493 NEWMAN/BARABASI/WATTS [eds] --- 2006 The structure and dynamics of networks E1494 CARRINGTON/SCOTT/WASSERMAN [eds] --- 2005 Models and methods in social network analysis E1495 U. GRENOBLE [ed] --- 1959 The many body problem [Les Houches 1958] E1496 FUCHS/LEVIN --- 1961 Functions of a complex variable and some of their applications, volume 2 E1497 BESICOVITCH --- 1954 Almost periodic functions E1498 JEANS --- 1925 The dynamical theory of gases, 4th edition E1499 MORSE --- 1948 Vibration and sound, 2nd edition E1500 HILGEVOORD --- 1960 Dispersion relations and causal description: an introduction to dispersion relations in field theory E1501 PEIERLS --- 1956 The laws of nature E1502 AHARONI --- 1959 The special theory of relativity E1503 KARDAR --- 2007 Statistical physics of particles E1504 KARDAR --- 2007 Statistical physics of fields E1505 DI MATTEO/ASTE [EDS] --- 2006 Econophysics colloquium [Proceedings: Int'l Conference in Canberra 14-18 November 2005] E1506 YUN --- 2007 [Ph.D. THESIS --- BU] Statistical physics of folding and aggregation of amyloid beta-protein of Alzheimer's disease E1507 MARK [ed] --- 2007 Physical properties of polymers handbook, 2nd edition E1508 DE GENNES --- 2004 Petit point: a candid portrait on the aberrations of science E1509 SOKOL/KAISER/BAXTER/PYNN/BOSSEV/LEUSCHNER [eds] --- 2006 Quasi-elastic neutron scattering conference 2006 E1510 HUNGERFORD --- 2004 Contemporary precalculus, 4th edition E1511 YOSHIOKA --- 2007 Statistical physics: an introduction E1512 WIDOM --- 2002 Statistical mechanics: a concise introduction for chemists E1513 RICHARD/NICODEMI [eds] --- 2007 Granular dynamics, jamming, rheology, and instabilities E1514 SACKLER COLLOQUIUM of the NAS --- 2007 In the light of evolution: adaptation and complex design E1515 BROWN/LEMAY/BURSTEN --- 1997 Chemistry: the central science, 7th edition E1516 BROWN/FOOTE --- 1998 Organic chemistry, 2nd edition E1517 LOPEZ --- 2005 [BU thesis] Physics of flow in random media E1518 SREENIVASAN --- 2007 [BU thesis] Application of statistical physics to random graph models of networks E1519 DACOROGNA/GENCAY/MUELLER/OLSEN/PICTET --- 2001 An introduction to high-frequency finance E1520 ANDERSON --- 1994 A career in theoretical physics E1521 GERVOIS/LAGOLNITZER/MOREAU/POMEAU [eds] --- 1999 Statistical physics: invited papers from STATPHYS-20 E1522 SERWAY/FAUGHN --- 1992 College physics, third edition E1523 KINARD/WILSON --- 1994 College physics, second edition: instructor's solutions manual E1524 CARBONE/KANIADAKIS/SCARFONE --- 2007 Applications of physics in financial analysis: proceedings of the 5th Int'l Conf. in Torino [6/29/06-7/1/06] E1525 KAIZOJI/NAMATAME/SCALAS [eds] --- 2007 Proceedings: Econophysics colloquium 2006 (11/06, Tokyo) E1526 PHYSICIANS' DESK REFERENCE --- 2006 60th edition E1527 AOKI/YOSHIKAWA --- 2007 Reconstructing macroeconomics: a perspective from statistical physics and combinatorial stochastic processes E1528 VARIOUS AUTHORS --- 2006 Fisica de l'estetica: noves fronteres de la ciencia, l'art i el pensament E1529 ALBERTS/HAYES --- 2007 Planning: complex endeavors [Command and Control Research Program] E1530 CARBONE/KANIADAKIS/SCARFONE [eds] --- 2007 Topical issue on physics in society [Proc APFA5 Torino] E1531 ICEX SPANISH INSTITUTE FOR FOREIGN TRADE --- 2007 Espana: technology for life E1532 MAKSE --- 1996 [BU Thesis] Statistical patterns in nature: growing order out of randomness E1533 KARDAR --- 2007 Statistical physics of particles E1534 KARDAR --- 2007 Statistical physics of fields E1535 KUMAR --- 2007 [BU Thesis] Anomalies of bulk, nanoconfined nad protein-hydration water E1536 KHARITONOV/YEZHOV [eds] --- 2007 Econophysics [in Russian] E1537 PERELLO [ed] --- 2007 Intelligencia collectiva: noves fronteres de la ciencia, l'art i el pensament E1538 MARQUES/CORREIA [eds] --- 2007 Trends in nanotechnology: conference abstracts [San Sebastian, Spain] 3-7 Sept 2007 E1539 MENEZES/MENDES [eds] --- 2007 Applictions of physics in financial analysis/APFA 6: conference abstracts [Lisbon] 4-7 July 2007 E1540 DE GENNES --- 2006 Special issue in commemoration of Pierre-Gilles de Gennes: Granular matter and adhesion of soft objects E1541 SEN/MOHANTY [eds] --- 2007 STATPHYS - KOLKATA VI Proc Intl Conf Stat Phys (Saha Institute, Calcutta, 5-9 Jan 07) E1542 STATPHYS/23 --- 2007 Program and abstracts E1543 FU --- 2008 [BU Dissertation] Statistical physics approaches to understanding the firm growth problem E1544 WU --- 2008 [BU Dissertation] Physics of flow in weighted networks E1545 INTERNATIONAL CENTER OF EXCELLENCE --- 2007 Fourth International Conference on Flow Dynamics (ABSTRACTS) [26-28 Sept 07: Sendai, Japan] E1546 HALLIDAY/RESNICK/WALKER --- 1997 Fundamentals of physics extended, 5th edition E1547 SEARS/ZEMANSKY/YOUNG --- 1990 College physics, 7th edition E1548 LAX/CAI/XU --- 2006 Random processes in physics and finance E1549 MATERIALS RESEARCH SOCIETY --- 2007 Fall meeing: program and exhibit guide E1550 GUNTON/SHIRYAYEV/PAGAN --- 2007 Protein condensation: kinetic pathways to crystallization and disease E1551 KUMAR --- 2008 [Dissertation: Boston University] Anomalies of bulk, nanoconfined, and protein-hydration water E1552 PENG --- 1993 [Dissertation: Boston University] Long-range correlations in physical and biological systems E1553 CWILICH [ed] --- Disorder and complexity [Proc Pan-American Scientific Institute (PASI) Conf: 11-20 Dec 06, Mar del Plata, Argentina] E1554 LOBB --- 1980 Percolation and electrical conduction in superconducting composites E1555 LAX/CAI/XU --- 2006 Random processes in physics and finance E1556 WU --- 2008 [Dissertation: Boston University] Physics of flow in weighted complex networks E1557 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL --- 2007 The role of naval forces in the global war on terror E1558 ABE/HERRMANN/QUARATI/RAPISARDA/TSALLIS [eds] --- 2007 Complexity, metastability, and nonextensivity: an international conference [Catania, 1-5 July 2007] E1559 KASS --- 2006 The logic of warfighting experiments E1560 SMITH --- 2006 Complexity, networking, and effects-base3d approaches to operations E1561 HUANG --- 2007 Fundamental forces of nature: the story of gauge fields E1562 'T HOOFT --- 2005 50 years of Yang-Mills theory E1563 VELTMAN --- Facts and mysteries in elementary particle physics E1564 BARABASI --- 2002 Linked: the new science of networks E1565 (2 copies) KECK FUTURES INITIATIVE --- 2007 The future of human healthspan: demography, evolution, medicine, and bioengineering [conference materials] E1566 FUNDACIO CAIXA CATALUNYA --- 2007 Intelligencia collectiva E1567 FUNDACIO CAIXA CATALUNYA --- 2006 Fisica de l'estetica E1568 NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES --- 2008 Science, evolution, and creationism E1569 SHANNON/SEMIAT [eds] --- 2008 Advancing materials and technologies for water purification (MRS Bulletin 33[1] 2008) E1570 BIOPHYSICAL SOCIETY --- 2008 Meeting Program: 52nd annual meeting and 16th IBPAB international biophysics conference E1571 MANTEGNA/STANLEY --- An introduction to econophysics: correlations and complexity in finance [Chinese Translation] E1572 GRIMVALL --- 2007 Basic skills in physics and engineering modelling: a guide to critical thinking about modelling E1573 PONTA --- 2008 Modeling and statistical analysis of financial markets and firm growth [Ph.D. thesis: University of Genoa] E1574 DEUTSCHEN PHYSIKALISCHEN GESELLSCHAFT --- 2008 Abstracts: 72nd annual meeting/DPG spring meeting of the condensed matter section E1575 PARKER --- 1990 Unix survival guide: teach yourself unix E1576 TOKUYAMA/OPPENHEIM/NISHIYAMA [eds] --- 2008 Complex systems: 5th international workshop on complex systems, Sendai, Japan 25-28 September 2007 E1577 KNOKE/YANG --- 2008 Social network analysis, second edition E1578 DONOVAN/WIGDOR/SNOW [eds] --- 2003 Strategic education research partnership E1579 GIERASCH/KING --- 1989 Protein folding: deciphering the second half of the genetic code E1580 ZACHARIAS/MACMILLAN/VANHEMEL [eds] --- 2008 Behavioral modeling and simulation: from individuals to societies E1581 AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY --- 2008 Program and show guide: 2008 March Meeting, New Orleans E1582 TIMASHEV/POLYAKOV --- 2007 Flicker noise spectroscopy: introduction to chaotic signals [in Russian] E1583 LINDLEY --- 1993 The end of physics: the myth of a unified theory E1584 SCHULTZ --- 1980 Basic principles of membrane transport E1585 GOLDSTEIN --- 1953 Classical mechanics E1586 LOEB --- 1947 Fundamentals of electricity and magnetism, third edition E1587 PATHRIA --- 1972 Statistical mechanics E1588 MILLER --- 2000 Instuctor's solutions manual: [Giancoli] Physics for scientists and engineers E1589 BROOKS/HUMMEL/ZUMDAHL --- 1995 Complete solution for Chemical Principles, second edition E1590 BECK [trans.] --- 1989 The collected papers of Albert Einstein, volume 2 E1591 GERVOIS/IAGOLNITZER/MOREAU/POMEAU --- 1999 Statistical physics: invited papers from StatPhys 20 [Paris 1998] E1592 FEININGER --- 1989 Nature in miniature E1593 BRECHER/BULDYREV/GARIK/MILOSEVIC/STANLEY/TAYLOR/TRUNFIO --- 1998 Exploring patterns in nature: computer software and hands-on activities E1594 BOAS --- 1966 Mathematical methods in the physical sciences E1595 SCHWEIGER [ed] --- [collection of papers: various dates] Gibrat's legacy E1596 L'OREAL FOUNDATION --- 2008 Ten years of the L'Oreal-UNESCO awards E1597 MENDES/GOMES/MENEZES [eds] --- 2008 Applications of physics in financial analysis [Proc APFA6, Lisbon 4-7 July 07] E1598 ROMANOVSKY/YU --- 2007 Introduction to econophysis: static and dynamic models (Inst. of Computer Research, Moscow) [in Russian] E1599 MENDES/GOMES/MENEZES [eds] --- 2008 Application of physics in financial analysis [Proc APFA6, Lisbon, 4-7 July 2007] E1600 NORDGREN/ENGWALL/GRASLUND/ANDERSSON/SJOLUND/AGAKER [eds] --- 2007 Quality and renewal: an overall evaluation of research at Uppsala University E1601 HIGHET --- 1951 The art of teaching E1602 CAIRNS-SMITH/HARTMAN [eds] --- 1986 Clay minerals and the origin of life E1603 KANTELHARDT/MAASS [eds] --- 2008 Transport, localization, and fluctuations in complex systems E1604 HELBING/HOST/KANTZ [eds] --- 2008 Nonlinear physics everywhere: from molecules to cities E1605 BLOOM --- 2007 Dying to kill: the allure of suicide terror E1606 BRAZHKIN/BULDYREV/RYZHOV/STANLEY [eds] --- 2002 New kinds of phase transitions: transformations in disordered substances E1607 STANLEY [ed] --- 1973 Cooperative phenomena near phase transitions: a bibliography with selected readings E1608 MANDELBROT --- 1983 The fractal geometry of nature E1609 ABRAHAMS --- 1990 TeX for the impatient E1610 BARDINTZEFF/McBIRNEY --- 2000 Volcanology, second edition E1611 STANLEY/AUSLOOS/KERTESZ/MANTEGNA/SCHEINKMAN/TAKAYASU [eds] --- 2003 Proceedings: Intl Econophysics Conference IEC2002 E1612 MALLAMACE/GLOTZER/MALESCIO/POOLE/SALVETTI [eds] --- 2002 Horizons in complex systems [Festschrift for HES] E1613 SEN/HONG/TOKUYAMA [eds] --- 2002 Slow dynamical processes in nature [Conf Proceedings] E1614 FRANZ/GLOTZER/SASTRY [eds] --- 2000 Unifying concepts in glass physics [Conf Proceedings] E1615 BRIN/STUCK --- 2002 Introduction to dynamical systems E1616 DECKER/DECKER --- 1979 Volcanoes, third edition (academic version) E1617 BLATNER --- 1997 The joy of pi E1618 ARFKIN --- 1985 Mathematical methods for physicists, third edition E1619 BLINC/ZEKS --- 1974 Soft modes in ferroelectrics and antiferroelectrics E1620 HIDALGO-AVAREZ [ed] --- 1999 Fourth liquid matter conference, Granada [abstracts] E1621 DiFRANCESCO/MATHIEU/SENECHAL --- 1997 Conformal field theory E1622 SCHWABL --- 1992 Quantum mechanics E1623 BESANCON --- 1985 The encyclopedia of physics, third edition E1624 BOHM --- 1951 Quantum theory E1625 BAXTER --- 1982 Exactly solved models in statistical mechanics E1626 DIAMOND --- 1998 Guns, germs, and steel: a short history of everybody for the last 13,000 years E1627 IRODOV --- 1993 Problems in general physics E1628 WEINBERG --- 1972 Gravittion and cosmology: principles and applications of the general theory of relativity E1629 GOLDENFELD --- 1992 Lectures on phase transitions and the renormalization group E1630 STAUFFER/STANLEY --- 1996 From Newton to Mandelbrot, second edition E1631 AMIT --- 1978 Field theory, the renormalization group, and critical phenomena E1632 DAVIES --- 1988 The cosmic blueprint: new discoveries in nature's creative ability to order the universe E1633 WILKS --- 1967 The properties of liquid and solid helium E1634 PIETRONERO/TOSATTI --- 1986 Fractals in physics: proceedings of the 6th Trieste symposium E1635 HAWKING --- 1988 A brief history of time: from the big bang to black holes E1636 M. FEYNMAN --- 2005 Perfectly reasonable deviations from the beaten track: the letters of Richard P. Feynman E1637 FRISCH --- 1995 Turbulence: the legacy of A. N. Kolmogorov E1638 SHANKAR --- 1980 Principles of quantum mechanics E1639 HINRICHS --- 1992 Energy E1640 GROSSMAN --- 1969 Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics E1641 WILSON --- 1966 Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics E1642 YVON --- 1969 Correlations and entropy in classical statistical mechanics E1643 SYKODI --- 1967 Thermodynamics of steady states E1644 VANDERSLICE/SCHAMP/MASON --- 1966 Thermodynamics E1645 WALL --- 1965 Chemical thermodynamics: a course of study, 2nd edition E1646 WAGNER --- 1952 Thermodynamics of alloys E1647 DEGROOT/MAZUR --- 1962 Non-equilibrium thermodynamics E1648 KELLER --- 1969 Helium-3 and helium-4 E1649 DEWITT/BALIAN [eds] --- 1968 Many-body physics E1650 FEENBERG --- 1969 Theory of quantum fluids E1651 LIND --- 1994 Pocket guid to accompany "principles of physics" by Serway E1652 LAHTI/MITTELSTAEDT [eds] --- 1985 Symposium on the foundation of modern physics: 50 years of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Gedankenexperiment E1653 BALABAN [ed] --- 1979 Molecular mechanism of biological recognition E1654 KING --- 1962 Thermophysics E1655 RUMER/RYVKIN --- 1980 Thermodynamics, statistical physics, and kinetics E1656 CHOQUET-BRUHAT --- 1967 Problem and solutions in mathematical physics E1657 BREUER --- 1975 Physics for life science students E1658 CORBEN/STEHLE --- 1960 Classical mechanics, second edition E1659 BLESSER --- 1969 A systems approach to biomedicine E1660 ZLATKIS/BREITMAIER/JUNG --- 1973 A concise introduction to organic chemistry E1661 PRIGOGINE/DEFAY --- 1954 Chemical thermodynamics E1662 RAPP --- 1972 Statistical mechanics E1663 KUBO [ed] --- 1966 Many-body theory E1664 SOMMERFELD --- 1964 Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics E1665 SAGE --- 1965 Thermodynamics of multicomponent systems E1666 RICE --- 1967 Statistical mechanics, thermodynamics, and kinetics E1667 BARROW --- 1966 Physical chemistry, second edition E1668 WYARD [ed] --- 1969 Solid state biophysics E1669 DRESSELHAUS [ed] --- 1986 Intercalation in layered materials E1670 SHILLER --- 1989 Market volatility E1671 LAY --- 1963 Thermodynamics: a macroscopic-microscopic treatment E1672 LANDSBERG --- 1961 Thermodynamics, with quantum statistical illustrations E1673 KNUTH --- 1966 Introduction to statistical thermodynamics E1674 THOMPSON --- 1972 Mathematical statistical mechanics E1675 LORETO/PIETRONERO/ZAPPERI [eds] --- 2008 EPJB topical issue dedicated to Statphys-23 E1676 WOLFSON/PASACHOFF --- 1995 Physics: with modern physics for scientists and engineers, volume two, second edition E1677 OXTOBY/NACHTRIEB --- 1996 Principles of modern chemistry E1678 SERWAY/MOSES/MOYER --- 1997 Modern physics, second edition E1679 STANLEY [ed] --- 1972 Biomedical physics and biomaterials science E1680 COHEN/ELKANA [eds] --- 1977 Hermann von Helmholtz: epistemological writings E1681 HAYT --- 1981 Engineering electromagnetics E1682 LINSTROMBERG --- 1970 Organic chemistry: a brief course, second edition E1683 MAZO --- 1967 Statistical mechanical theories of transport processes E1684 MASON/SPURLING --- 1969 The virial equation of state E1685 PLANCK --- 1914 The theory of heat radiation E1686 PIPPARD --- 1957 Elements of classical thermodynamics for advanced students of physics E1687 SCHER [ed] --- 1988 Unconventional photoactie solids E1688 WABER [ed] --- 1985 Characterization and behavior of materials with submicron dimensions E1689 GRECH [ed] --- 2008 Proceedings of the Third Polish Symposium on econo- and sociophysics [Wroclaw, November 2007] E1690 GONZALO --- 2008 The intelligible universe: an overview of the last thirteen billion years, second edition E1691 MALLAMACE/GLOTZER/MALESCIO/POOLE/SALVETTI [eds] --- 2002 Horizon in complex systems: in honor of Professor H. Eugene Stanley on the occasion of his 60th birthday E1692 LEBOWITZ [ed] --- 1984 Journal of Statistical Physics [Vol. 34, Nos. 5/6] E1693 McGRAYNE --- 1993 Nobel Prize women in science: their lives, struggles, and momentous discoveries E1694 WILLE [ed] --- 2004 New direction in statistical physics: econophysics, bioinformatics, and pattern recognition E1695 NATIONAL ACADEMIES --- 2007 Keck Futures -- Smart prosthetics: exploring assistive devices for the body and mind E1696 NATIONAL ACADEMIES --- 2006 Keck Futures -- The genomic revolution: implications for treatment and control of infectious disease E1697 NATIONAL ACADEMIES --- 2008 Keck Futures -- The future of human healthspan: demography, evolution, medicine, and bioenginering E1698 NATIONAL ACADEMIES --- 2007 PNAS special issue: Economics of health and mortality special feature E1699 NATIONAL ACADEMIES --- 2008 Keck Futures Conference -- Complex systems (conference materials: 13-15 November 2008, Irvine, CA) E1700 BARRAT/BARTHELEMY/VESPIGNANI --- 2008 Dynamical processes on complex networks E1701 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CHEMISTRY --- 2008 Energy and evnironmental science E1702 PNAS --- 2007 Economics of health and mortality special feature E1703 McANDREW --- 2008 The science of gossip [Mind/Scientific American, October/November 2008] E1704 GROSSE --- 2000 [Ph.D. dissertation] Applications of statistical physics and information theory to the analysis of DNA sequences E1705 STIX --- 2008 [Scientific American article] Plugging into the brain E1706 PELLETIER [photographer] --- 2008 Ten years of the L'Oreal-UNESCO Women in Science Awards E1707 TALEB --- 2004 Fooled by randomness: the hidden role of chance in life and in the markets, second edition E1708 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL --- 2008 Maritime security partnerships E1709 GALAM --- 2008 Les scientifiques ont perdue le Nord: reflexions sur la rechauffement climatique E1710 COMPLEXITY NET --- 2009 Delegate brochure: Workshop on engaging with social science [Paris, January 2009] E1711 BERGEN --- 2001 Holy war inc.: inside the secret world of Osama bin Laden E1712 NESHEIM --- 2000 High tech start up: the complete handbook for creating successful new high tech companies, revised edition E1713 SCHWEITZER [ed] --- 2009 Condensed matter and complex systems (Eur Phys J B 67[3], 1 February 2009) E1714 HORGAN --- 2005 The psychology of terrorism E1715 THACKRAH --- 2004 Dictionary of terrorism, second edition E1716 GLOTZER ET AL --- 2009 International assessment of research and development in simulation-based engineering and science E1717 OSTROWSKY --- 2009 L'agenda de l'apprenti scientifique E1718 PNAS --- 2007 NAS member inaugural articles and profiles [PNAS 104 (44)] E1719 MANTEGNA/STANLEY --- 2000 An introduction to econophysics: correlations and complexity in finance [RUSSIAN TRANSLATION 2009] E1720 PIELOU --- 1969 An introduction to mathematical ecology E1721 BUNDE/HAVLIN [eds] --- 1996 Fractals and disordered systems, 2nd edition E1722 BUNDE/HAVLIN [eds] --- 1994 Fractals in science E1723 STANLEY/BARABASI/BASSINGTHWAIGHTE/BASSLER/CAMPBELL/CHISHOLM/LANGER/ LEVIN/PATE-CORNELL/SAVAGEAU/VALLE/VIDAL [eds] --- 2008 Complex systems: task group summaries [Keck futures initiative] E1724 RUSSELL/ECHCHAIBI [eds] --- 2009 International blogging: identity, politics, and networked publics E1725 BJORGO/HORGAN [eds] --- 2009 Leaving terrorism behind: individual and collective disengagement E1726 MAJUMDAR --- 2009 [Thesis: BU] Transport in asymmetrically branched structures: a statistical mechanical approach to structure-function relations in the lung E1727 FLEISCH --- 2008 A student's guide to Maxwell's equations E1728 PALSSON --- 2006 Systems biology: properties of reconstructed networks E1729 NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES --- 2009 In the light of evolution III: two centuries of Darwin/Arthur M. Sackler Colloquium [PNAS 106, 9933-10066 (16 June 2009)] E1720 GRZYBOWSKI [ed] --- 2009 Self-assembly [Themed issue of Soft Matter 5, 1093-1296 (2009)] E1721 TSALLIS --- 2009 Introduction to nonextensive statistical mechanics: approaching a complex world E1722 POUR LA SCIENCE --- 2009 Pierre-Gilles de Gennes E1723 SCHWEITZER/BATTISTON/TESSONE [eds] --- 2009 Topical issue on risk, markets, games, and networks [EPJB 71[4], 439-652 (11 October 2009)] E1724 PISKIN/HOFFMAN [eds] --- 1986 Polymeric biomaterials [NATO ASI Series] E1725 NATIONAL RESERCH COUNCIL --- 2009 Experimentation and rapid prototyping in support of counterterrorism E1726 PROBSTEIN --- 2009 Honest Sid: memoir of a gambling man E1727 VAN VLIET --- 2008 Equilibrium and non-equilibrium statistical mechanics E1728 VENKATARAMAN --- 1994 Journey into light: life and science of C. V. Raman E1729 DALUZ/GROSBERG/RAPOSO/VISWANATHAN [eds] --- 2009 The random search problem: trends and perspectives (special issue: J Phys A 42[43]) E1730 MILLER/PAGE --- 2007 Complex adaptive systems: an introduction to computtional models of social life E1731 IUPAP --- 2009 CCP Taiwan conference on computational physics [15-19 December 2009]: program E1732 HU [organizer] --- 2009 Biocomplex Taiwan: (abstracts) International workshop on biophysics and complex systems [10-15 December 2009] E1733 SASTRY [organizer] --- 2009 (program and abstracts) School and conference on multiscale modeling and simulations of hard and soft materials (JNCASR, Bengaluru, 7-20 December 2009) E1734 TATA INSTITUTE OF FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH --- 2009 Commemorating the birth centenary of Homi Jehangir Bhabha (1909-1966) E1735 WU --- 2009 Exactly solved models: a journey in statistical mechanics (selected papers with commentaries, 1963-2008) E1736 CCSS --- 2009 Abstract booklet: International Workshop on Coping with Crises in Complex Scio-Economic Systems (ETH Zurich, June 2009) E1737 HESSLER --- 2005 An experimental study of the small world problem on thefacebook.com E1738 INGLIS --- 2009 Organization of neurons and other cells in the brain (thesis, Boston University) E1739 HU --- 2005 Statistical physics approaches to understanding physiological fluctuations E1740 [ABSTRACTS] --- 2009 XI Latin American Workshop on Nonlinear Phenomena (Buzios, Brazil, October 2009) E1741 EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B --- Condensed matter and complex systems, Vol. 67, No. 3 (1 February 2009) E1742 COMPLEXITY-NET --- Workshop: Engaging with Social Science (speaker bios), Paris, January 2009 E1743 PERELLO/ALSINA --- 2009 Cultures of change: Social atoms and electronic lives [Arts Santa Monica] E1744 SCHWEITZER --- 2009 Activity report 2004-2009: Department of Management, Technology, and Economics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology E1745 GITTERMAN --- 2010 Chemistry versus physics E1746 WPI-AIMR --- 2010 WPI Advanced Institute for Materials Research Annual Workshop: Abstracts E1747 WPI-AIMR --- 2010 WPI Advanced Institute for Materials Research Annual Workshop: CV of Speakers E1748 WPI-AIMR --- 2009 WPI Advanced Institute for Materials Research News [24 December 2009] E1749 WPI-AIMR --- 2009 WPI Advanced Institute for Materials Research: Research Highlights 2009 E1750 CHRISTAKIS/FOWLER --- 2009 Connected: The surprising power of our social networks and how they shape our lives E1751 CHAI/SALERNO/MABRY [eds] --- 2010 Advances in social computing [Proceedings: 3rd Int'l Conference on Social Computing, Bethesda MD, March 2010] E1752 BOK/PROST/BROCHARD-WYART [eds] --- 2009 P. G. De Gennes' impact on science: Vol. 1 -- Solid state and liquid crystals E1753 BOK/PROST/BROCHARD-WYART [eds] --- 2009 P. G. De Gennes' impact on science: Vol. 2 -- Soft matter and biophysics E1754 TAKAYASU/WATANABE/YAKAYASU [eds] --- 2010 Econophysics approaches to large-scale business data and financial crisis [Proc Tokyo Tech-Hitotsubashi Conf+APFA7 E1755 GRUPEN --- 2010 Introduction to radiation protection: Practical knowledge for handling radioactive sources E1756 YU/CARDONA --- 2010 Fundamentals of semiconductors: Physics and material properties E1757 JACKSON --- 2008 Social and economic networks E1758 BATTY --- 2007 Cities and complexity: Understanding cities with cellular automata, agent-based models, and fractals E1759 REINHART/ROGOFF --- 2009 This time is different: Eight centuries of financial folly E1760 GOYAL --- 2007 Connections: An introduction to the economics of networks E1761 MARTIN --- 2009 Social structures E1762 BROWN/LIEBOVITCH --- 2010 Fractal analysis E1763 WEST/SCAFETTA --- 2010 Disrupted networks: From physics to climate change E1764 GUYON/HULIN/PETIT --- 2005 Ce que disent les fluides E1765 GUYON --- 2010 Matiere et materiaux: De quoi est fait le monde? E1766 KNOKE/YANG --- 2008 Social network analysis E1767 CSERMELY --- 2009 Weak links: The universal key to the stability of networks and complex systems E1768 GILBERT --- 2008 Agent-based models E1769 JOHNSON --- 2007 Simply complexity: A clear guide to complexity theory E1770 MANDELBROT/HUDSON --- 2004 The (mis)behavior of markets: A fractal view of financial turbulence E1771 VALENTE --- 2010 Social networks and health: Models, methods, and applications E1772 NEWMAN --- 2010 Networks: An introduction E1773 PREIS --- 2010 [Thesis: Johannes Gutenberg-Univ.] Quantifying and modeling financial market fluctuations E1774 SCHECK --- 2010 Mechanics: From Newton's laws to deterministic chaos, 5th edition E1775 GRUPEN --- 2010 Introduction to radiation protection: Practical knowledge for handling radioactive sources E1776 VASINI --- 1953-2008 International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi" E1777 IL NUOVO CIMENTO: BASSANI/CIFARELLI/DeSANCTIS/PIRAGINO/RICCI --- 2006 Scritti Scelti 1855-1944 E1778 INDEKEU/KAUFMANN [eds] --- 2010 Statistical, fluid, and biological physics problems E1779 FERMI --- 1954 (reprinted 2008) Lectures on pions and nucleons E1780 RANGACHARYULU/HAVEN [eds] --- 2010 Proceedings of the First Interdisciplinary CHESS Interactions Conference [Saskatoon, August 2009] E1781 INDEKEU/KAUFMANN [eds] --- 2010 Statistical, fluid, and biological physics problems 1782 GRANT --- 1972 Grant's atlas of anatomy, 6th edition E1783 BINDER/HEERMANN --- 2010 Monte Carlo simulation in statistical physics: An introduction, fifth edition E1784 GARIBALDI/SCALAS --- 2010 Finitry probabilistic methods in econophysics E1785 Statphys24 SATELLITE MEETING --- 2010 [abstracts] New frontiers in complex networks E1786 vanBEIJEREN/INDEKEU --- 2010 Proceedings: 12th International Summer School on Fundamental Problems in Statistical Physics E1787 STANLEY/OSTROWSKY [eds] --- 1990 Correlations and connectivity: Geometric aspects of physics, chemistry, and biology E1788 BOCCARA --- 2010 Modeling complex systems, 2nd edition E1789 LUTH --- 2010 Solid surfaces, interfaces, and thin films, 5th edition E1790 THYAGARAJAN/GHATAK --- 2010 Lasers: Fundamentals and applications, 2nd edition E1791 ECONOMOU --- 2010 The physics of solids: Essentials and beyond E1792 PREIS --- 2011 Oekonophysik: Die Physik des Finanzmarktes E1793 DREIZLER/LUDDE --- 2011 Theoretical mechanics: Theoretical physics I E1794 BAGLIONI/CHEN [eds] --- 2010 Int'l Workshop Abstracts: Dynamic crossover phenomena in water and other glass-forming liquids [11-13 Nov. 2010, Florence, Italy] E1795 FAST --- 1962 Entropy: The significance of the concept of entropy and its applications in science and technology E1796 GRUPEN --- 2010 Introduction to radiation protection: Practical knowledge for handling radioactive sources E1797 ECONOMOU --- 2010 The physics of solids: Essentials and beyond E1798 YU/CARDONA --- 2010 Fundamentals of semiconductors: Physics and materials properties, fourth edition E1799 BOCCARA --- 2010 Modeling complex systems, second edition E1800 FUCHS --- 2010 The dynamics of heat: A unified approach to thermodynamics and heat transfer, second edition E1801 SCHECK --- 2010 Mechanics: From Newton's laws to deterministic chaos, fifth edition E1802 THYAGARAJAN/GHATAK --- 2010 Lasers: Fundamentals and applications, second edition E1803 DREIZLER/LUEDDE --- 2011 Theoretical mechanics: Theoretical physics 1, first edition E1804 GRUNDMANN --- 2010 The physics of semiconductors: An introduction including nanophysics and applications, second edition E1805 NISHIMORI/ORTIZ --- 2011 Elements of phase transitions and critical phenomena E1806 BINDER/HEERMANN --- 2010 Monte Carlo simulation in statistical physics: An introduction, fifth edition E1807 LUTH --- 2010 Solid surfaces, interfaces, and thin films, fifth edition E1808 FUCHS --- 2010 The dynamics of heat: A unified approach to thermodynamics and heat transfer E1809 ALLOUL (English trans. Lyle) --- 2011 Introduction to the physics of electrons in solids E1810 DEMTRODER --- 2010 Atoms, molecules, and photons: An introduction to atomic, molecular, and quantum physics, second edition E1811 MALLAMACE/STANLEY [eds] --- 2004 The physics of complex systems: New advances and perspectives [Proceedings: Enrico Fermi School 2003] E1812 REIF --- 1965 Fundamentals of statistical and thermal physics E1813 GROSBERG/KHOKHLOV --- 1997 Giant molecules: Here, there, and everywhere E1814 MANDELBROT --- 1975 Les objects fractals: forme, hasard et dimension E1815 ATRAN --- 2010 Talking to the enemy: Faith, brotherhood, and the (un)making of terrorists E1816 SAGEMAN --- 2008 Leaderless jihad: Terror networks in the twenty-first century E1817 BOURGINE/LESNE [eds] --- 2011 Morphogenesis: Orgins of patterns and shapes E1818 HOLBROW/LLOYD/AMATO/GALVEZ/PARKS --- 2010 Modern introductory physics, 2nd edition E1819 BARS/TERNING --- 2010 Extra dimensions in space and time E1820 BONITZ/HORING/LUDWIG --- 2010 Introduction to complex plasmas E1821 VOLAND/SCHIEFENHOEVEL [eds] --- 2009 The biological evolution of religious mind and behavior E1822 KLEIN --- 2010 Industrial color physics E1823 HAFEMEISTER --- 2007 Physics of societal issues: Calculations on national security, environment, and energy E1824 BUCHANAN/CALDARELLI/DELOSRIOS/RAO/VENDRUSCOLO [eds] --- 2010 Networks in cell boilogy E1825 KLEPPNER/KOLENKOW --- 2010 An introduction to mechanics E1826 KRAPIVSKY/REDNER/BEN-NAIM --- 2010 A kinetic view of statistical physics E1827 COHEN/HAVLIN --- 2010 Complex networks: Stucture, robustness, and function E1828 MEHTA --- 2007 Granular physics E1829 FUCHS --- 2011 Coming of age with quantum information: Notes on a Paulian idea E1830 SNEPPEN/ZOCCHI --- 2005 Physics in molecular biology E1831 FORGACS/NEWMAN --- 2005 Biological physics of the developing embryo E1832 SCHUMACHER/WESTMORELAND --- 2010 Quantum processes, systems, and information E1833 ROEHNER --- 2007 Driving forces in physical, biological, and socio-economic phenomena: A network science investigation of social bonds and interactions E1834 HERBUT --- 2007 A modern approach to critical phenomena E1835 OLAFSEN [ed] --- 2010 Experimental and computational techniques in soft condensed matter physics E1836 EL-BATANOUNY/WOOTEN --- 2008 Symmetry and condensed matter physics: A computational approach E1837 CASTIGLIONE/FALCIONI/LESNE/VULPIANI --- 2008 Chaos and coarse graining in statistical mechanics E1838 LANDAU/BINDER --- 2009 A guide to Monte Carlo simulations in statistical physics, third edition E1839 MCCAULEY --- 2009 Dynamics of markets: The new financial economics, second edition E1840 BAAQUIE --- 2010 Interest rates and coupon bonds in quantum finance E1841 NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES --- 2011 Microbes and health: Arthur M. Sackler Colloquium [PNAS 108, 4513-4696 (2011)] E1842 NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES --- 2011 Surface chemistry: Special feature [PNAS 108, 911-994 (2011)] E1843 BARTHELEMY --- 2011 Spatial networks [Physics Reports 499 (2011) 1-101] E1844 PREIS --- 2011 Progress in econophysics [Euro. Phys. J. Special Topics 194 (11 March 2011)] E1845 VISWANATHAN/LUZ/RAPOSO/STANLEY --- 2011 The physics of foraging E1846 STAUFFER/STANLEY --- 1994 Newtontol Mandelbrotig: Bevezetes az elmeleti fizikaba [Hungarian translation] E1847 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL --- 2011 Intelligence analysis for tomorrow: Advances from the behavioral and social sciences E1848 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL --- 2009 Engineering in K-12 education: Understanding the status and improving the prospects E1849 VIRGINIA MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE COALITION --- 2010 Journal of Mathematics and Science: Collaborative Explorations, Vol. 12: Symposium "What We Have Learned" E1850 EAST CHINA UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY --- 2011 International Conference on Econophysics, Shanghai, 4-6 June 2011 [abstracts] E1851 SCHMIDT --- 2011 Financial markets and trading: An introduction to market microstructure and trading strategies E1852 WEST/GRIGOLINI --- 2011 Complex webs: Anticipating the improbable E1853 PIETRONERO --- 2007 Complessita a altre storie E1854 AFTANDILIAN --- 2009 Looking forward: An integrated strategy for supporting democracy and human rights in Egypt E1855 KANIADAKIS/SCARFONE [eds] --- 2011 International Conference on Statistical Mechanics [Abstracts], July 2011, Cyprus E1856 IEEE --- 2011 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE: Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society [Program], August-September 2011, Boston E1857 PELITI --- 2011 Statistical mechanics in a nutshell E1858 GUTENBERG --- 1949 Seismicity of the earth and associated phenomena E1859 CRONIN --- 2009 How terrorism ends: Understanding the decline and demise of terrorist campaigns E1860 PETERS --- 2009 Seeds of terror: How heroin is bankrolling the Taliban and Al Qaeda E1861 HERRIDGE --- 2011 The next wave: On the hunt for Al Qaeda's American recruits E1862 NORTH AMERICAN VASCULAR BIOLOGY ORGANIZATION --- 2011 Annual meeting: Vascular matrix biology and bioengineering workshop [Abstracts], October 2011, Hyannis, MA E1863 GAZDA/GEVAI [eds] --- 2004 World famous Hungarians E1864 TAHIR-KHELI --- 2012 General and statistical thermodynamics E1865 VIENS/MARIANI/FLORESCU [eds] --- 2012 Handbook of modeling high-frequency data in finance E1866 SCHIFF --- 2012 Neural control engineering: The emerging intersection between control theory and neuroscience E1867 BARABASI --- 2010 Bursts: The hidden pattern behind everything we do E1868 PLEVERT --- 2011 Pierre-Gilles de Gennes: A life in science E1869 BODIE/TAQQU --- 2012 Risk less and prosper: Your guide to safer investing E1870 WIDOM --- 2002 Statistical mechanics: A concise introduction for chemists E1871 DILLON --- 2012 Biophysics: A physiological approach E1872 EASLEY/KLEINBERG --- 2010 Networks, crowds, and markets: Reasoning about a highly connected world E1873 WASSERMAN --- 2012 Thermal physics: concepts and practice E1874 AARABI --- 2007 The art of lecturing: A practical guide to successful university lectures and business presentations E1875 RENK --- 2012 Basics of laser physics for students of science and engineering E1876 GABRIELLI/LABINI/JOYCE/PIETRONERO --- 2005 Statistical physics for cosmic structures E1877 J. STAT. PHYS. 145[3] --- 2011 Special Issue Dedicated to Cyril Domb E1878 FERRIS [ed] --- 2001 The best American science writing 2001 E1879 GRIMVALL --- 2007 Brainteaser physics: Challenging physics puzzlers E1880 DA FONTOURA COSTA/CESAR --- 2009 Shape classification and analysis: Theory and practice, second edition E1881 JAMES --- 2006 Statistical methods in experimental physics, 2nd edition E1882 COSTA/EVSUKOFF/MANGIONI/MENEZES [eds] --- 2011 Complex networks: Communications in computer and information science [Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop, CompleNet 2010, Rio de Janeiro, October 2010] E1883 FLORESCU/MARIANI/STANLEY/VIENS [eds] --- 2012 Quantitative Finance 12[4] 2012 [Special Issue on High Frequency Data Analysis] E1884 SAUNDERS --- 1980 An introduction to catastrophe theory E1885 HILL --- 1972 Physics applied to anaesthesia, 2nd edition E1886 YANG/GREENBERG/ENDSLEY [eds] --- 2012 Social computing, behavioral-cultural modeling, and prediction [5th Int'l Conference, College Park] E1887 BLAUG/LLOYD [eds] --- 2010 Famous figures and diagrams in economics E1888 PHYSICS WORLD --- 2010 Complex affairs: Challenges in network science E1889 NATURE PHYSICS --- 2012 Special Issue: Complexity E1890 AMERICAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES --- 2008 Sackler Colloquia: Nanomaterials in Medicine E1891 AMERICAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES --- 2008 PNAS Special Issue: Mass Spectrometry E1892 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL --- 2012 A framwork for K-12 science education: Practices, crosscutting concepts, and core ideas E1893 MALLAMACE/STANLEY [eds] --- 2012 Complex materials in physics and biology [Proc. 2010 Enrico Fermi School International School of Physics, Course CLXXVI] E1894 BES --- 2012 Quantum mechanics: A modern and concise introductory course, 3rd edition E1895 HELBING [ed] --- 2012 Social self-organization: Agent-based simulations and experiments to study emergent social behavior E1896 CARTER --- 2010 Mapping the mind (revised and updated) E1897 SPORNS --- 2011 Networks of the brain E1898 CARTER/ALDRIDGE/PAGE/PARKER --- 2009 The human brain book E1899 FULTZ/HOWE --- 2013 Transmission electron microscopy and diffratometry of materials, 4th edition E1900 LUTH --- 2013 Quantum physics in the nanoworld: Schroedinger's cat and the dwarfs E1901 BAGARELLO --- 2013 Quantum dynamics for classical systems with applications of the number operator E1902 TANG/LIU --- 2012 Community detection and mining in social media E1903 RANGACHARYULU/HAVEN --- 2010 Proceedings of the First Interdiscipinary CHESS Interactions Conference E1904 TALIB --- 2012 Antifragile: Things that gain from disorder E1905 JAMES --- 2006 Statistical methods in experimental physics, 2nd edition E1906 TOHOKU UNIVERSITY --- 2012 Abstracts: 4th Int'l Symposium on Slow Dynamics in Complex Systems E1907 SIRCA/HORVAT --- 2012 Computational methods for physicists: Compendium for students E1908 GUTTMANN/JACOBSEN [eds] --- 2012 Festschrift for F. Y. Wu: Lattice Models and Integrability [J. Phys. A Special Issue Vol. 45 (2012)] E1909 KLEIN/DALKO/WANG [eds] --- 2012 Regulating competition in stock markets: Antitrust measures to promote fairness and transparency through investor protection and crisis prevention E1910 POHL --- 2013 Epitaxy of semiconductors: Introduction to physical principles E1911 CALDARELLI/CATANZARO --- 2012 Networks: A very short introduction E1912 DUBBERS/STOECKMANN --- 2013 Quantum physics: The bottom-up approach, from the simple two-level system to irreducible representations E1913 POHL --- 2013 Epitaxy of semiconductors: Introduction to physical principles E1914 BUCHANAN --- 2013 Forecast: What physics, meteorology, and the natural sciences can teach us about economics E1915 GITTERMAN/HALPERN --- 2004 Phase transitions: A brief account with modern applications E1916 DK PUBLISHING --- 2011 Eyewitness Travel Boston E1917 HAVEN/KHRENNIKOV --- 2013 Quantum social science E1918 AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY --- 2013 APS March Meeting program book E1919 CAHILL --- 2013 Physical mathematics E1920 ARCHIBALD/FELDMAN --- 2011 Why does college cost so much? E1921 NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES --- 2011 Membership directory E1922 HOMMES --- 2013 Behavioral rationality and heterogeneous expectations in complex economic systems E1923 CASIMIR --- 1983 Haphazard reality: Half a century of science E1924 CENTER FOR BIOMEDICAL TECHNOLOGY [MADRID] --- 2013 Conference: XXXIII Dynamics Days Europe [Abstracts] E1925 HERMANN [ed] --- 1972 International crises: Insights from behavioral research E1926 SINGER [ed] --- 1968 Quantitative international politics: Insights and evidence E1927 COLEMAN --- 1972 Measurement and analysis of political systems: A science of social behavior E1928 HELBING/CARBONE [eds] --- 2012 Participatory science and computing for our complex world (Eur. Phys. J. 214, 1-666) E1929 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMIES --- 2002 Making the nation safe: The role of science and technology in countering terrorism E1930 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMIES --- 2012 Terrorism and the electric power delivery system E1931 FERMI --- 2008 [reprint] Lectures on pions and nucleons [Varenna, 18 July - 7 August 1954] E1932 GROSSMANN --- 2013 Theoretical femtosecond physics: Atoms and molecules in strong laser fields, 2nd edition E1933 SCHERER --- 2013 Computational physics: Simulation of classical and quantum systems, 2nd edition E1934 NATO/ARW --- 2013 New challenges in complex systems physics: Disaster forecasting, crisis modeling, and sustainable development [Program and Abstracts: NATO Advanced Research Workshop, May 2013, Samarakand, Uzbekistan] E1935 ALLAHVERDYAN/BALIAN/NIEUWENHUIZEN --- 2013 Understanding quantum measurement from the solution of dynamical models [Physics Reports 525[1], 1-166 (2013)] E1936 GROZIN --- 2014 Introduction to Mathematica for physicists E1937 Linyuan LV --- 2013 Link prediction (Chinese) E1938 SOUTHWELL --- 2013 Social networks and popular understanding of science and health: Sharing disparities E1939 ESPINOLA --- 1994 Introduction to thermophysics E1940 ADKINS --- 1983 Equilibrium thermodynamics, 3rd edition E1941 SMITH --- 2004 Basic chemical thermodynamics, 5th edition E1942 BOWLEY/SANCHEZ --- 1999 Introductory statistical mechanics, 2nd edition E1943 REIF --- 1965 Fundamentals of statistical and thermal physics E1944 KITTEL/KROEMER --- 1980 Thermal physics, 2nd edition E1945 SCHROEDER --- 2000 An introduction to thermal physics E1946 KARDAR --- 2007 Statistical physics of particles E1947 KARDAR --- 2007 Statistical physics of fields E1948 LEE --- 2002 Thermal physics: Entropy and free energies E1949 PARDEE CENTER TASK FORCE [BU] --- 2013 Remittance flow to post-conflict states: Perspectives on human security and development E1950 AOYAMA/FUJIWARA/IYETOMI/SATO [eds] --- 2011 Econophysics 2011: The hitchhiker's guide to the economy [Proc. YITP Workshop on Econophysics/Kyoto 15-16 July 2011] E1951 LI [Guanliang] --- 2013 Transport and percolation in complex networks [BU thesis] E1952 SLANINA --- 2014 Essentials of econophysics modelling E1953 COURANT/HILBERT --- 1937 Methods of mathematical physics, volume one E1954 CARRIER/KROOK/PEARSON --- 1966 Functions of a complex variable: Theory and technique E1955 CHURCHILL --- 1960 Complex variables and applications E1956 BEN-NAIM --- 2008 A farewell to entropy: Statistical thermodynamics based on information E1957 CARTER --- 2001 Classical and statistical thermodynamics E1958 ANDERSEN/NOWAK --- 2013 A introduction to socio-finance E1959 D'AGOSTINO/SCALA [eds] --- 2014 Networks of networks: The last frontier of complexity E1960 MASTRANDREA --- 2014 Empirical analysis of complex networks: Three essays [PhD thesis] E1961 NELSON --- 2014 Physics in living systems (course notes) E1962 EICHHORN --- 2014 Laser physics: From principles to practical work in the lab E1963 HASSELMO --- 2012 How we remember: Brain mechanisms of episodic memory E1964 BOUCHAUD/POTTERS --- 2000 Theory of financial risks: From statistical physics to risk management E1965 MATRASULOV/STANLEY [eds] --- 2014 Nonliner phenomena in complex systems: From nano to macro scale E1966 MATRASULOV/STANLEY [eds] --- 2014 Nonliner phenomena in complex systems: From nano to macro scale E1967 VISWANATHAN/RAPOSO/DaLUZ [eds] --- 2014 Perspectives and challenges in statistical physics and complex systems for the next decade E1968 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMIES --- 2013 Frontiers in massive data analysis E1969 ALDRIDGE --- 2013 High-frequency trading: A practical guide to algorithmic strategies and trading systems, 2nd edition E1970 TALEB --- 2014 Silent risk: Lectures on fat tails, (anti)fragility, precaution, and asymmetric exposures E1971 BARABASI --- 2012 Network science E1972 VAN MIEGHEM --- 2014 Performance analysis of complex networks and systems E1973 WIMBERGER --- 2014 Nonlinear dynamics and quantum chaos: An introduction E1974 KAMAL --- 2014 Particle physics E1975 KAMAL --- 2014 Nuclear physics E1976 'T HOOFT/VANDOREN --- 2014 Time in powers of ten: Natural phenonena and their timescales E1977 ROEHNER --- 2007 Driving forces in physical, biological, and socio-economic phenomena: A network science investigation of social bonds and interactions E1978 NILSSON --- 2014 The gentle way of the heart: Discover the light within E1979 FRANKLIN --- 2013 Computational methods for physics E1980 ZANGWILL --- 2013 Modern electrodynamics E1981 KARDAR --- 2007 Statistical physics of particles E1982 CROSS/GREENSIDE --- 2009 Pattern formation and dynamics in nonequilibrium systems E1983 KRAPIVSKY/REDNER/BEN-NAIM --- 2010 A kinetic view of statistical physics E1984 PRUESSNER 2012 --- Self-organized criticality: Theory, models, and characterization E1985 BUCHANAN/CALDARELLI/DeLosRIOS/RAO/VENDRUSCOLO --- 2010 Networks in cell biology E1986 BARRAT/BARTHELEMY/VESPIGNANI --- 2008 Dynamical processes on complex networks E1987 PANG --- 2006 An introduction to computational physics E1988 YEVICK --- 2012 A short course in computational science and engineering: C++, Java, and Octave numerical programming with free software tools E1989 COHEN/HAVLIN --- 2010 Complex networks: Structure, robustness, and function E1990 EASLEY/KLEINBERG --- 2010 Networks, crowds, and markets: Reasoning about a highly connected world E1991 HAYASHI/ISHIZAKA/KAWACHI/KIMURA/OGAWA --- 2015 Introduction to quantum information science E1992 SOKOLOV --- 2014 Application of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics to the analysis of problems in financial markets and economy [Thesis: University of Melbourne] E1993 LUETH --- 2015 Solid surfaces, interfaces, and thin films, 6th edition E1994 MORRISON --- 2014 Understanding the brain through its spatial structure [Dissertation: Boston University] E1995 ARTHUR --- 2015 Complexity and the economy E1996 CHEN/WANG/LI --- 2015 Introduction to complex networks: Models, structures, and dynamics E1997 GOODSTEIN --- 2015 Thermal physics: Energy and entropy E1998 INSTITUTE FOR SYSTEMS BIOLOGY --- 2015 Tipping Points in Medicine and Ecology [Conference schedule and abstracts, 6-7 April 2015, Seattle] E1999 FRAME/COHEN [eds] --- 2015 Benoit Mandelbrot: A life in many dimensions E2000 Gao --- 2012 Research on robustness and synchronization of network of networks [Dissertation: Shanghai Jiao Tong University (in Chinese)] E2001 LORENTZ CENTER --- 2013 Workshop: Modeling with measures: From structured populations to crowd dynamics [Abstracts] E2002 KRUGMAN/WELLS --- 2012 Economics, 3rd edition E2003 [ABSTRACTS] --- 2015 Tipping poins in medicine and ecology (Institute for Systems Biology, International Symposium, 6-7 April 2015, Seattle) E2004 STILLINGER --- 2016 Energy landscapes, inherent structures, and condensed-matter phenomena E2005 STAUFFER/AHARONY --- 1992 Introduction to percolation theory, 2nd edition E2006 AFTANDILIAN --- 2015 The new Arab regional order: Opportunities and challenges for US policy E2007 DITTRICH/REUTER --- 2016 Classical and quantum dynamics: From classical paths to path integrals, 4th edition E2008 LIM [ed] --- 1990 Problems and solutions in thermodynamics and statistical mechanics E2009 GRUNDMANN --- 2016 The physics of semiconductors: An introduction including nanophysics and applications, 3rd edition E2010 ZIPF --- 1949 Human behavior and the principle of least effort E2011 SAMID --- 2015 Tethered money: Managing digital currency transactions E2012 CLEMENT-GRANDCOURT/FRAYSSE --- 2015 Hazardous forecasts and crisis scenario generator E2013 DAROLLES/GOURIEROUX --- 2015 Contagion Phenomena with Applications in Finance E2014 GUSHCHIN --- 2015 Stochastic calculus for quantitative finance E2015 JURCZENKO [ed] --- 2015 Risk-based and factor investing E2016 CHMURA/CONSOLINO [text and captions] --- 2007 Historic Photos of the University of Michigan E2017 PURVES/AUGUSTINE/FITZPATRICK/HALL/LAMANTIA/WHITE [eds] --- 2012 Neuroscience, 5th edition E2018 CHANDRA/COLEMAN/KOTLIAR/ONG/STEIN/YU [eds] --- 2016 PWA90: A lifetime of emergence [Festschrift for P. W. Anderson] E2019 FLORESCU/MARIANI/STANLEY/VIENS [eds] --- 2016 Handbook of high-frequency trading and modeling in finance E2020 ABERGEL/ANANE/CHAKRABORTI/JEDIDI/TOKE --- 2016 Limit order books E2021 LEVY-CARCIENTE --- 2016 Descifrando el colapso [Spanish] E2022 AMTHOR --- 2016 Neuroscience for dummies E2023 DIAMOND/SCHEIBEL/ELSON --- 1985 The human brain coloring book E2024 SHONE --- 2002 Economic dynamics: Phase diagrams and their economic application, 2nd edition E2025 JOSHI/DENSON/DOWNES --- 2013 Quant job interview questions and answers, 2nd edition E2026 CRACK --- 2014 Heard on the Street: Quantitative questions from Wall Street job interviews, 15th edition E2027 ZHOU --- 2008 A practical guide to quantitative finance interviews E2028 KEISER --- 2016 Biophotonics: Concepts to applications E2029 WILSON/KIRMAN [eds] --- Complexity and evolution: Toward a new systhesis for economics E2030 KHOO/MOLIN [eds] --- 2016 Peregrinations from physics to phylogeny: Essays on the occasion of Hao Bailin's 80th birthday E2031 BRAZILIAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY --- 2016 Conference Program: Encontro de Fisica 2016 (3-7 September 2016, Natal) E2032 BASDEVANT --- 2016 Lectures on quantum mechanics with problems, exercises, and their solutions, 2nd edition E2033 BARABASI --- 2016 Network science E2034 PODGORSAK --- 2016 Radiation physics for medical physicists, 3rd edition E2035 HAYASHI --- 2017 Quantum information theory: Mathematical foundation, 2nd edition E2036 KRUEGER/KUSUMAATMAJA/KUZMIN/SHARDT/SILVA/VIGGEN --- 2017 The lattice Boltzmann method: Principles and practice E2037 BONAMENTE --- 2017 Statistics and analysis of scientific data, 2nd edition E2018 SCHECK --- 2016 Statistical theory of heat E2039 MANOUKIAN --- 2016 Quantum field theory I: Foundations and Abelian and non-Abelian gauge theories E2040 MANOUKIAN --- 2016 Quantum field theory II: Introductions to quantum gravity, supersymmetry and string theory E2041 ALMOG --- 2017 Maximum entropy models for financial systems [Thesis: Universiteit Leiden] E2042 CALCAGNI --- 2017 Classical and quantum cosmology E2043 PRECHTER --- 2016 The socionomic theory of finance E2044 STAUFFER/STANLEY/LESNE --- 2017 From Newton to Mandelbrot: A primer in theoretical physics, 3rd edition E2045 RENK --- 2017 Basics of laser physics: For students of science and engineering, 2nd edition E2046 ATKINS/JONES/LAVERMAN --- 2016 Chemical principles: The quest for insight, 7th edition E2047 POVH/ROSINA --- 2017 Scattering and structures: Essentials and analogies in quantum physics, 2nd edition E2048 CERRITO --- 2017 Radiation and detectors: Introduction to the physics of radiation and detection devices E2049 PETERS --- 1994 Fractal market analysis: Applying chaos theory to investment and economics E2050 DiGUILMI/LANDINI/GALLEGATI --- 2017 Interactive macroeconomics: Stochastic aggregate dynamics with hererogeneous and interacting agents E2051 BARTHELEMY --- 2016 The structure and dynamics of cities: Urban data analysis and theoretical modeling E2052 ARODZ/HADASZ --- 2017 Lectures on classical and quantum theory of fields, 2nd edition E2053 FRIEDRICH --- 2017 Theoretical atomic physics, 4th edition E2054 PEARSALL --- 2017 Quantum photonics E2055 HOLYST [ed] --- 2017 Cyberemotions: Collective emotions in cyberspace E2056 NHAN/NAM --- 2017 Understanding viscoelasticity: An introduction to rheology, 3rd edition E2057 VENKATASUBRAMANIAN --- 2017 How much inequality is fair? Mathematical principles of a moral, optimal, and stable capitalist society E2058 HERTEL --- 2017 Quantum theory and statistical thermodynamics: Principles and worked examples E2059 PIEL --- 2017 Plasma physics: An introduction to laboratory, space, and fusion plasmas, 2nd edition E2060 SCHERER --- 2017 Computional physics: Simulation of classical and quantum systems, 3rd edition E2061 VENKATASUBRAMANIAN --- 2017 How much inequality is fair? Mathematical principles of a moral, optimal, and stable capitalist society E2062 AOYAMA/FUJIWARA/IKEDA/IYETOMI/SOUMA/YOSHIKAWA --- 2017 Macro-econophysics: New studies on economic networks and synchronization E2063 BALL --- 2012 Why society is a complex matter: Meeting Twenty-First Century challenges with a new kind of science E2064 HAMAGUCHI --- 2017 Basic semiconductor physics, 3rd edition E2065 DRESSELHAUS/DRESSELHAUS/CRONIN/SOUZA-FILHO --- 2018 Solid state properties: From bulk to nano E2066 SCHECK --- 2018 Mechanics: From Newton's laws to deterministic chaos, 6th edition E2067 TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAET DORTMUND --- 2018 Yearbook [auf Deutsch] E2068 YE --- 2017 Scientific metrics: Towards analytical and quantitative sciences E2069 WOLFRAM RESEARCH --- 2002 A new kind of science: Explorer [Mathematica extension software] E2070 SCHECK --- 2018 Classical field theory: On electrodynamics, non-Abelian gauge theories, and gravitation, 2nd edition E2071 GROSSMANN --- 2018 Theoretical femtosecond physics: Atoms and molecules in strong laser fields, 3rd edition E2072 DUMAIS/HAWRYLYCZ/HILL/SCHOELKOPF/SEKHON/SHIFFRIN [eds] --- 2015 Drawing causal inference from big data (NAS Colloquia, 26-27 March 2015) E2073 YANNAS --- 2015 Tissue and organ regeneration in adults: Extension of the paradigm to several organs, 2nd edition E2074 THURNER/HANEL/KLIMEK --- 2018 Introduction to the theory of complex systems E2075 BECKER --- 2018 Statistical physics of foreign exchange markets and interbank networks [BU Dissertation] E2076 WOOD --- 1974 Problems in physical chemistry E2077 FERMI --- 1936 Thermodynamics E2078 FRANK --- 1971 Quantitative concepts in physical chemistry E2079 WEINBERG --- 1967 Reflections on big science E2080 BOCKRIS/CONWAY [eds] --- 1977 Modern aspects of electrochemistry E2081 SLANINA --- 2014 Essentials of econophysics modelling E2082 SIRCA/HORVAT --- 2018 Computational methods in physics: Compendium for students, 2nd edition E2083 WEST/GRIGOLINI --- 2011 Complex webs: Anticipating the improbable E2084 BARABASI --- 2018 The formula: The universal laws of success E2085 SUNG --- 2018 Statistical physics for biological matter E2086 AOYAMA/FUJIWARA/IKEDA/IYETOMI/SOUMA --- 2010 Econphysics and companies: Statistical life and death in complex business networks E2087 WHITE/HANDLER/SMITH --- 1973 Principles of biochemistry, 5th edition E2088 WILLIAMS/BEUTLER/ERSLEV/RUNDLES --- 1972 Hematology E2089 LeBELLAC/MORTESSAGNE/BATROUNI --- 2004 Equilibrium and non-equilibrium statistical thermodynamics E2090 SERWAY --- 1990 Physics for scientists and engineers with modern physics, Vol. 2, 3rd edition E2091 RESNICK/HALLIDAY/KRANE --- 1992 Volume one: Physics, 4th edition E2092 KATZ --- 2017 Physics for scientists and engineers: Foundations and connections with modern physics E2093 BARABASI --- 2002 Linked: How everything is connected to everything else and what it means for business, science, and everyday life E2094 THURNER/HANEL/KLIMEK --- 2018 Introduction to the theory of complex systems E2095 LOBO/LOBO --- 2018 Desafios e escolhas de uma lideranca: A vida profissional do ex-reitor da USP e da UMC E2096 BINDER/HEERMANN --- 2019 Monte Carlo simulation in statistical physics: An introduction, 6th edition E2097 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WATER AND MOLECULAR NETWORKS [wamnet] LIST ------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. Ben-Naim, Water and Aqueous Solutions: Introduction to a Molecular Theory (Plenum Press, New York, 1974). W1 P. Ball, Designing the Molecular World (Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1994). W2 E. R. Dobbs and W. J. Merz [eds], Structure and Properties of Polymer Networks, NINTH EUROPHYSICS CONFERENCE ON MACROMOLECULAR PHYSICS: JABLONNA, POLAND, 23--28 APRIL 1979, "Europhysics Conference Abstracts," L. van Gerven, series editor (European Physical Society, Geneva, 1979). W3 J. C. Dore and J. Teixeira [eds], Hydrogen-Bonded Liquids, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATO ADVANCED STUDY INSTITUTE ON HYDROGEN-BONDED LIQUIDS, CARGESE, CORSICA, FRANCE, 3--15 APRIL 1989 (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1991). W4 W. Drost-Hansen and J. S. Clegg [eds], Cell-Associated Water (Academic Press, New York, 1979). W5 N. H. Fletcher, The Chemical Physics of Ice (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1970). W6 F. Franks [ed], Water: A Comprehensive Treatise, Vol. 1. The Physics and Physical Chemistry of Water (Plenum Press, New York, 1972). W7 F. Franks [ed], Water: A Comprehensive Treatise, Vol. 3. Aqueous Solutions of Simple Electrolytes (Plenum Press, New York, 1973). W8 F. Franks [ed], Water: A Comprehensive Treatise, Vol. 5. Water in Disperse Systems (Plenum Press, New York, 1975). W9 F. Franks [ed], Water: A Comprehensive Treatise, Vol. 6. Recent Advances (Plenum Press, New York, 1979). W10 F. Franks [ed], Water Science Reviews 1 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1985). W11 F. Franks [ed], Water Science Reviews 3: Water Dynamcs (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1988). W12 F. Franks [ed], Water Science Reviews 4: Hydration Phenomena in Colloidal Systems (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1989). W13 J. P. Hansen and I. R. McDonald, Theory of Simple Liquids, Second Edition (Academic Press, London, 1986). W14 P. V. Hobbs, Ice Physics (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1974). W15 F. Kohler, The Liquid State (Verlag Chemie, Weinheim, 1972). W16 E. Lang [dissertation], Hochdruck-Kernresonanzuntersuchungen zur Dynamik des unterkuehlten Wassers (Universitaet Regensburg, Regensburg, 1980). W17 L. Pauling, The Nature of the Chemical Bond and the Structure of Molecules and Crystals: An Introduction to Modern Structural Chemistry, Third Edition (Cornell University Press, Ithaca, 1960). W18 S. P. Rowland [ed], Water in Polymers (American Chemical Society, Washington DC, 1980). W19 J. S. Rowlinson, Liquids and Liquid Mixtures, 2nd edition (Butterworth, London, 1969). W20 J. S. Rowlinson and B. Widom, Molecular Theory of Capillarity (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1982). W21 P. Schuster, G. Zundel and C. Sandorfy, The Hydrogen Bond: Recent Developments in Theory and Experiments, Vol. I. Theory (North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1976). W22 P. Schuster, G. Zundel and C. Sandorfy, The Hydrogen Bond: Recent Developments in Theory and Experiments, Vol. III. Dynamics, Thermodynamics and Special Systems (North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1976). W23 C. Tanford, The Hydrophobic Effect: Formation of Micelles and Biological Membranes (Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1973). W24 D. H. Trevena, The Liquid Phase (Wykeham Publications, London, 1975--distributed by Springer-Verlag, New York). W25 M. Van Dyke, An Album of Fluid Motion (The Parabolic Press, Stanford, 1982). W26 [A Report by the Committee on Physical, Mathematical, and Engineering Sciences Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering, and Technology to supplement the President's Fiscal Year 1993 Budget], Grand Challenges 1993: High Performance Computing and Communications (Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering, and Technology/Office of Science and Techology Policy, Washington DC, 1993). W27 P. A. Egelstaff, An Introduction to the Liquid State, Second Edition (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1992). W28 D. Eisenberg and W. Kauzmann, The Structure and Properties of Water (Oxford University Press, New York, 1969). W29 G. C. Pimentel and R. D. Spratley, Understanding Chemistry (Holden-Day, San Francisco, 1971). W30 R. B. Seymour and C. E. Carraher, Jr., Polymer Chemistry: An Introduction (Marcel Dekker, New York, 1981). W31 E. R. Toon, G. L. Ellis, L. Doyle, J. Ivanco, and S. Percival, Foundations of Chemistry, Second Edition (Holt, Rinehart and Winston (Canada), Toronto, 1990). W32 F. Franks, Polywater (The MIT Press, Cambridge MA, 1981). W33 E. M. Purcell, Berkeley Physics Course, Volume 2: Electricity and Magnetism (McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1963). W34 Workshop on "Water": Structure and Dynamics of Water and Awueous Solutions--Anomalies and their Possible Implications in Biology [PROC. OF INST. LAUE-LANGEVIN, GRENOBLE, 16--18 APRIL 1984], J. de Physique 45 (1984). W35 G. Ciccotti, D. Frenkel, and I. R. McDonald [eds], Simulation of Liquids and Solids; Molecular Dynamics and Monte Carlo Methods in Statistical Mechanics (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1987). W36 F. Franks [ed], Water: A Comprehensive Treatise, Vol. 2: Water in Crystalline Hydrates Aqueous Solutions of Simple Nonelectrolytes (Plenum Press, New York, 1973). W37 F. Franks [ed], Water: A Comprehensive Treatise, Vol. 7: Water and Aqueous Solutions at Subzero Temperatures (Plenum Press, New York, 1982). W38 F. Franks [ed], Water Science Reviews 2: Crystalline Hydrates (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1986). W39 R. C. Lewontin, The Genetic Basis of Evolutionary Change (Columbia University Press, New York, 1974). W40 F. Mallamace [ed], Complex Liquid Systems [PROC. OF CONF. ON COMPLEX LIQUID SYSTEMS, POLISTENA, ITALY 5-10 JULY 1992], J. de Physique IV 3 (1993). W41 M. U. Palma, M. B. Palma-Vittorelli, and F. Parrak [eds], Water-Biomolecule Interactions: Dynamical, Statistical, and Functional Aspects [PROC. OF EBSA INTERNAT'L WORKSHOP, PALERMO, ITALY, 31 MAY--4 JUNE 1992] (Italian Physical Society, Bologna, 1993). W42 H. R. Pruppacher and J. D. Klett, Microphysics of Clouds and Precipitation (D. Reidel, Dordrecht, 1978). W43 H. E. Stanley and N. Ostrowsky [eds], Correlations and Connectivity: Geometric Aspects of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology [PROC. NATO ASI ON PROPAGATION OF CORRELATIONS IN CONSTRAINED SYSTEMS, CARG\`ESE, CORSICA, FRANCE, 2-14 JULY 1990] (Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1990). W44 G. E. Walrafen and A. G. Revesz [eds], Structure and Bonding in Noncrystalline Solids (Plenum Press, New York, 1986). W45 S. Wolfram,Mathematica: A System for Doing Mathematics by Computer (Addison-Wesley Publishing, Redwood City CA, 1988). W46 J. Wong and C. A. Angell, Glass: Structure by Spectroscopy (Marcel Dekker, New York, 1976). W47 W. A. P. Luck [ed], Structure of Water and Aqueous Solutions, PROCEEDINGS OF INTERNAT'L SYMPOSIUM, MARBURG, JULY 1973 (Physik Verlag, Weinheim, 1974). W48 J. Klafter and J. M. Drake [eds], Molecular Dynamics in Restricted Geometries (John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1989). W49 M. Van Dyke, An Album of Fluid Motion (The Parabolic Press, Stanford, 1982). W50 J. Dupuy and A. J. Dianoux [eds], Microscopic Structure and Dynamics of Liquids, PROCEEDINGS OF NATO ADVANCED STUDY INSTITUTE, CORSICA, SEPTEMBER 1977 (Plenum Press, New York, 1978). W51 H. J. Herrmann and F. Karsch [eds], Workshop on Large Scale Computational Physics on Massively Parallel Computers, HLRZ, KFA Juelich, Germany, 14-16 June 1993 (World Scientific, Singapore, 1993). W52 P. Caro, Water (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1993). W53 V. P. Shibaev and L. Lam [eds], Liquid Crystalline and Mesomorphic Polymers (Springer-Verlag, New York, 1994). W54 P. G. de Gennes, The Physics of Liquid Crystals (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1974). W55 E. R. Toon and G. L. Ellis, Foundations of Chemistry (Holt, Rinehart and Winston Ltd., Toronto, 1978). W56 M.-C. Bellissent-Funel and J. C. Dore, Hydrogen Bond Networks (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1994). W57 E. D. Sloan, Jr., Clathrate Hydrates of Natural Gases (Marcel Dekker, New York, 1990). W58 A. Mehta [ed], Granular Matter: An Interdisciplinary Approach (Springer-Verlag, New York, 1994). W59 L. Salem, Marvels of the Molecule (VCH Publishers, New York, 1987). W60 T. J. O. Sanderson, Ice Mechanics: Risks to Offshore Structures (Graham/Trotman, London, 1988). W61 G. W. Neilson and J. E. Enderby [eds], Water and Aqueous Solutions (Adam Hilger, Bristol, 1986). W62 M. Sahimi, Applications of Percolation Theory (Taylor & Francis, London, 1994). W63 A. Holden, Bonds between Atoms (Oxford University Press, New York, 1971). W64 L. Pauling and P. Pauling, Chemistry (W. H. Freeman, San Francisco, 1975). W65 G. W. Castellan, Physical Chemistry (Addison-Wesley Publishing, Reading MA, 1971). W66 E. A. Moelwyn-Hughes, Physical Chemistry, 2nd Rev. Ed. (Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1961). W67 M. Goldstein and R. Simha [eds], The Glass Transition and the Nature of the Glassy State (New York Academy of Sciences, New York, 1976). W68 M. P. Allen and D. J. Tildesley, Computer Simulation of Liquids (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1987). W69 M. H. Kalos and P. A. Whitlock, Monte Carlo Methods, Vol. 1: Basics (John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1986). W70 J. Meunier, D. Langevin, and N. Boccara [eds], Springer Proceedings in Physics, Vol. 21: Physics of Amphiphilic Layers (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1987). W71 K. S. Davis and J. A. Day, Water: The Mirror of Science (Doubleday Anchor Books, Garden City, 1961). W72 G. W. Robinson, S.-B. Zhu, S. Singh, and M. W. Evans, Water in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics: Experimental Overviews and Computational Methodologies (World Scientific, Singapore, 1996). W73 A. Kaivarainen, Hierarchic Concept of Matter and Field (Alexander Kaivarainen [privately published], USA [no city listed] 1995). W74 K. 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Ross, Chemistry and Physics of Interfaces (American Chemical Society, 1965). W125 A. Ben-Naim, Statistical Thermodynamics for Chemists and Biochemists (Plenum Press, New York, 1992). W126 Ciba-Geigy Limited, Scientific Tables, Seventh Edition (Ciba-Geigy Corporation, Ardsley NY, 1970). W127 L. Haar, J. S. Gallagher, and G. S. Kell, NBS/NRC Steam Tables: Thrmodynamics and Transport Properties and Computer Programs for Vapor and Liquid States of Water in SI Units (Hemisphere Publishing Corp., Washington, 19XX). W128 J. McConnell, Rotational Brownian Motion and Dielectric Theory (Academic Press, New York, 1980). W129 J. Frenkel, Kinetic Theory of Liquids (Dover Publications, New York, 1955). W130 J. T. Fourkas, D. Kivelson, U. Mohanty, and K. A. Nelson [eds], Supercooled Liquids: Advances and Novel Applications (American Chemical Society, Washington DC, 1997). W131 I. Z. Fisher, Statistical Theory of Liquids (University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1964). W132 E. S. Amis and J. F. 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Nellis, and M. F. Nicol [eds], Science and Technology of High Pressure, Vol. 2 [Proceedings of AIRAPT-17, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 1999] (Universities Press, Bangalore, 2000). W153 H.-S. Kitzerow and C. Bahr [eds], Chirality in Liquid Crystals (Springer-Verlag, New York, 2001). W154 Y. Taniguchi, H. E. Stanley, and H. Ludwig [eds] Biological Systems under Extreme Conditions: Structure and Function (Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2002). W155 F. Mallamace [ed], Scattering Studies of Mesoscopic Scale Structure and Dynamics in Soft Matter [Proc. Int'l Workshop on Scattering Studies of Mesoscopic Scale Structure and Dynamics in Soft Matter, Messina, 22-25 November 2000], Physica A 304, 1-326 (2002). W156 E. La Nave, Supercooled Liquid Dynamics in Configurational Space (Ph.D. Thesis, Boston University, 2002). W157 European Physical Society, 4th Liquid Matter Conference: Abstracts, University of Granada, Spain, 3--7 July 1999. W158 J. L. Houben and G. 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Batmanghelidj, Your Body's Many Cries for Water (Global Health Solutions, Falls Church VA, 1992). W166 N. H. March and M. P. Tosi, Introduction to Liquid State Physics (World Scientific, River Edge NJ, 2002). W167 A. R. Imre, H. J. Maris, and P. R. Williams [eds], Liquids under Negative Pressure (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2002). W168 A. Cooper, E. DiCera, and M. Mandel [eds], Biophysical Chemistry: Special Issue in Honor of Walter J. Kauzmann 105/2-3 (2003). W169 J.-M. Zanotti, Structure et dynamique de l'eau intefaciale. Role de l'eau d'hydratation dans la dynamique des proteines globulaires [Doctoral Thesis: Univ. Paris XI, 1997]. W170 M. Volmer, Kinetics of Phase Formation (Theodor Steinkopff, Dresden and Leipzig, 1939). W171 E. A. Guggenheim and R. H. Stokes, Equilibrium Properties of Aqueous Solutions of Single Strong Electrolytes [International Encyclopedia of Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics] (Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1969). W172 K. R. Atkins, Liquid Helium (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1959). W173 S. Canuto and M. C. Barbosa [eds], Water: The Essential Molecule [Special Issue of Brazilian J. Physics 34 (March 2004)]. W174 S. Sastry, Phase Behavior and Collective Dynamics of Liquid Water (Thesis: Boston University, 1993). W175 (Tohoku University), Proceeding of the Second International Workshop on Water Dynamics (Sendai International Center, Sendai, 2004). W176 M.-C. Bellissent-Funel [ed], Hydration Processes in Biology: Theoretical and Experimental Approaches (ISO Press, Amsterdam, 1999). W177 G. D. McCullagh, Dynamical Arrest: A Continuum and Lattice Approach (Ph.D. Thesis: University College Dublin, 2005). W178 J. Phys.: Cond. Mat., Proc. 4th EPS Liquid Matter Conference, Granada, July 1999. W179 M. K. Campbell, Biochemistry (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, New York, 1991). W180 L. Liu, Study of Slow Dynamics in Supercooled Water by Molecular Dynamics and Quasi-Elastic Neutron Scattering --- Ph.D. Thesis, MIT, September 2005. W181 L. Liu, Study of Slow Dynamics in Supercooled Water by Molecular Dynamics and Quasi-Elastic Neutron Scattering --- Ph.D. Thesis Defense, MIT, September 2005. W182 L. Bulavin [ed], Physics of Liquid Matter: Modern Problems (Abstracts: 3rd Int'l Conf., Kyiv, Ukraine, 23-31 May 2005). W183 E. Guyon, J.-P. Hulin, and L. Petit, Ce que disent les fluides: La science des ecoulements en images (Editions Belin, Paris, 2005). W184 D. J. Bales, Energy Landscapes: With Applications to Clusters, Biomolecules, and Glasses (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2003). W185 P. Baglioni and S.-H. Chen (organizers), Workshop on "Topics in Application of Scattering Methods for Investigation of Structure and Dynamics of Soft Condensed Matter," 11-13 November 2005, Florence, Italy (conference program). W186 J. D. Gunton, A. Shiryayev, and D. L. Pagan, "Condensation of Globular Proteins" (preprint, Lehigh University, January 2006). W187 S.-H. Chen and P. Baglioni [eds], Special issue containing articles presented at a workshop on topics in the application of scattering methods to investigate the structure and dynamics of soft condensed matter (Fiesole, Italy), J. Phys.-Cond. Mat. 18 (2006). W188 Current Alzheimer Research 3(3), 175-266 (July 2006). W189 C. Corsaro, "Experimental Evidence of the Fragile-to-Strong Dynamic Crossover in Supercooled Confined Water: NMR Results," Thesis: Univ. Messina (2006). W190 S. J. Rzoska and V. A. Mazur [eds], "Soft Matter under Exogenic Impacts" [NATO Science Series 242] (Springer, Dordrecht, 2007). W191 J. D. Ferry, Viscoelastic Properties of Polymers, Second Edition (John Wiley/Sons, New York, 1970). W192 F. Oosawa, Polyelectrolytes (Marcel Dekker, New York, 1971). W193 D. Eisenberg and W. Kauzmann, The Structure and Properties of Water (Oxford University Press, New York, 1969). W194 F. A. L. Dullien, Porous Media: Fluid Transport and Pore Structure (Academic Press, New York, 1979). W195 IUPAC, Book of Abstracts: 23rd International Conference on Solution Chemistry, University of Leicester, 1993. W196 National Research Council, Water Implications of Biofuels Production in the United States (National Academies Press, Washington DC, 2008). W197 L. Pauling, The Nature of the Chemical Bond, Third Edition (Cornell University Press, Ithaca NY, 1960). W198 D. S. Tuch, "Diffusion MRI of Complex Tissue Structure" (Ph.D. thesis in Biomedical Imaging), Division of Health Sciences and Technology, MIT, 2002. W199 NATO ASI, "Hydration Processes in Biology: Theoretical and Experimental Approaches," Les Houches, May 1998. W200 CPS/SMEC, Virtual Molecular Dynamcis Laboratory: Bridging the Gap between the Microscopic and Macroscopic (Center for Polymer Studies, 2000). W201 J. R. Grigera, L. Blum, and H. E. Stanley, Biophysics of Water: A Primer (Center for Polymer Studies, 1993). W202 J. D. Barrow, S. C. Morris, S. J. Freeland, and C. L. Harper Jr. [eds], Fitness of the Cosmos for Life: Biochemistry and Fine-Tuning (Cambridge University Press, Combridge, 2008). W203 G. Franzese and M. Rubi [eds], Aspects of Physical Biology: Biological Water, Protein Solutions, Transport, and Replication, Proc. 2006 Sitges Conference (Springer, Berlin, 2008/proof). W204 G. Franzese and M. Rubi [eds], Aspects of Physical Biology: Biological Water, Protein Solutions, Transport, and Replication, Proc. 2006 Sitges Conference (Springer, Berlin, 2008). W205 M.-C. Bellissent-Funel [ed], Hydration Processes in Biology: Theoretical and Experimental Approaches (IOS Press, Amsterdam, 1999). W206 H. E. Stanley [ed], Cooperative Phenomena near Phase transitions: A Bibliography with Selected Readings (MIT Press, Cambridge MA, 1973). W207 J. M. Prausnitz, Molecular Thermodynamics of Fluid-Phase Equilibria (Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs NJ, 1969). W208 E. Nelson, Dynamical Theories of Brownian Motion (Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1967). W209 F. London, Superfluids, Volume 1: Macroscopic Theory of Superconductivity (Dover Publications, New York, 1961). W210 I. Brovchenko and A. Oleinikova, Interfacial and Confined Water (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2008). W211 International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam: Water, Steam and Aqueous Solutions [Program and Abstracts, 15th Conference, Berlin, 2008] (IAPWS, Berlin, 2008). W212 H. E. Stanley, E. Balcells, E. Ruiz-Geli, M. Dominguez, P. Puigdomenech, S. Rovira, O. Pibernat, J. Ros, M. J. Pico, P. Noguera, R. Salecl, H. Lieberman, J. Pigem, L. Fananas, D. Jou, L. Reales, S. Jorda, J. Scott, C. Gelabert, O. Vilarroya, M. Maso, M. Maso, J. Roca, and J. Perello, Fora d'equilibri: encontre internacional noves fronteres de la ciencia, l'art i el pensament (Generalitat de Catalunya Departament de Cultura i Mitjans de Comunicacio, 2008). W213 F. W. Starr, Continuity of Liquid and Glassy Water (Ph.D. Thesis, Boston University, 1999). W214 Centre de physique des Houches, Hydration Processes in Biology: Theoretical and Experimental Approaches [Abstracts from NATO ASI: May 1998]. W215 Z. Yan, Anomalies of Water and Simple Liquids (Ph.D. Thesis, Boston University, 2009). W216 Japan Science and Technology Corporation, Pressure-Tuned Quantum-Mechanical Phenomena in Hydrogen-Bonded Systems (Annual Report, 1997). W217 K. Winkel, Study of Amorphous-Amorphous Transitions in Water (Sc.D. Thesis, University of Innsbruck, 2009). W218 Y.-L. Ariel Rezus, Snapshots of Water: Orientational Dynamics of Hydrogen-Bonded Systems [Thesis: U. Amsterdam, 2008]. W219 Horizons in Hydrogen Bond Research [Int'l Conference, Paris, September 2009] Abstracts of Presentations. W220 Condensed, Disordered, and Complex Liquids, PNAS 106[36], 15093-15514 (8 September 2009). W221 R. Ludwig and D. Paschek, eds., Zeitschrift f. Physikalische Chemie: Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Alfons Geiger on the occasion of his 65th birthday, Vol. 223, Is. 9 (2009). W222 Sixth International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems (6IDMRCS), 30 August -- 4 September 2009, U. di Roma, Meeting Schedule. W223 M. G. Mazza, Thermodynamics and Dynamics of Supercooled Water, Ph.D. dissertation, Boston University, 2009. W224 Fifth Flash Conference of ERA-Chemistry, [Abstracts] Big Task of Water: Building and Destroying Molecules in Water (Abtei Frauenwoerth/Chiemsee, Germany, October 2009). W225 L. Seuront, Fractals and Multifractals in Ecology and Aquatic Science (CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2010). W226 M. P. Ljungberg, Theoretical Modeling of X-ray and Vibrational Spectroscopies Applied to Liquid Water and Surface Adsorbates (Ph.D. Thesis, Stockholm University, 2010). W227 X.-Q. Chu, Dynamics of Biopolymers and Their Hydration Water Studied by Neutron and X-ray Scattering (Ph.D. Thesis, MIT, 2010). W228 S. Han, Water Confined in Hydrophobic Environments (Ph.D. Thesis, Boston University, 2011). W229 R. M. Lynden-Bell, S. C. Morriw, J. D. Barrow, J. L. Finney, and C. L. Harper Jr., eds., Water and Life: The Unique Properties of H2O (CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2010). W230 E. Cartlidge, The Strangest Liquid: Why Water Is So Weird [New Scientist 205[2746], 32-35 (2010)]. W231 S.-H. Chen, ed., Dynamically Slow Processes and Near-Arrest Phenomena in Soft Matter [J Phys Cond Mat 21[50], 504101-504111 (2009)]. W232 D. C. Rapaport, The Art of Molecular Dynamics Simulation, Second Edition (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2004). W233 M. Tokuyama, Y. Kimura, H. Fugii, and Y. Terada, Universality among Diversely Different Glass-Forming Materials [Advanced Institute for Materials Research, WPI-AIMR News 10, 89-99 (31 August 2010)]. W234 M. A. Paul, Physical Chemistry (D. C. Heath, Boston, 1962). W235 R. A. Farrington and A. Daniels, Physical Chemistry, Fifth Edition (John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1979). W236 W. S. Brey Jr., Principles of Physical Chemistry: An Introduction to Their Use in the Biological Sciences (Appleton-Century-Crofts, New York, 1958). W237 W. J. Moore, Physical Chemistry, Third Edition (Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs NJ, 1963). W238 R. T. Myers, K. B. Oldham, and S. Tocci, Chemistry: Visualizing Matter (Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, New York, 2000). W239 D. J. Evans and G. Morriss, Statistical Mechanics of Nonequilibrium Liquids, Second Edition (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2008). W240 B. Parthier, ed., Wasser essentielle Ressource und Lebensraum, Nova Acta Leopoldina 323[85] (Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina, Halle [Saale], 2002). W241 K. T. Wikfeldt, Structure, Dynamics, and Thermodynamics of Liquid Water: Insights from Molecular Simuations (Thesis, Stockholm University, 2011). W242 J.-M. Zanotti, Nanometric Confinement of Molecular Fluids: From Interfacial Interactions to One-Dimensional Transport Properties (Thesis, University of Paris VI, 2011). W243 M. Falk, T. Egami, and S. Sastry, eds., Topical Issue on the Physics of Glasses, Eur. Phys. J. E: Soft Matter and Biological Physics 34[9] (September 2011). W244 S. P. Das, Statistical Physics of Liquids at Freezing and Beyond (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2011). W245 National Academy of Sciences, PNAS 102[31] (2005), Special Issue: Supramolecular Structure and Dynamics. W246 V. Molinero, Collected Works, 15 July 2011. W247 J.-M. Zanotti, Nanometric Confinement of Molecular Fluids: From Interfacial Interactions to One-Dimensional Transport Properties (Thesis, University of Paris VI, 2011). W248 N. Phan-Thien, Understanding Viscoelasticity: An Introduction to Rheology, Second Edition (Springer, Berlin, 2013). W249 M. Tokuyama and I. Oppenheim, eds., AIP Conference Proceedings: Fourth International Symposium on Slow Dynamics in Complex Systems (AIP, Melville NY, 2013). W250 H. E. Stanley, ed., Liquid Polymorphism, Volume 152 in Advances in Chemical Physics (John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken NJ, 2013). W251 V. Bianco, [thesis] Statistical Physics of Water in Hydrophobic Nano-Confinement and at Protein Interfaces (U. Barcelona, 2013). W252 A. Ben-Naim, Molecular Theory of Water and Aqueous Solutions, Part II: The Role of Water in Protein Folding, Self-Assembly, and Molecular Recognition (World Scientific, Hackensak NJ, 2011). W253 G. H. Pollack, Cells, Gels, and the Engines of Life: A New, Unifying Approach to Cell Function (Ebner & Sons, Seattle, 2001). W254 A. Ben-Naim, Molecular Theory of Water and Aqueous Solutions, Part I: Understanding Water (World Scientific, Hackensak NJ, 2009). W255 B. Bagchi, Water in Biological and Chemical Processes: From Structure and Dynamics to Function (Cambridge University Press, New York, 2013). W256 International Center for Quantum Materials, International Conference on Water Sciences, Peking University, 14-17 April 2014 (Program and Presentation Abstracts). W257 K. L. Sebastian [ed], "Aneesur Rahman: A Pioneer in Computational Physics," Resonance: Journal of Science Education 19[8], 667-776 (2014). W258 A. L. Greer, K. F. Kelton, and S. Sastry [eds], Fragaility of Glass-Forming Liquids (Hindustan Book Agency, New Delhi, 2014). W259 S.-H. Chen and P. Tartaglia, Scattering Methods in Complex Fluids (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2015). W260 P. G. Debenedetti, M. A. Ricci, and F. Bruni [eds], Water: Fundamentals as the Basis for Understanding the Environment and Promoting Technology (IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2015). W261 [Abstract Book], Structure and Dynamics of Supercooled Water and Other Glassy Materials (10-13 October 2015, Palermo). W262 Zhe Wang, Neutron Scattering Investigations on the Liquid-Liquid Transition in Deeply Cooled Confined Water (Ph.D. Thesis, MIT, 2015). W263