SimuLab 9: Avogadro's Principle Movie


Your objective is to:

Investigate the relationship between the number of gas particles and the volume they occupy if temperature and pressure are kept constant.

You will be able to:

State the relationship between the number of particles and the volume they occupy if pressure and temperature remains constant.

State Avogadro's hypothesis.

Contrast mass density with number density.

Explain the relationship between volume, number density and mass density in terms of Avogadro's Principle.

    1. Open SMDPlayer, select Avogadro in the IdealGas folder.

    You see a mixture of gases under a piston. Follow the instructions in the captions.

    2. Press Play. The movie pauses at the opening frame and displays the first explanatory caption. Select Show Averages. The movie pauses at each explanatory caption.

    The Averages panel displays average (not instantaneous) values of the parameters as the experiment proceeds.

    3. Press Play to resume the movie after each caption. Be sure to reset Averages when instructed to do so thus eliminating data from previous setting.


Q2.54: What has happened to the total number of particles as the product molecules are formed?


Q2.55: If the temperature and the pressure of the system are kept constant, what will happen to the volume as the number of gas particles decreases?


Q2.56: What happened to the mass density of the gas? Explain.


Q2.57: What happened to the number density? Explain.


Q2.58: Explain the changes in volume, number density, and mass density in terms of Avogadro's Principle.