1. Viscosity What is the cause of friction? It depends on what type of friction we discuss. Actually, friction is a certain force acting in the opposite direction of the body's motion, thus, decelerating it. If a solid body moves along a solid surface, the force of friction is just a force of the electromagnetic interaction between the atoms or molecules of a body and a surface. It has the same origin as elastic forces. The atoms are located at certain positions in their crystal lattices which they do not leave. The atoms of solid surface "pull" or "push" the atoms of the moving solid body in the direction opposite to the body's velocity. Contrary to solid bodies, fluids consist of randomly moving molecules flying at high speeds. They bump at a solid body inserted into fluid at various angles and at various speeds. During the collision, the electromagnetic forces of interaction are mainly repulsive, and their values and directions are random due to random character of the molecules' motion. Thus, it is useless to speak of the force's origin, but useful to note, that when bumping the molecules change their velocities, i.e. accelerate , and can produce a force ma = F according to Newton's law. If a body is motionless inside a fluid, all the molecules' bumps compensate each other and the total force is equal to zero. But if a body moves through a fluid, the accelerations of the molecules bumping from the front are larger than the accelerations of the molecules bumping from the back, and the resulting force F differs from zero. Its direction is opposite to the direction of body's motion, thus, it is effectively a force of resistance. The property of fluids to resist the motion of bodies inserted into them is called viscosity. The corresponding force of friction is called force of viscosity. What does the force of viscosity depend upon? 1.1. HandsOn: Viscosity 1) Take an exercise book and wave it in the air twice. First time wave it with the edge forward, and second time with the cover forward. Q: Can you feel the difference in resistance forces? Explain the role of cross- section area. 2) Take two pieces of rough paper or hard plastic. One - resembling a ruler a feet long and an inch wide. Its area is, thus, 12 square inches. Another - a round one about 4 inches in diameter. Its area is about 12 square inches too. The weights of these pieces are, thus, also equal. Try to wave these objects in the air with the same speed. Hold them with your fingers to become a more sensitive instrument. Q: Can you feel any difference in resistance forces? Does the form of the front cross-section make any difference? 3) Take a sheet of paper and wave it in the air twice in such a way that the sheet is perpendicular to the motion. First time wave slowly, and second time fast. Use your fingers again. Q: Can you feel the difference in resistance forces? Explain the role of speed. " Summarizing the results of our HandsOn investigation, we see that the force of viscosity depends on the properties of a moving object: its form and dimensions, and on the speed of motion. Stokes analized theoretically the case of a sphere of radius r moving at constant speed v in a continuous fluid. He did not account for microscopic, i.e. molecular kinetic, reasons for the force of viscosity and found out that a sphere will suffer a force of viscosity equal to FStokes = 6??vr where ? (greek letter pronounced "e-ta") is the viscosity coefficient character- izing the viscous properties of fluid, and 6? is a form factor for sphere. The higher is the speed, the larger is the force of viscosity acting on a body in the direction opposite to the direction of its motion. The larger is the characteristic dimension of a body, the larger is the force of viscosity. What properties of fluid expressed by the viscosity coefficient will affect the body's motion? Turning back to the speculations about bumping molecules, we can guess that the force of viscosity which as we think originate from F = ma = m?v ?t must be proportional to the molecules' mass. Besides, the change of velocity for the same time interval ?t will be higher for higher values of velocity, i.e. for higher temperatures of the fluid. 1.2. SimuLab: Viscosity 1.2.1. Pre-Lab Discussion In the Virtual Laboratory we can simulate an object's motion through a media consisting of randomly moving particles and find out from the molecular kinetic point of view the dependance of the viscosity coefficient on the parameters of the fluid. In the Post-Lab Discussion we will compare the experimental result with the theoretical one. 2 We will drop a heavy object through the media consisting of light flying parti- cles and measure the speed of its fall. Three forces acting on an object - the force of gravity Fgrav , buoyant force Fbuo and the force of viscosity Fvisc - will compensate each other, when an object moves at constant speed. Thus, Fgrav ?Fbuo ?Fvisc = 0. For a gas system the buoyant force is much less than the other two forces, and the corresponding term can be omitted Fgrav ? Fvisc = 0. The viscosity force we will write in the form analogous to the Stokes formula Fvisc = ?rv?, where ? is a constant form factor and r is the characteristic dimension of a body. Finally, we obtain Mg ? ?rv? = 0 Here M is the mass of a body, g is the free fall acceleration. Since M = Nm, where m is mass of the body's molecule and N is the number of molecules of the body, we get ? = Nmg ?rv Thus, for the case of body falling at constant speed in a fluid, the viscosity coefficient appears to be proportional to the speed in the minus first power and to the body's characteristic dimension in the minus first power. Varying the parameters of the fluid and measuring speed of the falling body, we will judge of the viscosity coefficient dependance on these parameters. You will be able to a) Measure the speed of the body falling down in the gas of particles b) Find out the viscosity coefficient dependance on mass of the gas particles c) Find out the viscosity coefficient dependance on temperature of the gas d) Test the predicted dependance of the force of viscosity on the dimension of the body 1) Open Visc.smd. Set Number of Hidden Steps to 1000. Click Options- Start Averaging-Graph updates-Average over hidden steps. Set Gravity to 0:04: You see a container which is 40 units high and a green object, a crystal, consist- ing of 7 particle of mass 1, surrounded by almost ideal gas of 193 blue particles. 3 The blue particles are comparatively light and have mass 0:1. The temperature is 0:15, the interaction parameter for the gas particles is 0:05, and, thus, the blue particles remain in the gaseous phase and are practically unaffected by gravity. Choose a characteristic dimension of the crystal, e.g. its maximal width, mea- sure it with a ruler right from the screen and record the obtained value d. 2) Press Start. Watch the y-concentration graph. You see that the two highest bins of the histogram contain green bars corre- sponding to the green crystal in the upper part of the screen. As time goes on, the crystal falls down, leaves the upper layers and the upper green bar vanishes. Your goal will be to measure the time it takes the ctystal to move from one bin to the next and calculate the average speed of the fall. 3) Click Pause. Click Reset Experiment. Check the settings. 4) Make a copy of the table below. h 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% ti ?ti ? vi ? 5) Click Start. Watch the y-concentration graph and averaging window. As soon as the green bar completely leaves the 90% level, record into the table the corresponding time value t9 from the averaging window. Repeat the same for 80% level and so forth until the table is filled in. Calculate ?t8 = t9 ? t8 ;?t7 = t8 ? t7 ;::: and v8 = 40?0:1 ?t8 ;v7 = 40?0:1 ?t7 ;:::and record the values into the table. Find v0:1 = vavg = v8 +v7 +:::+v2 7 for temperature T = 0:15 To be able to investigate the role of the gas molecules mass and preserve the fluid in the gas state, we will increse the gas molecule mass simultaneously with the decrease of gravity. 6) Reset Experiment. Set Mass B to 0:2. Set Gravity to 0:02. 7) Repeat steps 4-5. Get a new value of a constant speed free fall v0:2 . 8) Reset Experiment. Set Mass B to 0:4. Set Gravity to 0:01. 9) Repeat steps 4-5. Get a new value of a constant speed free fall v0:4 . According to ? = Nmg ?rv , if ? were independant of gas molecule mass, the ob- tained values for v0:1 ;v0:2 ;v0:4 must be proportional to g, i.e. v0:1 : v0:2 : v0:4 = 4 : 2 : 1. Q: Is it really strictly so? 4 Q: How does fluid molecule's mass affect the speed of the body? Q: How does fluid molecule's mass affect the viscosity coefficient? To investigate the viscosity coefficient dependance on temperature 10) Reset Experiment. Set Mass B to 0:1. Set Gravity to 0:04. Set Temperature to 0:2: 11) Repeat steps 4-5. Find v0:1 for T = 0:2 12) Reset Experiment. Set Mass B to 0:1. Set Gravity to 0:04. Set Temperature to 0:25 13) Repeat steps 4-5. Find v0:1 for T = 0:25 Q: How does fluid's temperature affect the speed of the body? Q: How does fluid' temperature affect the viscosity coefficient? 14) Open Visc1a.smd. Set Number of Hidden Steps to 1000. Click Options-Start Averaging-Graph updates-Average over hidden steps. Set Gravity to 0:04: You see a container which is 40 units high and a green crystal which has a larger characteristic dimension, than the previous one, because it consists of 19 particle of mass 1: The temperature is 0:15 again and the interaction parameter for the gas particles is the same as before, i.e. equal to 0:05: Choose the similar characteristic dimension of this crystal as before, measure it with a ruler right from the screen and record the obtained value D. 15) Repeat steps 4-5. Find v0:1 (19) for 19 particle crystal. Now we will test if the formula ? = Nmg ?rv reflects the dependance of the force of viscosity on an object's dimension in the right way. Since all the fluids parameters are the same in both cases, the viscosity coefficient ? must also remain the same. Then 7mg ?dv0:1 (7) must be equal to 19mg ?Dv0:1 (19) and, thus, v0:1 (7) v0:1 (19) = 7D 19d Q: Do your results support this equality? --- 1.3. Post-Lab In-Depth Discussion To recognize the meaning of the obtained experimental results let's regard the microscopic dynamics of viscosity in a more detailed way. Imagine a solid surface parallel to the y-axis. When the surface is motionless, the gas molecules that are to 5 the right of the surface move chaotically, their average speed being vavg . But when the surface starts to move parallel to y-axis, the gas molecules obtain a regular velocity component parallel to the surface motion direction due to collisions with the surface. Subsequently, the molecules collide with other molecules and transfer the obtained regular component of the momentum to the layers that are further and further from the surface. We see that a momentum transfer takes place. To estimate the rate of this transfer, take a plane region of area ?A also parallel to the y-axis at a certain distance x from the surface. Every time interval ?t; the molecules crossing this region from right to left and from left to right transfer certain momenta with them. Let a molecule flying from left to right transfer momentum mv1 , where v1 is the regular component of the molecule's velocity at a distance x ? l from ?A. Here l is the mean free path. Then the decrease of the momentum of the layer to the left of ?A will be equal to mv1 N+ , where N+ is the number of molecules that crossed ?A by ?t. Similarly, the momentum transfered by the molecules through ?A from right to left by the same ?t will be equal to mv2 N? , where v2 is the regular component of the molecule's velocity at a distance x + l from ?A, and N? is the number of molecules that crossed ?A by ?t from right to left. How many molecules cross ?A by ?t from each side? Only those molecules can reach ?A that are located in the cylinder with ?A base and vavg ?t height. Their number is equal to number density of the molecules times volume of this cylinder, i.e. nvavg ?A?t. But not all of the molecules located there actually reach ?A because they fly in various directions. On the average only 1 6 of the molecules fly towards ?A. Thus, the numbers of molecules that cross ?A by ?t from each side are equal and equal to N+ = N? = 1 6 nvavg ?A?t. But the corresponding momenta mv1 N+ and mv2 N? transferred by them are not equal. According to Newton's law, the difference between them is equal to the product of the force of viscosity Fvisc times time interval ?t. Thus, we obtain Fvisc ?t = 1 6 nvavg m(v1 ? v2 )?A?t Dividing both sides of this equation by ?A we get a force of viscosity acting over unit area fvisc = Fvisc ?A = ?1 3 nmvavg v2 ? v1 2 = ?1 3 nmvavg lv2 ? v1 2l Note now that v2 ? v1 is the velocity change ?v at the distance ?x = 2l, and the expression v2 ?v1 2l = ?v ?x is the velocity gradient. The combination of the rest parameters is called the viscosity coefficient ? = 1 3 nmvavg l. Finally, we get 6 fvisc = ???v ?x We see that our experimental results are consistent with the above said. Really, it was found out that the larger is the molecule mass the larger is the viscosity coefficient. And since vavg ? p T , the experimental dependance of the viscosity coefficient on temperature is also in accordance with theoretical speculations. Note, that the mean free path is inversly proportional to number density, l ? 1 n , and the viscosity coefficient does not depend on number density of the fluid. 7