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MATERIALS 2 250 mL beakers ring stand wire gauze Bunsen burner black dye Procedure 1. Prepare a heating set-up: ring stand, iron ring, wire gauze. 2. Put 200 mL of cold tap water into a beaker. 3. Take the temperature of the water now and record this as the temperature at time zero. 4. Begin heating the water with the Bunsen burner and taking the temperature every 30 seconds while you are heating the water. Stir the water with ;the thermometer and take the temperature in the middle of the volume of water for each reading. 5. After the water begins to boil rapidly, continue taking the temperatures at 30 second intervals for 5 more minutes. 6. At the end of the 5 minutes, shut off your burner. Use a hot mit to place your hot beaker on the desk. Set next to this beaker the second 250 mL beaker filled with cold water. Carefully add a drop of black dye to each beaker. Record your observations. 7. Using the вGraphical Analysisг program on the computer, make a graph of temperature (Y-axis) vs. time (X-axis). Data SAMPLE DATA TABLE TIME (SECONDS)TEMPERATURE (oC) QUESTIONS 1. From your observations and the graph you have made determine the temperature at which the water boiled. 2. How did you determine waterеs boiling point? Check your graph. 3. The Bunsen burnerеs flame is much hotter than 200oC. Does the water temperature keep going up? 4. Is the temperature of the water still going up when the boiling point is reached? 5. Are you still adding heat at the boiling point? 6. Is the temperature a measure of heat gained? 7. In which beaker did the dye spread out faster? 8. Consider the preceding questions. What does temperarture measure? 9. If you collected all the steam from your boiling water, after all the water boiled away, would the steamеs temperature go up? (Consider your graph when answering this question.) WRITE A CONCLUSION HEATS Name: _______________________ Partner #1: _______________________ Partner #2: _______________________ Acton-Boxborough Regional High School Due Date: ______________________ Acton-Boxborough Regional High School Ž™ І Ї ЈаЉа|HHк(џсџсљEG(ќHHк(d'pŽžІ Ї ЈаЉа|HHк(џсџсљEG(ќHHк(d'pŽ™ І Ї ЈаЉа|HHк(џсџсљEG(ќHHк(d'p00&tњa0`0(00&ќљйи00&ќљЁйи00&ќљйи00&ќљŽйиаЯрЁБс;џў ўџ ђŸ…рOљhЋ‘+'Гй0Ѓ˜ь& , 8 DPSummaryInformation(џџџџџџџџџџџџ>гџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџX `l‰ ‘›аЯрЁБсLScience F:Applications:Microsoft Office:Microsoft Word 6:Templates:chem labLAB: TITLE OF LABsciencescience'@Юg-“*П@€vгђЬч@^XЋ*П@Microsoft Word 6.0.15;џў џџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџмЅhOР e2 SOтооооооо4VVVVVn xV'VŽŽŽŽŽФФФџ&}Xе~'оФ Ž6ФФФ'ФооŽŽФФФФоŽоŽџ 6ооооФџФ;ФLab: Boiling POINT  Introduction The purpose of this lab is to: a) see what happens to the temperature of a substance when it boils and b) determine if temperature is a measure of heat gained. MATERIALS 2 250 mL beakers ring stand wire gauze Bunsen burner black dye Procedure 1. Prepare a heating set-up: ring stand, iron ring, wire gauze. 2. Put 200 mL of cold tap water into a beaker. 3. Take the temperature of the water now and record this as the temperature at time zero. 4. Begin heating the water with the Bunsen burner and taking the temperature every 30 seconds while you are heating the water. Stir the water with ;the thermometer and take the temperature in the middle of the volume of water for each reading. 5. After the water begins to boil rapidly, continue taking the temperatures at 30 second intervals for 5 more minutes. 6. At the end of the 5 minutes, shut off your burner. Use a hot mit to place your hot beaker on the desk. Set next to this beaker the second 250 mL beaker filled with cold water. Carefully add a drop of black dye to each beaker. Record your observations. 7. Using the вGraphical Analysisг program on the computer, make a graph of temperature (Y-axis) vs. time (X-axis). Data SAMPLE DATA TABLE TIME (SECONDS)TEMPERATURE (oC) QUESTIONS 1. From your observations and the graph you have made determine the temperature at which the water boiled. 2. How did you determine waterеs boiling point? Check your graph. 3. The Bunsen burnerеs flame is much hotter than 200oC. Does the water temperature keep going up? 4. Is the temperature of the water still going up when the boiling point is reached? 5. Are you still adding heat at the boiling point? 6. Is the temperature a measure of heat gained? 7. In which beaker did the dye spread out faster? 8. Consider the preceding questions. What does temperarture measure? 9. If you collected all the steam from your boiling water, after all the water boiled away, would the steamеs temperature go up? (Consider your graph when answering this question.) WRITE A CONCLUSION HEATS Name: _______________________ Partner #1: _______________________ Partner #2: _______________________ Acton-Boxborough Regional High School Due Date: ______________________ Acton-Boxborough Regional High School Ž™ І Ї ЈаЉа|HHк(џсџсљEG(ќHHк(d'pŽžІ Ї ЈаЉа|HHк(џсџсљEG(ќHHк(d'pŽ™ І Ї ЈаЉа|HHк(џсџсљEG(ќHHк(d'p00&tњa0`0(00&ќљйи00&ќљЁйи00&ќљйи00&ќљŽйиALSE 1293753600 EGSOFT_ID .bloomberg.com TRUE / FALSE 946684799 RMID d8143f9537de5bc0 weather.unisys.com FALSE / FALSE 1000482657 Apache .excite.com TRUE / FALSE 1262390399 TID 61913070212695938108031 .excite.com TRUE / FALSE 1293839999 KI# *йноуј*+45  : O T О у  - 1 2 ЯњєьъьъьъьъчъчучъьпъмъзвваuU]cU]c]h]aU]hU]]uD]a UZ]c( UZ]c(##$CŠЪЫЬЭзщѕ*+l›ѕъacзийклмнуфїјў$Ьў$мќ$,ў$мў$мў$мў$мў$мў$мў$мў$мў$мў$мў$мў$мў$мў$мў$мў$мў$мў$мќїђрмђрмђрмђрмђрмђђрмђрмђэќ$,ќ$,ќ$,ќ$,ў$мў$мў$мщммщммђўђўh˜ў* !"#$%&'()*56†ЂЃцч: J K   Ё д е   8 9 €  н 8 9 яммьммьммяммъ$мъ$мъ$мъ$мъ$мъ$мъ$мъ$мъ$мъ$мъ$мъ$мъ$мш$№у$му$му$му$му$му$му$му$му$му$му$му$му$му$му$му$му$му$му$му$муу$мh˜ўИlЛ О”џHќ$(9 : ; < O s ˜ Н О     / 0 1 2 ћ$мћ$мћ$мћ$мь$Єп$Tп$Tнвнанвннћ$м 0§ рР!lЦ Іџh рР!sžІџ0§h рР!sžh˜ўK@ёџNormal]a "A@ђџЁ"Default Paragraph Font @ђ Header рР! @ Footer рР!*ўO"* Chem HeaderLџ UZ]c+к2 2 D Р е Q c џџџџ+aк(2 oЗЙсфЯ9 2 н*2 п ?oŸ;science0Science F:Teacher Folders:Murphree:BOILING POINTџ@€ўўў§ >эVMTimes New Roman Symbol MArial MTimesMNew Century Schlbk"1ˆаhQJ;F K;F,ƒ!~KScience F:Applications:Microsoft Office:Microsoft Word 6:Templates:chem labLAB: TITLE OF LABsciencescienceаЯрЁБс;џў џџџўџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџ