01.08.2025 - Spring 2025 Wait List
Functionality, Update 3 - When we increased seats yesterday we
noticed that some students unexpectedly were not taken off the
wait lists. Here
is what I have learned in the past 24 hours from CAS, which I am
communicating to all of you:
Class Status/Class Wait List Quick Card details
the following:
The most common reasons a student is not moved off the Wait List:
- That student is somehow ineligible to register or has some sort of
compliance hold, or
- That student would be enrolled in over 20 units (formerly credits) if they came off
the Wait List, or
- There is a time conflict with another class (which may include the
PY106 exam block, see below).
Assuming these do not apply for you, this is also a possibility:
If you are already enrolled in a PY106 section (so you are
looking to swap into another section) AND when you signed
up for the wait list for ANOTHER section you did NOT designate a section to swap
out of (i.e., the one you are already in), the system will see a time conflict (with the exam block)
and not move you off the wait list.
In this case, here is what you need to do:
- Verify that your spot on the Wait List
for the section you want to swap into is low enough to guarantee a seat for you given the current open
seats (just look at the number of open seats and compare to your
spot on the wait list, if the number of open seats is greater than
or equal to your spot on the wait list, you should automtically be
moved in).
- You would then need to SELF DROP the section you are
currently enrolled in.
- The system would then automatically take you off the wait list
and enroll you in the new section (within 30 minutes).
- If this does not occur, then contact me.
If you have questions, just let me know.
01.02.2025 - Spring 2025 PY106 Registration
Status/Wait Lists, Update 1 - There will be some movement in
the wait lists/registrations over the next several days. We
are opening up a few spots in each currently full section.
This will all be handled based on position in the wait list
through myBU. We are not able to accommodate individual
To elaborate on this a bit: I made the request to the Registar to open
the seats. I anticipate this will be done on Monday. There will be 2-3
additional seats opened in S1 through S4, about 6 additional seats in S5 (4:30
pm), and S6 has open seats (6:30 pm).
I also did a count of current enrollment, who is enrolled in a section
but on a wait list for another section, and who is NOT enrolled in
the course. After opening these seats, by my count we will have 31 students
who need to get into the course who are not enrolled in any section currently,
and we will have 41 available seats. So, that's good news.
The not so good news, is that we don't have flexibility (beyond where
you are in the wait
list position) to move students from one section to another.