HandsOn 18 - Bacterial Growth
I. Bacterial Growth Preparation
II. Streaking and Inoculating Plates
III. Growth of Bacteria Under Starvation Conditions
IV. Staining Bacterial Colonies
IV. Staining Bacterial Colonies
If you want to preserve your bacterial colony, you can stain it. Staining the colony kills the bacteria to prevent further growth, and makes the colony easier to look at both with the naked eye and under a microscope.
To prepare 1 liter of staining solution (be sure to follow the exact order of these steps):
2. Add 500 ml methanol.
3. Add 100 ml acetic acid. If acetic acid is not available, vinegar
can be used in its place.
4. Add 1 gram of 0.1% Coomassie Brilliant R stain powder. Mix
thoroughly until the solution becomes a uniform blue.
The ingredients can be scaled proportionally for smaller amounts of staining solution. Use the base proportions of (4:5:1) distilled water:methanol:acetic acid.
The rinse solution can be made by following Steps 1-3 for making the staining solution. Be sure not to add the stain powder to your rinse solution.
2. Pour solution off the nutrient agar. Pour on rinse solution.
Agitate rinse solution for approximately ten seconds. Let the
rinse solution stand on the nutrient agar for approximately 50
more seconds.
3. Pour off the rinse solution. If any rinse solution remains,
you can invert the plate onto a paper towel until it is dry.
Previous: III. Growth of Bacteria Under Starvation Conditions